Hello! i wanted to grab a copy but unable to pay through paypal. is there any other way i could get hold of it. please HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi, sorry, a bit confused. Is this still available for $10? And will we get Video drills PRO version or just the standard one?
(08-17-2015 04:47 AM)kdcx27 Wrote: [ -> ]Hi, sorry, a bit confused. Is this still available for $10? And will we get Video drills PRO version or just the standard one?
I dont know yet coz Im purchasing the WHITE LABEL RIGHTS that can be installed to 200 computers. I dunno if its PRO. But one thins is sure all my BSO MEMBERS will all get VIDEO DRILLS FOR FREE!!!...
IM PORNSTAR can you please help me. i am unable to pay through paypal. any solution please????????
(08-17-2015 02:01 PM)beingkind Wrote: [ -> ]Hi,
IM PORNSTAR can you please help me. i am unable to pay through paypal. any solution please????????
What payment method is available for you to use?