02-10-2015, 01:40 AM
02-10-2015, 01:43 AM
i saw your pm was disabled.
i bet you did a lot of catching up on the sleep in that week
as well as thinking WTF ? !!!!!!
i bet you did a lot of catching up on the sleep in that week
as well as thinking WTF ? !!!!!!

(02-10-2015 01:40 AM)iyuheng Wrote: [ -> ]you might want to read posts 238 and 240
02-10-2015, 03:06 AM
Welcomeback BRZ, I'm glad you are back :)
Been waiting for your return because you are 'awesome' (you know what i mean, haha)
Eventhough we can't continue this GB, let's continue to live and contribute in BBHF :)
Been waiting for your return because you are 'awesome' (you know what i mean, haha)
Eventhough we can't continue this GB, let's continue to live and contribute in BBHF :)
02-10-2015, 12:09 PM
02-10-2015, 01:29 PM
read the previous page
(02-10-2015 12:09 PM)johnkim12 Wrote: [ -> ]COUNT ON ME wtf
02-12-2015, 03:16 PM
For those who want a copy of whatever thing, please check my previous message and just e-mail me :-)
It would be great keeping in touch with everyone here!
There are many things we can do...
I'm waiting for your replies.
It would be great keeping in touch with everyone here!
There are many things we can do...
I'm waiting for your replies.
(02-09-2015 01:28 PM)BRZ Wrote: [ -> ]It sounds like we will not be able to accomplish this MEGA group buy, as it would be out of the scope of the Forum Rules and it is likely that I'll be banned again if I try doing it the way it should be. We would need to accomplish it in a very specific way to satisfy everyone's need and expectation, and since there would be no way to realize the total amount of resources we would need to purchase all the things, there was no way to tell how many slots it would have available. If we run it by collecting $100 from each person, many people here would not be able to afford it, and if we do it collecting $10 from each person, we would never finish it as we would need more than 1.000 people… As a result, the moderation closed the thread, and we cannot do it anymore – Anyway, they are right: rules are rules and it is needed to control scamming and bad activities. As me, I hope you to understand it as well - We don't need to blame anyone... ;-)
However, since I already purchased around $1,200 in stuff with my OWN resources as I told I would do to contribute on this endeavor, I believe it is fair to share it with you that employed your time, trust and beliefs on this group. Thereafter, let me know if you want to get a copy of what I purchased prior to starting the actual group buy threads a week ago.
No, you do NOT need to pay anything for it, and do NOT need to give me anything back… However, it is just for BBHF members, and it is ONLY for those users who participated on this thread. Check the stuff you want on the image below, and e-mail me with a list of what you want. I will reply with the files that you ask me within 5 days since I'm a bit busy. There are around $1,200.00 in stuff on the list:
E-mail me the names of things you want from this list: brz (at) outlook.com.br
Remember to tell me your BBHF user-name on the e-mail, as I will not share all the stuff publicly to everyone. It is just for those who joined this endeavor even if it was interrupted. In anyway, for sure I'll keep contributing to the members of this community since it has been a pleasure.
If you want to be of some help… You can do this:
There is ONE thing you could do for me IF you want to. I would really appreciate it...
I'm starting doing a research about the reality and needs of the people in a manner I could contribute with them within some project scopes. By the fourth quarter of this year, I am planning to start a company to support people endeavors: Their ideas, their projects, their dreams. I will get more than 200 people together, helping each other… Moreover, I will inject around $50,000.00 on it to support the growth of our activities. To do so, it would be really nice if you could help by answering some questions on the spreadsheet you can download here, and consider joining this project as well:
File Password: BRZ
On this spreadsheet, you can tell me if you would like to join such a team. It is free, you don't have to spend anything, and many people will benefit from it including you. Despite it is a project for Q4 of this year, I will start putting the things together within 3 months. Please, download the file, and let me know if you are interested in joining it. Once you download it, kindly answer the questions, and send it to my e-mail in addition to the files list you want as told above:
brz (at) outlook.com.br
Remember to include your BBHF user-name if you want a copy of the files, as I will share it only with those who joined this thread, in retribution to their efforts, trust and belief on this group.
As for the project I mentioned, the one you can download the spreadsheet, everyone can join it! Feel free to e-mail me with your answers...
Again, thank you very much!
02-15-2015, 09:10 PM
I Need HD Wallpaper Android Source Code
Below Is The Sales Website:
If Anyone Has It Please Share Or Wanna Share Privately Just PM Me The Link...
Thank You...
I Need HD Wallpaper Android Source Code
Below Is The Sales Website:
If Anyone Has It Please Share Or Wanna Share Privately Just PM Me The Link...
Thank You...
02-17-2015, 03:52 AM
Since our time, efforts and resources are not crap, and we did a hell of working on this endeavor:
Why not organizing a mass sharing of stuff?
This is what I've got that time we would start the group buy: http://s23.postimg.org/fx1f0ebmi/Purchasing.jpg
The GB thread was suspended once it started as you can see it here: http://bestblackhatforum.com/Thread-%E2%...ts-Join-us
Have a look at some ideas so we can accomplish a mass sharing since we were not allowed to run the group buy...
1.) If you have never purchased a SCRIPT or PLUG-IN, not a problem:
In the event you have never purchased anything and thereafter you have nothing to share, it is not a problem!
In this case, reply the thread with: I've never purchased a SCRIPT or PLUG-IN, but I'm willing to contribute in a way or another.
And lets hear what other members have to say about it, and we'll find a way for sure!
Note however, that it is not a group buy, as we are not allowed to run it here, and I'd probably get banned for trying to open a new thread to run such a group buy. In anyway, since you can do something to help the members of the group, for sure you'll be welcome and you are in! Everyone is pretty welcome, and we can organized whatever thing we may want within some time and with some effort.
2.) Only stuff you actually purchased are allowed.
It means that we can't share anything we didn't purchase ourselves. This way we can void using some shit full of junk as well bad codes injected on it. The stuff we purchased means only the stuff we purchased from the developers, and no other sources. As for those who uses sources from club websites where you pay a monthly amount to download ripped off contents, it is also not allowed, as those guys can easily inject some junk on the files whenever they want, and you would screw up the whole group who download it. Thereafter, only the stuff downloaded DIRECTLY from Envato and other original sources would be allowed.
3.) The more you have to share, more access you'll have.
Please, don't cheat it by telling you purchased what you didn't. Lets keep the stuff plain and honest as it has always been. It means that people would have to provide proof of purchasing prior to uploading anything and getting access to anything as well. For those who never purchased something, we can hear what people has to say, or we can set up some sort of contribution for them. Again, lets hear what people have to say.
4.) Do not alter any sort of contents of what you will upload.
We'll only share the original contents. If for some reason it is needed to change something on the original code, both the original file as well the altered source should be uploaded in a manner we can void something bad to happen. Sometimes we need to remove a tracking code to void having troubles with developers, and due to it it is needed to change some portions of the code to void troubles. Anyway, if by any reason someone inject something bad on a file, consider your self out of this, for the whole ever!
5.) We will maintain a server with restricted access to the stuff in a fair manner.
We will keep the stuff fair for everyone when it comes to access level. The actual rules for how it would work we can talk about it on the thread itself or you can e-mail me some ideas as well if you prefer this way. Additionally, I'm sure there are many smart people here who can help setting up and maintaining a server for this sort of things. I can pay for some months of the server myself since people can do a little help setting up the rest of the stuff. It means that we have some Job Positions to fill! ;-)
6.) Now, please name the SCRIPTS and PLUG-INS you purchased yourself. ;-)
Lets start organizing the mess. Please, name the Scripts and Plug-ins you purchased yourself so we can start planning what exactly to do.
Just reply this thread with the name of the things you purchased as well its pricing and URL following the example bellow.
- 1) $31 --- Freelancer Office
- 2) $28 --- UserPro, User Profiles with Social Login
- 3) $38 --- Bookly – Responsive WordPress Appointment Booking and Scheduling Plugin
Remember to include your BBHF user-name on the e-mail please.
brz (at) outlook.com.br
To void troubles, I'm not allowed to PM anyone here.
Thereafter, I had my PM disabled.
Please, e-mail me for any concerns instead...
I'm a bit tired of getting banned, and hope you understand it. :-)
The goal of this thing:
The goal is just the same as it was, and as it will always be: Helping people to get a start in their living by giving them access to the tools they would need to accomplish whatever thing they need, by doing it in a fair manner to every members of this group. Note however, that it is NOT a group buy as we are not allowed to do it here due to the rules of the forum. Additionally the goal is not reselling anything and it is NOT welcome at all if you are planning to do it. And again and again: Fair and Honest people are welcome as always.
For any concerns my e-mail is this:
Remember to include your BBHF user-name on the e-mail please.
brz (at) outlook.com.br
02-22-2015, 06:59 PM
I've seen many requests all over for this, I'm looking for it too
02-23-2015, 03:51 PM
Count on me :)