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Full Version: [FOLLOW ME] As I build a new BUSINESS from scratch, starting 11 June 2018
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I believe I pm'd you and I'm glad you led me to this post. The thing is, about "ethical-ity", you say you could theoretically launch every 10days.

If so, you wouldn't really be delving into other niches every 10days, right? Overall, you would stay in a main niche and your other ideas would come from this main niche, right?

Its really hard to imagine going into two (or more) completely different markets as an expert based on some research + a PLR product combined. What I'm really trying to say is, won't someone catch on eventually...
(06-27-2018 12:11 AM)hbeezy Wrote: [ -> ]I believe I pm'd you and I'm glad you led me to this post. The thing is, about "ethical-ity", you say you could theoretically launch every 10days.

If so, you wouldn't really be delving into other niches every 10days, right? Overall, you would stay in a main niche and your other ideas would come from this main niche, right?

Its really hard to imagine going into two (or more) completely different markets as an expert based on some research + a PLR product combined. What I'm really trying to say is, won't someone catch on eventually...

Good day
Not a product in each niche, many product in one niche, exactly like plrexperts are doing, they launch one plr every 7 days like clockwork.
I talk about it here:

Obviously not from day 1 for a starter like me and you will take more time, but if we get into production process fast, we get used to it and the 2nd and 3rd.... 23rd product will come out faster.

Hope this helps.

For the update, I'll post soon, been taken by life and totally delayed all, but I'm back, and hopefully I WILL SURVIVE (thinking of the song lol)

Keenly following your journey.

All the best, Nice Thread
thanks for all of the POSTs, it is great you have taken the time to share your thoughts as you proceeded!
Very helpful for me.
Hope your situation is not bad health related, or just short term - wishing you the best.
Thanks for sharing this!...I already grabbed good info from your post....good motivational support...Selling info is a great biz...
Hey tupac. We want to hear from you.
following..... good luck!
Thanks for all your reviews..and right now following your thread
I am wondering what happened with this?
Maybe he's making money or he's really busy... either way we are waiting for a response... hopefully he let's us know what side of the seesaw he is currently on. At the end of the day, we can't stop life so... if he's really busy then it is what it is.
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