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Full Version: [GET] HOT! DROPSHIP CEO $247 COPY DL
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Thank you for the share, rep added to both contributor...
Yeah! Thanks NC, going to use the BBHF Zippy Torrent method to get this!
REP added to all who started and contributed to this share! Cool

(12-20-2014 07:20 AM)NonConformer Wrote: [ -> ]Torrent mirror added:
BestBlackHatForum Link:

Thank you for the share, ThaiJack Reps+++
thanks rep added!
A BIG THANKS for all the comments and reps left in this thread! I really appreciate it! This is actually a GREAT course to make some bucks with!

nice share, but where is this dropshipping? Dropshipping means you do not need to invest any own money. You get the order from your buyer with his payment, you send the cut for the supplier to him and keep the rest for fees and profit.
This course is about using amazon fba, which alone without selling anything is $40 just for being able to use it.
Then, your supplier has to send the product to Amazon, and not 1 for one, but in bulk. And I think you won't find a supplier who is willing to send inventory to amazon in advance and bill you later.
So you have to pay for all the items in advance, which is plein WHOLESALE and NOT dropshipping .....
Hi please reupload.

The link is not working anymore
Many Thanks to Thai Jack for an awesome share

DDR3BOY thanks for download links
(02-11-2015 04:05 PM)mariogomez Wrote: [ -> ]Hi please reupload.

The link is not working anymore

DDR3BOY have provided the mirror
Mirror link not working.

Please anyone reupload using
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