Thanks for the share. Max repped!
Thank you for sharing , everything is working as intended , i gave you max reps!

Thanks for comment and rep, my brothers!
Let me know when the new version coming!
(08-08-2018 05:16 PM)dccountrydz Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks for comment and rep, my brothers!
Let me know when the new version coming!
thanks for sharing , i gave you my max reps , can you please provide us the beta version as separate download ? i really want to test the new features they added on beta.
Current beta version is 1.7 and here is a direct link to changelog :
(08-16-2018 04:03 PM)LM-10 Wrote: [ -> ]Here is version 1.7 latest
Thanks and Rep+++ for support, my brother!
Just update to latest 1.7.1, link in the first post!
Thanks for the update dccountrydz! +Reps!
Thanks for the fast 1.7.1 update you are truly an amazing person!!!