12-19-2014, 08:11 PM
The Fastest and Easiest Way to
Start Selling Physical Items on Amazon.com
(Without Touching Any of the Inventory Yourself)
Once you've completed your "Dropship CEO" training, you'll easily
know how to generate money out of thin air with Amazon anytime you
We're going to set up our own Amazon products right along with you...
Module 1:
Set Up Account and Find Products - $697 Value
The first thing you do as a Dropship CEO is get a handle on listing physical goods on Amazon...
going to be shocked and amazed at how quick and simple this is... type a
couple of things into a computer, stick it in a box, and mail it off to Amazon!
your "item" off to Amazon (like a book, collectible, electronic item,
etc.) your task is done! They will store it for you and handle shipping, customer support, everything...
Module 2:
Ship and Source Your Products - $697 Value
By now you've got one or maybe even a handful of items listed on
Amazon... which could mean quick money for you, but I don't have to tell
you that it's no way to get rich... so... I want you to follow the
exact technique that the HIGHEST AMAZON EARNERS use to set up a new
stream of income from scratch...
supplier for one of these items (we show you how and what to avoid), and
they will literally mail your items directly to Amazon for you, so
Amazon can now sell these items for you
These are huge profit margins and because the actual "work" is done
by your supplier and by Amazon, all you have to do is give the commands.
Module 3:
Scale Your Operation - $697 Value
Once you have a winning system, now you can apply a few of our
special techniques to increase your profit margins, make money faster,
and even remove yourself from the equation:
about affiliate programs, eBay, or any other service for selling
physical goods...
Modulee 4:
Advanced Monetization - $697 Value
At this point, you might be wondering, "If this is so easy, why isn't everyone doing it?"
we're going to show you how to navigate the world of Amazon selling to
promote and scale your physical products and beat any other seller that
comes along!
NEW - NEW = COPY DOWNLOAD: https://copy.com/m7VBGFOaLF6q8yZC
Start Selling Physical Items on Amazon.com
(Without Touching Any of the Inventory Yourself)
Once you've completed your "Dropship CEO" training, you'll easily
know how to generate money out of thin air with Amazon anytime you
We're going to set up our own Amazon products right along with you...
Module 1:
Set Up Account and Find Products - $697 Value
The first thing you do as a Dropship CEO is get a handle on listing physical goods on Amazon...
Quote:The Secret About Amazon.comOnce you see how we do this, you're
That Almost No One Knows About...
You wouldn't believe how many people get STUCK with Amazon's signup
process... or they get too carried away and try to sell 10, 20, or 100
products right out of the gate. Or they'll "gamble" $1,000 to $10,000
without any kind of research or strategy... NOT GOOD!
Instead, we're going to get you to list things you already have access to, and here's the good part... YOU can sell just about any product that's already listed on Amazon!
going to be shocked and amazed at how quick and simple this is... type a
couple of things into a computer, stick it in a box, and mail it off to Amazon!
- Why you'll be able to sell 7 types of items you already have around the house starting today (and profit from them)
- The "scanning" technique the most successful Amazon sellers use to make money fast without having to go through a supplier
- The secrets of "thrifting" finally revealed to get local items cheap and sell them for large amounts
- Which price points (and profit margins) simply won't sell no matter what you do
your "item" off to Amazon (like a book, collectible, electronic item,
etc.) your task is done! They will store it for you and handle shipping, customer support, everything...
Module 2:
Ship and Source Your Products - $697 Value
By now you've got one or maybe even a handful of items listed on
Amazon... which could mean quick money for you, but I don't have to tell
you that it's no way to get rich... so... I want you to follow the
exact technique that the HIGHEST AMAZON EARNERS use to set up a new
stream of income from scratch...
Quote:Have You Heard of the TermThat's where you come in... find a
"Made in China"?
Maybe you paid $800 for a smartphone from the store... we both know China put that together for $200 or even less...
Think about items you might use every day:
These overseas suppliers are NOT in the business of selling to the
- aviator sunglasses (get these for $2.90 and sell on Amazon for $35)
- 10-piece stainless steel cookware and utensil set (get these for $8.50 and sell on Amazon for $109)
- water bottles (get these for $1 and sell on Amazon for $12.95)
- LED flashlight (get these for $1 and sell on Amazon for $9.96)
end consumer, they are NOT in the business of listing their items on
Amazon or in retail stores like Walmart... all they care about is
creating these items and selling a bunch of them!
supplier for one of these items (we show you how and what to avoid), and
they will literally mail your items directly to Amazon for you, so
Amazon can now sell these items for you
These are huge profit margins and because the actual "work" is done
by your supplier and by Amazon, all you have to do is give the commands.
Module 3:
Scale Your Operation - $697 Value
Once you have a winning system, now you can apply a few of our
special techniques to increase your profit margins, make money faster,
and even remove yourself from the equation:
- How to undercut your competition on Amazon and STILL make more money doing it
- Easily double or triple any of your Amazon listings with just a few simple keyword and description techniques
- Secrets to "win the buy box" (this enables Amazon's 1-click button on your page, and many people miss this or can't figure it out)
- Why the phrasing and headlines you use in your
Amazon listing can mean a profitable or unprofitable Amazon business
(most sellers don't give a second thought to the words they use) -- this
part alone is worth the entire cost of the course
about affiliate programs, eBay, or any other service for selling
physical goods...
Modulee 4:
Advanced Monetization - $697 Value
At this point, you might be wondering, "If this is so easy, why isn't everyone doing it?"
Quote:Cultivating That Amazon Listing:In the final module of Dropship CEO,
Easy and Profitable (But Most Marketers Miss This)
Many marketers HAVE tried in the past and failed for a number of reasons. One big reason is that they didn't have "OUR" Dropship CEO system to easily get them from point A to point B...
we're going to show you how to navigate the world of Amazon selling to
promote and scale your physical products and beat any other seller that
comes along!
- Why you need to (ethically) build up your product reviews and how you too can do this with less than 3 minutes per week
- Why you should never ignore bad reviews! And how to bury them (while staying within Amazon's guidelines)
- Customer follow-up strategies and tactics (hint: do this in a very specific way to avoid breaking Amazon's rules) to guarantee repeat sales over and over again
- How to easily repeat this over and over again anytime you want some extra spending money
NEW - NEW = COPY DOWNLOAD: https://copy.com/m7VBGFOaLF6q8yZC