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Full Version: [GET] YOUR OWN Autoresponder With No Subscription Fees
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Be careful with MailX I had it running for a few months then suddenly one day all campaigns (40+) were blank and lost.

So now I am looking for another solution without having to use AW, GR and such... any suggestions?
The links below from the OP still work:
(04-29-2016 09:08 AM)rh619 Wrote: [ -> ]
PHP Code: 
PHP Code: 
But it is more than a little worrisome to see replies like this one:
(04-06-2017 06:09 AM)cyberburro Wrote: [ -> ]Be careful with MailX I had it running for a few months then suddenly one day all campaigns (40+) were blank and lost.
So now I am looking for another solution without having to use AW, GR and such... any suggestions?
Anyone else having similar problems or reviews to share ??
Its not worked anymore
This thread and product seem to be forgotten now...
Did anyone ever get this to work properly ??
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