Where do I get offers to list on the site?
You can fetch thousands of offers from other networks and make them yours for your network. Or you can add offers manually.
We support many networks and you can fetch thousands of offers very easily. With just ONE click.
(08-08-2017 03:45 AM)Samdz Wrote: [ -> ]Where do I get offers to list on the site?
Any coupon available for Standalone Version or addons?
Can you add Bitcoin and perfect money as payment method ??
Paypal is the only method for Automatic Payment (via MassPayment) BUT you can add any other payment methods and pay manually your publishers.
It is very easy to add other payment methods (just editing a file)
(09-09-2017 08:22 PM)waqar777 Wrote: [ -> ]Can you add Bitcoin and perfect money as payment method ??