well i can also join and provide funds but to a limited scale. surely i am in .
but before that keep experts who can crack things ready too. if things can be cracked only then our investment will be of some usage .
http://www.buysellcode.com/ Traffic Exchange script with Convert Minutes and Payment Wall addon , i'll buy the main script , if you guys can buy the plugins
Right now these are the numbers:
49 To join
Themes GB
75 To join
Plug-ins and Scripts GB
39 To join both Groups
163 People has confirmed they will join us!
This thread was created 9 days ago ;-) and
we will start it TOMORROW (01/30)!
Hurry up, make an effort,
invite your friend and JOIN US!
Hi there !
I'm looking for this plugin :1. Directory and Business Finder Extension Plugin
2.Directions Plugin for Directory WP Themes
If someone can get it, it would be very nice !
Hi dude, thanks for your interest. Sure we can put on the list.
Actually, we can include whatever thing everyone wants!
Note, however, that this will be a group buy, where everyone who is going to participate shall contribute financially in a manner we reach the goals and purchase the plugins and scripts together. Thereafter, it is not free of any cost. To accomplish it, all the +160 guys here have the understanding that it works this way. Otherwise, it would be impossible to purchase a single thing.
I myself for example, I promised I'd contribute on $1,000.00 for this. It has been done. Actually, I inject more than $1,100.00 on it. However, it doesn't mean everyone should contribute with high amount of money, as I'm sure many people can't afford doing it. In anyway it is possible contributing with lower amounts starting at $10 or $15 to benefit of many things. It means this group buy will be affordable and fair, according to each one's need - What is: You'll get the things according to the needs, at a very affordable contribution.
As I'm not sure if you read the main post, I'm writing these few lines so you can understand what a group buy means. ;-)
Tomorrow when I wake I'll publish the actual Group Buy threads, and let all you guys know it, as well all the details for it.
I've been working a lot in my job, in a few projects I use to help, as well devoting some time for this community!
I'll keep doing my best, and hope you all to enjoy it!
Lets keep it up!
Keep joining us!