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Too late ?
(08-04-2023 03:46 PM)Dreamerbro Wrote: [ -> ]Too late ?

thank you for your post because i can explain things

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the pareto principle says that 80 % at least of people ,in fact 90 % , are takers and not givers

in society, not just here on BBHF

in esoteric teachings, the earth is the " grab and run " philosophy because the earth ( animals, herbs, humans ,life whatever) has to receive the solar energy in order to survive and produce things ( fruits , whatever)

on the other side, the sun is the " give and take care " philosophy

the sun gives energy ( light power, warmth ) to the earth all the time, for ever

it gives to everyone ; nice people, bad people , whoever , whatever

the sun is not hurt by he human philosophy: humans take the sun energy without even saying to it " thank you sun, you give me life and energy you are my saviour by definition. "

people do not say that . instead they take the sun energy as something granted, like spoiled brats

so 80 % of people on BBHF are the earth philosophy : grab and run

and 20 % of people on BBHF are the sun philosophy ' give and take care "

so since i am a sun philosopher, i give you that link :

Hey, I haven't posted anything because I don't know how you get the stuff. Don't want to seem like a spoiled bratt.
Can you post the password tothr link you just re-upped.

Thank you, just repped you.

there is no password

just clik on the link and it goes to the website

learn to use this hosting site

thanks so much
thank you so much. Just repped
Your contribution is greatly appreciated.

Unfortunately, there are only 24 hours in a day!

I am grateful to so many here that have shared so much.

Good hearts are hard to find:

Life is simple: breathe in, breathe out (Inhale, exhale)
Thanks bro, i'll need a bigger hard drive soon
thanks for this!
Didn't download but appreciate the share.
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