sometimes the best service to receive is a (virtual) kick in the proverbial baxxs.
wakes you up in no-time from current procrastination and old habits.
definitely works for me.
best half-year of your life coming up !!
Okay folks it's now July and to help make sure the sentiment and motivation behind the reason for this great post continues I want to ask you how far you've gone in your own personal journey to make 2015 YOUR Year?
What have your results been?
Do you believe 2015 is going to be YOUR year of success and breakthrough?
If it's not looking like it what do you have to do NOW to get back on track?
I concur with the updates. - Now is the time to re-evaluate what you've been doing and the results you've been getting or not getting.
Btw, if you've been into internet business for more than ten minutes, you'll know that there's always a summer slow down (to a point and to certain niches) and that fall and winter are absolute gold mines online. So the real gold for 2015 hasn't even been mined yet.
So with that said, now is the time to be thinking about all that cash that will be waiting for you this winter and how you can position yourself to make sure you grab as much of it as you can.
Start planing and positioning, ladies and gentlemen- because there's opportunity everywhere you look online... and off.
Thanks NC!thanks
It's been an uphill battle... however in the past 30 days the fog has cleared and I can see the path for my future. Excellent thread and comments from everyone!
WARNING! This product may cause Informational Consumption Dysfunction. Common symptoms of this disorder are: Scattered thoughts, lost revenue, missing time, constipation, irritability, feeling helpless and/or overwhelmed, loss of appetite, vomiting, intense profanity, anger outbursts and sleeplessness followed quicky by loss of dreams and severe brainfog.
And now is the time you shoud be focused on ramping up your business and capatilizing on the rush of traffic that winter brings.
The next 7 or so months will be fillied with opportunity online. Actually, every day is filled with opportunity, but winter is king for traffic and $$$.
Thank you NonConformer for this still really relevant wake up call! I have been a member since 2011 and still don't make a living online. I have tried and failed several times, but I refuse to give up. My next project is going to be a winner!
Since the Eric Thomas video from the main post has been removed by youtube, I m reposting it since it's truley words of wisdom.
(11-17-2015 09:06 PM)knutase Wrote: [ -> ]Thank you NonConformer for this still really relevant wake up call! I have been a member since 2011 and still don't make a living online. I have tried and failed several times, but I refuse to give up. My next project is going to be a winner!
This will be permanently relevant. ;)
Mate, failure isn't a negative at all. Failure is simply a learning experience.
General society and culture have built up this idiotic endless drama around people's failures and they love to broadcast it, shine spotlights on it and shun people, label them etc. (hell just watch mainstream television for 30 minutes and you'll see this fact everywhere) That's why there's all this "fear of failure," which is like a plague affecting the population. It hold so many people back. It's probably the number one thing that holds people back and most of these fears are imaginary and based on a "fearful" societies conditioning.
I look at life is a series of experiments and failure is a large part of that. It's how we grow and learn. And with that said - I say, cherish the failures right along with the wins. It all helps you keep moving forward and growing.
Never be afraid to fail.
I've lost count of how many things I've failed at. It's part of the game of life.