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Full Version: [GET] Buzzy v1.3 + Quizzes Plugin + QuizPack
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(11-22-2015 08:30 AM)fire2000 Wrote: [ -> ]
(11-21-2015 10:15 PM)sebinthomas Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks, man. Installed fine, Null works. But when I try to post something, it is not working. It just shows a loading screen with 500 internal server error. I already set 777 permission for public/uploads, and it's subfolders. Don't know what's the problem. Please help, +15 reps added.

it's working good with me tested on

xampp PHP 5.6.12
xampp PHP 5.6.14

The problem was with missing jpeg support in GD. I enabled it and it works like charm now.:) Thanks for the share, reps adedd :)
Comment plugin no work !!!
(12-02-2015 02:29 AM)qge_us Wrote: [ -> ]Comment plugin no work !!!

You must install easy comments on your server.
Already install easy comments
[Image: 4767e8450367664]
[Image: 19e8b7450367926]

Already install easy comments
I hope Fire2000 sensei will upload contact form plugin. :D
(12-03-2015 12:29 AM)Amgaa Wrote: [ -> ]I hope Fire2000 sensei will upload contact form plugin. :D
Fire2000 people?
i hope someone share import addons[/align]
Contact Plugin for Buzzy Is now Available, anyone can share it ? :)
main dl link is dead.
will it be possible to refresh?
thank you.
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