(01-02-2015 09:04 PM)Snobs Wrote: [ -> ]Said it before and will say it again, NonConformer I freaking love you. Your effect on my life so far has been stronger than that of any other god.
This is what action is all about. Thanks for the kind words.
I gotta pick apart your message because there's some important points for the guys reading this.
Glad you are having a taste of success. It only gets better if you don't slack off and let it go to your head.
(01-02-2015 09:04 PM)Snobs Wrote: [ -> ]Back in late 2013 when I just quit my last 8am to 6pm job, I had an idea of what I wanted to make of my life, only I had no clue how way out of my depth reality was. Having a supportive family really helped but when the bucks wasn't trickling in, folks began to worry.
The most important part of your statement here is this: "I just quit my
LAST 8am to 6pm job"
That commitment is the kind of mindset needed to become successful. You also just proved this point by where you are right now.
You resolved to do it and took action and did it. *Bam* Success.
I can definitely relate to this family support except on the complete opposite side of the spectrum. Many many moons ago when I was getting started online, I was in an extremely toxic relationship. Dealing with 100% UN-supportive people, constant bashing, belittling and all that happy horseshit. It does a number on your mindset, your stress levels and will kill your motivation.
If any of you are dealing with UN-supportive people, you must remove yourself from these kinds of situations. It sucks when it's your loved ones doing the most damage and you are kidding yourself if you think it will magically improve. If you work from home and are surrounded by constant negative energy, figure out a way to work somewhere else. Seriously. This crap will screw your whole world up and ruin your energy and mindset.
(01-02-2015 09:04 PM)Snobs Wrote: [ -> ]Then I found this incredible community, bookmarked and was about to move on to the next one when NonConformer came on board and his shares and advice really struck a cord with me. Aside being an eye opener, they opened up a ton of possibilities.
Thanks to NC and a ton of other great guys here, I've being able to set up my very own digital marketing agency. While it may not seem like much at the moment, when you consider the fact I've had an incredibly talented guy quit his other job to be a part of my outfit, it really put things in perspective.
Plus, the reviews and recommendations I've gotten from my clients so far have been nothing short of mind-boggling. And, I'm only getting better. If I were to rate my services, it would be about 4/10 but that's not what everyone else thinks. They place me on a pedestal only few can achieve.
Now pay attention here.
I've said this many times already. When you are involved in marketing and business online, it's easy to assume the simplistic things to you are simple to everyone else.
This is 100% not true.
I don't talk much about my personal businesses for obvious reasons, but I'll say that one of my most profitable is marketing to brick and mortar business. Or local marketing if you prefer. Well, let's just call it what it is. Marketing and Business to Business Services. Local marketing is a guru term. You can market to any business from anywhere in the world now so in reality, everything is local.
Here's the thing with all of this.
What you toss around as simple is often technologically amazing to these business owners. Take wordpress for example. Most of these people don't even know what the hell wordpress is, have never seen an ftp program, don't know what cpanel is and on and on.
Autorespnder? Nope, don't have a clue.
Marketing funnel? Is this some kind of bakery device?
Got the point?
The shit you take for granted and know like the back of your hand is EXTREMELY valuable to businesses and they will pay you handsomely for it. Yes, even for the most stupid simple shit like clicking an install button for wordpress.
So why aren't so many people making more money with these services?
FEAR and lack of action.
Afraid to go out and get the money. Afraid that what they know is too simplistic. Afraid to talk to a business owner. Lack of confidence etc.
I am telling you, if you know some average marketing and technical info about running websites, social media, email management etc. you are a god to brick and mortar businesses. And more often than not, the services you provide are residual. <--- $$$
(01-02-2015 09:04 PM)Snobs Wrote: [ -> ]My point? Always believe you can be better. No matter how successful you feel you are at the moment, strive to be even better. Be your greatest critique. I've always had that quality buried deep inside of me but this community gets the credit for adding fire to the spark.
When NonConformer speaks, please, listen and most important, do as he says. If it could set me on the path of making my fantasies into reality, it can very well do the same for you.
Absolutely, always be moving forward and adding value to the lives of people you come in contact with. Well, except for the jackasses that want to always cut you down, stay away from those asshats.
You will gain haters. Especially if you are popular in local areas. If you don't, you are not living up to your potential. Hell, I have a lot of people on here that can't stand me. lol F.uck 'em! They don't mean shit to me and these kinds of people shouldn't mean shit to you either. It means you are doing something right.
So keep focused and keep taking action to move forward. Keep building off your success. If you are smart you will create a snowball effect and keep growing and building up more profits.