This is a plugin or theme? Failed to install the theme on wordpress. DO I do wrong?
(12-28-2018 12:27 AM)arvinzx20 Wrote: [ -> ]This is a plugin or theme? Failed to install the theme on wordpress. DO I do wrong?
Uhm, you wrong. Find out why you cannot install it in Themes tab, it's easy.
many thanks and reps for the "theme" update dccountrydz
Woocommerece not included in package :(
(01-27-2019 12:40 AM)RemotWeb Wrote: [ -> ]Woocommerece not included in package :(
You should include it by yourself, because the developer wonder why must include Woocommerce in the package.
(02-03-2019 09:53 PM)DarkFire Wrote: [ -> ]Update to 2.2.2 please.
You can update automatically from your dashboard. GP is free theme!
(02-03-2019 11:17 PM)dccountrydz Wrote: [ -> ] (02-03-2019 09:53 PM)DarkFire Wrote: [ -> ]Update to 2.2.2 please.
You can update automatically from your dashboard. GP is free theme!
I can't install the current one. It says the style.css is missing.