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Full Version: [FOLLOW ME] As I build a new BUSINESS from scratch, starting 11 June 2018
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(06-16-2018 11:21 PM)buhari4u Wrote: [ -> ]Great start. Recently I thought to make product launches from PLR's. Your thread motivated me a lot to start. I ll read all the recommended courses and get a working plan for myself and start soon.

Thanks and yes you should do the same.
Posting publicly force us to go on.

(06-17-2018 03:08 AM)agiey7 Wrote: [ -> ]All the best bro.. Keep the momentum and never give up!

The momentum is quiet going even though I'm having the paralysis by analysis at times.

(06-17-2018 04:02 AM)seoguru33 Wrote: [ -> ]thanks for share new ideas

Thank you for following...
following your journey! thanks tupac!
Following with interest - Thanks for sharing your journey Tupac !!!
All the best, following Nice Thread
It is with great interest that I read your thread thank you for sharing it with us. English is for me also a brake, how did you do to learn it and write it with so much fluidity?
I will follow your evolution.
Just found this thread looking forward to your posts all the best !
Nice post. Following
Any new updates? Looking forward to your launch progress.
(06-20-2018 01:06 AM)Zoran2409 Wrote: [ -> ]It is with great interest that I read your thread thank you for sharing it with us. English is for me also a brake, how did you do to learn it and write it with so much fluidity?
I will follow your evolution.

Positive day

French is my second language, the English, Now, I think with it, because I've always preferred to work in the touristic field, and the past years, being a digital nomad in Asia helped a lot, as English is the common language used between travellers and with locals.
I'm also middle-aged man, so let's say 20y of practice.
Ah, I prefer to read and watch in English more than my native language and French.
That helps too.

And I speak another language and half of another, what can I say, being a polyglot, You understand the world better and you can talk with a lot of girls, I mean ladies, hehehe.


The 20th of June 2018 early hours
I got no time for a huge update, and I just want to let you know that.

I'm 100% into structuring my offer:

1) The sales letter: will be like Andre Chaperon ones, he writes few pages not even selling and by the end of reading all, like by magic, we are excited and ready to buy, and guess what he does, he let us just enter an email and wait lol
Obviously, I'm not a copywriter like him, so, I'll mix that with jeff walker's system.
I will not make people wait, but I may make them give me the email before even seeing the sales letter.
The pages are themselves well explained methods to do the famous xxx, I can easily turn them into small pdf product.
I think I'll end up with something amazing.

Well, If i do not get into the complication world.
I feel like I'm trying to overcomplicate for nothing and in the same time, I'm hyped with the idea.

More details soon...

2) The product:
It's taking me more time to do the front page = landing page than I expected.
The landing page will be almost the same as the sales page, that's why I'm on it much.

I already have a scratch of the product.
It will be in two parts, FE and OTO.

And honestly, I'm feeling like the value of what I'm bringing to life is really HIGHER than most the products I've seen around.
I know, I'm too excited, maybe its the adrenaline that makes me say stupid things... well see.

I'm highly convinced that this stuff is Jimmy D brown level.
Sure not In the English level, but, for that, I found someone who can review my copy and product.

If you are wondering how come, I'm building a nuclear weapon with chopsticks?
Know, that the past 4 or 5 years, my hobby became reading and watching mostly MMO products, so, any huge or small product shared here, I've probably read it or seen it, especially those from the big guys.
Hobby? Yes, few years ago, I learned that, we are easily losing 20% of our life with TV and Internet, this fact seriously blow my brain... I was shocked... since then, I have started listening to podcasts, watching just serious yt videos, downloading plenty of products.

To resume:
It's really my hobby to learn new stuff.

Ah, did I say my product will be a HIGH QUALITY LIKE NEVER SEEN BEFORE PLR?
Well, I guess I just did.

To give you a hint: It is something that even the big guys out there can proudly sell as theirs. Yep, it's that big... not in quantity, but quality.

I'm feeling I'm really getting into what I always wanted my first public product to be.

Another big thing, I've found someone to collaborate with me doing videos and other English stuff, this is huge for me, I really feel I got no limits now to birth a bomb.

Again, maybe I'm over complicating it, well see...

The last thing is the pricing:
I started thinking $27, $47 etc, now I'm really thinking $97 minimum for the front end.
I know, I know, crazy! Right!.

The timing:
Well, That's the first product I'll put on w+, so, like expected, I believe I'm still in time, as I gave myself 7 to 10 days, worse 15.
I had to take almost 2 days for personal reasons, so...
Nine, no 7 Days passed and all the stuff is ok, but I need to rework it. Correct it, etc.
Then after, Ill pass on the work to my partner, and he'll help with his knowledge.

When will I sell?
At this rhythm, early days of July, but I do not know yet how long will promoting the pre-launch take, so... well see.

Final words:
The USP is crazy direct to the point.
Each word has been studied and searched well, I even went to my psycho archive to dig the mind convincing and persuading stuff.
Enter, Dr Robert Cialdini and jeff walker psycho explanations.
Remember.I wrote before that I've picked from other's sales page and landing page, now I got the sentence:
WANT XXX TO XXX AND XXX? < 12 words.
If so you need to xxx xxx, Read what follow to learn how to xxx xxx xxx <18 words.
Hint: you can even start xxx today. < 9 words.
Then it goes with 3 pages like Andre Chaperon style.
The fourth page will be the sales letter that resume all.
Actually I'm mixing stuff from Andre Chaperon and Bastian the owner of wildaudience (Batian is too young to be a genius, he's probably an incarnation, that's the only logical explanation lol)
You understand now, why my front page(s) is taking a lot of work!

Cheers and thank you all for the support.
Will be back with extra detailed steps, now, I got Rome to build lol.
I am a lady we may be in the same age range. Adrenaline is a good vector of productivity, so do not let go and continue so for me it's captivating to read you. I have a lot of trouble with my sales pages the tools I use (OP) is hard to handle, at least for me. Good luck Tupac, I wait for the continuation impatiently.
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