09-07-2018, 05:03 AM
09-26-2018, 12:44 AM
Follow adventure! )
10-16-2018, 11:36 PM

I was following this thread with great interest but sadly it looks like
this project had come to an end?
(like most of these "follow my progress threads")

10-17-2018, 10:24 AM
Interesting Thread..please go on Tupac! :)
10-21-2018, 07:44 PM
Any update on the journey?
10-26-2018, 05:55 AM
Hi all
Well, you got it, i got lost in my thoughts and action, and ended up doing something else in real life....
As a digital nomad, i need to get the bread in real time, so i was in some challenges and had to do what I started to do before, the santa claus formula... basically sending people a long video explaining what to do to make their business better (just from looking at their site, emails, sm etc), ps: they do not know you, they didn't ask anything....
Videofruit com explain this technic best.
I got a post about the santa somewhere... to lazy to search.
Back to my horses.... well not much, fear got me again and damned! time pass really fast.
Thank you all for the support and patience...
I didn't not had any health issue... thank you all for asking about me.
Wait, maybe I got mental health issues! (being sarcastic here).
Dead and alive in the same time.
After spending weeks trying to learn more about psychological triggers, no sellsy marketing, stoicism and plr made by couching blue, Jimmy d brown and similar, also a lot of reads about pricing (and of course a long break), here i'm again, 4 months late lol.
You know what, better late than never.
I changed the name of the project, why?
Maybe just an excuse to delay.
Maybe because Ihad a conflict in my head about the exact kind of market to target and the plr I should produce.
And after 2 seas of coffee, I came up with something, that I believe, sound more professional.
I'm not talking about the product name, but mainly how to brand myself.
Well, I wrote before that i was thinking to sell at 27, or $37 dollars the FE, even $97... say what!.
Yes, couching blue is selling high end, and it's mainly because the brand... see, they target coaches, so, they do not sell cheap.
Anyway, why all this bla bla bla...
A lot of researches after, i noticed that what i want to do is sold as a high end service, you guessed it, BUILDING FUNNELS, so, it's normal to thing why I'm planing on selling myself cheap, while everybody is doing it seriously (the funnels guys).
I shared my thoughts on very serious fb groups, and from few dozens of suggestion, I decided to rebrand myself.
Jimmy d brown said something like, it takes the same effort to do a $7 ebook and a $97 one, it's all about how you project yourself in the market...
Bla bla bla, to resume, my sexy 1 word domain, xxx.xxxx changed to a 3 word domain xx xxxx xxxx.com
Sound more serious.
Ps: a long time ago i was watching this domain and somehow, i forgot about it,and now, glad it was available when I looked again! surprise!
So the plan is the same, without any timing.
-Of course I having been just dreaming, I touched my FE several times, and it's coming up well.
-Doing the same kind of long funnel (explained before), the only change is targeting the regular plr buyers but also those who look for funnel providers (advisers, consultants etc)... so, going to target Jimmy d brown, couching blue clients.... say what!!!!!
I mean, I'll start on W+ then the long run is to be a high end.
1) As I wrote, branding, contrary of being cheap, selling cheap.
2) Targeting professionals after the regular w+ users.
3) For a small $97 service, I tested getting buyers from fb group admins (as my affiliates), and boom, oh my, why, why, nobody told me that, oh man.
After that, as a test, I contacted few admins of groups i'm in (coaches groups and stuff like that), told them about an idea of a product to help the communities starting with funnels etc, and to my surprise, more than 50% said, why not, let me know when you product is ready to be reviewed.
So, I hope that now, you understand, that all of this new branding is not about pricing only, but it's about new markets i never really considered because they are too professional and too HIGH level of seas I used to swim.
I know, I know, just bla bla bla here.
Maybe, I'm crazy, delusional. dreamer, a talker and not a walker....
Sure, I needed just few month to pick a niche.... say what!!!!
If this is not serious thinking and a lot of excuses for not acting, I do not know what it is lol.
Cheers guys... I'll update soon enough, no promises, but, it's coming... hopefully before the Nibiru cataclysm get us.
Take care.
Ask your questions, I may have time to answer.
Soon on your screen, Tupac resurrection...tralalaaaa

Well, you got it, i got lost in my thoughts and action, and ended up doing something else in real life....
As a digital nomad, i need to get the bread in real time, so i was in some challenges and had to do what I started to do before, the santa claus formula... basically sending people a long video explaining what to do to make their business better (just from looking at their site, emails, sm etc), ps: they do not know you, they didn't ask anything....
Videofruit com explain this technic best.
I got a post about the santa somewhere... to lazy to search.
Back to my horses.... well not much, fear got me again and damned! time pass really fast.
Thank you all for the support and patience...
I didn't not had any health issue... thank you all for asking about me.
Wait, maybe I got mental health issues! (being sarcastic here).
Dead and alive in the same time.
After spending weeks trying to learn more about psychological triggers, no sellsy marketing, stoicism and plr made by couching blue, Jimmy d brown and similar, also a lot of reads about pricing (and of course a long break), here i'm again, 4 months late lol.
You know what, better late than never.
I changed the name of the project, why?
Maybe just an excuse to delay.
Maybe because Ihad a conflict in my head about the exact kind of market to target and the plr I should produce.
And after 2 seas of coffee, I came up with something, that I believe, sound more professional.
I'm not talking about the product name, but mainly how to brand myself.
Well, I wrote before that i was thinking to sell at 27, or $37 dollars the FE, even $97... say what!.
Yes, couching blue is selling high end, and it's mainly because the brand... see, they target coaches, so, they do not sell cheap.
Anyway, why all this bla bla bla...
A lot of researches after, i noticed that what i want to do is sold as a high end service, you guessed it, BUILDING FUNNELS, so, it's normal to thing why I'm planing on selling myself cheap, while everybody is doing it seriously (the funnels guys).
I shared my thoughts on very serious fb groups, and from few dozens of suggestion, I decided to rebrand myself.
Jimmy d brown said something like, it takes the same effort to do a $7 ebook and a $97 one, it's all about how you project yourself in the market...
Bla bla bla, to resume, my sexy 1 word domain, xxx.xxxx changed to a 3 word domain xx xxxx xxxx.com
Sound more serious.
Ps: a long time ago i was watching this domain and somehow, i forgot about it,and now, glad it was available when I looked again! surprise!
So the plan is the same, without any timing.
-Of course I having been just dreaming, I touched my FE several times, and it's coming up well.
-Doing the same kind of long funnel (explained before), the only change is targeting the regular plr buyers but also those who look for funnel providers (advisers, consultants etc)... so, going to target Jimmy d brown, couching blue clients.... say what!!!!!
I mean, I'll start on W+ then the long run is to be a high end.
1) As I wrote, branding, contrary of being cheap, selling cheap.
2) Targeting professionals after the regular w+ users.
3) For a small $97 service, I tested getting buyers from fb group admins (as my affiliates), and boom, oh my, why, why, nobody told me that, oh man.
After that, as a test, I contacted few admins of groups i'm in (coaches groups and stuff like that), told them about an idea of a product to help the communities starting with funnels etc, and to my surprise, more than 50% said, why not, let me know when you product is ready to be reviewed.
So, I hope that now, you understand, that all of this new branding is not about pricing only, but it's about new markets i never really considered because they are too professional and too HIGH level of seas I used to swim.
I know, I know, just bla bla bla here.
Maybe, I'm crazy, delusional. dreamer, a talker and not a walker....
Sure, I needed just few month to pick a niche.... say what!!!!
If this is not serious thinking and a lot of excuses for not acting, I do not know what it is lol.
Cheers guys... I'll update soon enough, no promises, but, it's coming... hopefully before the Nibiru cataclysm get us.
Take care.
Ask your questions, I may have time to answer.
Soon on your screen, Tupac resurrection...tralalaaaa

10-26-2018, 09:09 AM
I'm glad you are still on this journey Tupac.
"Keep your eyes on the gold"
"Keep your eyes on the gold"
11-08-2018, 03:37 PM
subbed :) this is great. keep on truckin'
11-11-2018, 01:59 AM
Looks interesting . Keeping an eye on it .. Good Luck
07-01-2019, 02:15 PM
Hi guys
Thank you for your support and advices...
Just an update... completely forget about this one thread untill I looked for a post to share in another section.. and you guessed it... I halted the project because i got overwhelmed with life and I needed fast incomes fast...
I just got myself to blame, because the nomading minimalistic way of life I choose, doesn't really allow me extra money/time to put on a project... so to resume... I'm in a rat wheel... I need a monthly income to live... that simple.
Still, no excuses for me... I assume this failure...
The project is on hold only... will 100% get back to it after I stabilize my income.
I still believe it's an very lucrative project, because nobody is doing it yet, some did one part, some did another, but none did it the way i plan it... I'm 99% sure about this claim after searching and searching for weeks.
I'll keep you updated whenever i restart it.
Big thanks to two members of this forum who offered help doing the voice and other stuff, they will recognize themselves.... and sorry for not going through and i hope we can do stuff together in the future.
People, Stay positive.
Thank you for your support and advices...
Just an update... completely forget about this one thread untill I looked for a post to share in another section.. and you guessed it... I halted the project because i got overwhelmed with life and I needed fast incomes fast...
I just got myself to blame, because the nomading minimalistic way of life I choose, doesn't really allow me extra money/time to put on a project... so to resume... I'm in a rat wheel... I need a monthly income to live... that simple.
Still, no excuses for me... I assume this failure...
The project is on hold only... will 100% get back to it after I stabilize my income.
I still believe it's an very lucrative project, because nobody is doing it yet, some did one part, some did another, but none did it the way i plan it... I'm 99% sure about this claim after searching and searching for weeks.
I'll keep you updated whenever i restart it.
Big thanks to two members of this forum who offered help doing the voice and other stuff, they will recognize themselves.... and sorry for not going through and i hope we can do stuff together in the future.
People, Stay positive.