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Full Version: [PURCHASED] GeneratePress Premium - SUPER FAST THEME - 1.8.3 LATEST
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(02-03-2019 11:22 PM)mrideroflife Wrote: [ -> ]I can't install the current one. It says the style.css is missing.

This is a very common user error as can be seen from a simple google search:

Or are you trying to install Premium as a theme? Because it's a plugin, not a theme.
GeneratePress is a free theme, GeneratePress Premium is a paid plugin.
tkssmile dccountrydz
Just update to LATEST 24 FEB 2019, 7.7.8!
(02-26-2019 03:33 AM)dccountrydz Wrote: [ -> ]Just update to LATEST 24 FEB 2019, 7.7.8!

1.7.8, not 7.7.8
Thread Title is also...
You are awesome!
Added 1.8 (Alpha 1.0) to the first post!
Thanks for the update OP, but I get the following error on a blank white page when I try to visit Zippyshare:

"403 Forbidden

Update: Realised this is a problem in the UK. Solution: use a proxy :p
(03-24-2019 08:09 AM)sammiefields22 Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks for the update OP, but I get the following error on a blank white page when I try to visit Zippyshare:

"403 Forbidden

Update: Realised this is a problem in the UK. Solution: use a proxy :p

Hi, it comes from your own network, not problem of link.
Do you want another link, what link ok for you? mega?
Thanks for sharing.
(03-25-2019 04:12 PM)tompk242 Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks for sharing.

You welcome my brother!
If want more easy to update, feel free contact me!
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