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thanks for sharing
(05-01-2016 01:46 AM)Telus Wrote: [ -> ]Here is an interesting email I got which makes it sound like a scam the developers set up
to launch the mailx product. It came from Mark Dulisse.
the Scam of MailX

Hey everyone, this is a complete
mo.ney grab for Radu and HanFan.

So, these two shenanigans head on over
to and get a
mail script called MailWhiz,
extended license for $240.

You can get regular license for
MailWhiz for $47 for personal use.

It is a SELFHOST mailer software.

These types of softwares are a dime
a dozen. A ton out there.

Meaning, you upload the mailer
software to your own server. You hook it
into a SMTP like Sendgrid, Mailgun,
Amazon, Mandrill, or even your
own host.


What do Han Fan and Radu do?

They change a little in the
dashboard (not a lot) of MailWhiz,
rename it, and put the software
on THEIR SERVER, where everyone
has to login to, and launch on
jvzoo for $27.

Yep, you heard me right, it
is on THEIR SERVER. What a scam
if I ever heard one.

And if you want Templates (which
comes with MailWhiz), you have to
get their OTO1 for another $47.

You can get it SELF HOSTED (which
is what you want), with
TEMPLATES, with MailWhiz at

What a scam....

So here is the option:

Option 1:
MailX FE is $27
OTO1 is $47 with templates
It is hosted on their server.
You still have to add a SMTP from
sendgrid, or amazon, etc.

Option 2:
MailWhiz complete for $47
With UPDATES and Support from creator

Yours in knowledge,
Mark Dulisse

I don't belive this guy, he criticise everyone , he is doing this shit since 2014 , i hate this guy ....
Guys, am I the only one that is noticing that these big JV launches are just
rebranded versions of products already out there with some minor (or no ) changes.
New name, fancy packaging, add some plr bonuses, viola, big launch.

It works if you want to scum-bag your way to getting products out. Can you really
trust the people who launch these for support? What happens when a major upgrade
or version is needed. Are these guys going to duck for cover and take off leaving a
useless program? Aweber, GR, Mailchimp, etc have you going through a few hoops
and you have to spend some money (except for a basic version of Mailchimp) for them
to have the latest updates, email filtering, spam compliance, in order to get that email

If most or all of the emails go into someones spam folder, do you think it was a "good"
investment to get a work-around for email delivery if it's never going to be seen?
Especially if there is no support to keep up with the latest compliance measures?

As I mentioned in a post above the system is just a re-branded version of MailWhizz which you can pick up with all of the added features from CodeCanyon - (NO, NOT AN AFFILIATE LINK) PLUS - MailEWhizz comes with analytics, bounce management etc which you wouldn't get in MailX unless you upgrade to MailX PRO which is the $60 upsell

This new rebranding scam is part of the di*k-head syndrome.
(05-01-2016 08:36 AM)rh619 Wrote: [ -> ]
(05-01-2016 01:46 AM)Telus Wrote: [ -> ]Here is an interesting email I got which makes it sound like a scam the developers set up
to launch the mailx product. It came from Mark Dulisse.
the Scam of MailX

Hey everyone, this is a complete
mo.ney grab for Radu and HanFan.

So, these two shenanigans head on over
to and get a
mail script called MailWhiz,
extended license for $240.

You can get regular license for
MailWhiz for $47 for personal use.

It is a SELFHOST mailer software.

These types of softwares are a dime
a dozen. A ton out there.

Meaning, you upload the mailer
software to your own server. You hook it
into a SMTP like Sendgrid, Mailgun,
Amazon, Mandrill, or even your
own host.


What do Han Fan and Radu do?

They change a little in the
dashboard (not a lot) of MailWhiz,
rename it, and put the software
on THEIR SERVER, where everyone
has to login to, and launch on
jvzoo for $27.

Yep, you heard me right, it
is on THEIR SERVER. What a scam
if I ever heard one.

And if you want Templates (which
comes with MailWhiz), you have to
get their OTO1 for another $47.

You can get it SELF HOSTED (which
is what you want), with
TEMPLATES, with MailWhiz at

What a scam....

So here is the option:

Option 1:
MailX FE is $27
OTO1 is $47 with templates
It is hosted on their server.
You still have to add a SMTP from
sendgrid, or amazon, etc.

Option 2:
MailWhiz complete for $47
With UPDATES and Support from creator

Yours in knowledge,
Mark Dulisse

I don't belive this guy, he criticise everyone , he is doing this shit since 2014 , i hate this guy ....
Who are you?maybe Mr. Radu ( RH )the seller and scammer ? Stay away from Radu and Han they are scammer , every product launch is always the same trick...not working , no refound , no support ......the content of the mail is about facts.
(05-01-2016 08:36 AM)rh619 Wrote: [ -> ]
(05-01-2016 01:46 AM)Telus Wrote: [ -> ]Here is an interesting email I got which makes it sound like a scam the developers set up
to launch the mailx product. It came from Mark Dulisse.
the Scam of MailX

Hey everyone, this is a complete
mo.ney grab for Radu and HanFan.

So, these two shenanigans head on over
to and get a
mail script called MailWhiz,
extended license for $240.

You can get regular license for
MailWhiz for $47 for personal use.

It is a SELFHOST mailer software.

These types of softwares are a dime
a dozen. A ton out there.

Meaning, you upload the mailer
software to your own server. You hook it
into a SMTP like Sendgrid, Mailgun,
Amazon, Mandrill, or even your
own host.


What do Han Fan and Radu do?

They change a little in the
dashboard (not a lot) of MailWhiz,
rename it, and put the software
on THEIR SERVER, where everyone
has to login to, and launch on
jvzoo for $27.

Yep, you heard me right, it
is on THEIR SERVER. What a scam
if I ever heard one.

And if you want Templates (which
comes with MailWhiz), you have to
get their OTO1 for another $47.

You can get it SELF HOSTED (which
is what you want), with
TEMPLATES, with MailWhiz at

What a scam....

So here is the option:

Option 1:
MailX FE is $27
OTO1 is $47 with templates
It is hosted on their server.
You still have to add a SMTP from
sendgrid, or amazon, etc.

Option 2:
MailWhiz complete for $47
With UPDATES and Support from creator

Yours in knowledge,
Mark Dulisse

I don't belive this guy, he criticise everyone , he is doing this shit since 2014 , i hate this guy ....

There was a second email I got from another marketer who is reasonably
well respected with the same story of them doing a grab and switch.
I've presented my argument and proof.

Even if you don't like Mark Dulisse, how many times do you need to get
kicked in the 'nads before you start seeing for yourself the scamming
that is going on.

[Image: kick-in-the-balls.gif]
As an actual owner of MW, these guys make me laugh. Jamie over on MW forums has his custom version of MW that's customized so much, you can't even tell that it's MW. It's morphed into something better than the standard MW install. Although, I've moved on to far greener pastures with automation based software, for a while, MW was a significant chapter in my email marketing journey.
(05-01-2016 01:20 AM)superkazuya Wrote: [ -> ]
(05-01-2016 12:56 AM)BigDaddy Wrote: [ -> ]Full Rep given to OP.

The learning curve on this isn't too-too bad.
However, after playing with it for a little while, I've noticed one huge issue - something that's missing.
While it's great that you can create optin forms AND create the code to integrate with other software/plugins that have pretty forms and all that, you can't specify a THANK YOU PAGE that the subscriber goes to after they opt in!!
The software adds the person to your list and sends out the emails ok, but without the ability to redirect them to where you want to go after they opt in (so you can acknowledge their opt in AND give them an immediate offer to sell to them or whatever), it kind of takes away from it just a little bit.

Has anyone else noticed that? Or does anyone have a solution for this issue?


You mean this one?

screen shot:

I appreciate your reply, superkazuya, but that picture you're showing is from the MailWizz forum (with an added Extension, I believe)...not this MailX version of that software. Yeah, they should be the same, but in this case, they're not.

And that bottom line redirect part in your picture?
I'm not seeing that...anywhere!
Everything else from that picture is exactly the same - just not the bottom line, redirect part.

Hopefully, this gets updated soon.

I'm confused... nothing new... BUT...

It it Mailx or Mailwhiz that doesn't have the redirect from a Thank You page... or Both??? Undecided

Thanks in advance for your help! Thanks

MailX doesn't seem to have the thank you page redirect...yet.

Mailwiz does, if you add the extension.

Guys Do not Use It Even It Is free,

These things run by Internet Marketer,

They will steal your leads and email data. They have own servers.

When they will stop this service, they will also eat your data.

So better you install script on own server to stay safe.

It is bad game guys...They will steal your lists.

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