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Full Version: [GET] Buzzy v1.3 + Quizzes Plugin + QuizPack
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(11-21-2015 09:23 PM)Medow Wrote: [ -> ]@fire2000 , thank you very much.

Your effort and help is very much appreciated.

Now only we need the easycomment plugin. I hope some one can share it soon.

Thank you again.

get the easyComment here:
Thank you Rep add

how to install this theme?
Thanks, man. Installed fine, Null works. But when I try to post something, it is not working. It just shows a loading screen with 500 internal server error. I already set 777 permission for public/uploads, and it's subfolders. Don't know what's the problem. Please help, +15 reps added.

hey fire2000, thanks for share this cool item, dude!
rep+ added
thanks you again, you re rockkkkk:))
Thanks advance, but How to Install it...
Thanks Bro, you are amazing :)
thanks, but i got error installing

how to install to subfolder ? edit htacces ?
thanks man +rep added

can anyone tell me what causing this issue.
and this appears
[Image: 01c656cda505bfaf61bb340965f8792a.png]

im stuck in the first step.

i tried previous versions but all same.
You are pure dinamite. Thanks Fire, Reppadded.
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