Hi! thank u for message. does this group buy x file share 2.2 too?
Don't worry about what to buy. Everyone will be able to list what they want as well. ;-)
Dude, we are going to try purchasing all the things that people wants. Including you!
And keep it up to date to the best efforts.
To all of you guys: Thanks!
Your efforts are appreciated.
We are going to start this group buy tomorrow!
Hurry up, and join you as well...
We can get a lot more together.
Dear, Thanks and consider me in.. let me know when it is ready... I am not going to ask any plugin/theme.. I know many of you know better than me so I will go with you guys..
But only thing that stopping me is the budget.. but I am sure, I will overcome this too :)
Stuff here shall be affordable to the needs ;-)
Tomorrow I'll publish the threads with details as well what we should do to keep everything organized.
Not a thing to worry, mate.
All we have to do is keep joining!
Remember to join the THEMES one as well if you guys also have interest in themes!
You can join the THEMES thread here:
count me in. I'll donate 5 to 10 usd if there's a group buy related to wp job manager.