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Great share Thai +rep
DDR3BOY your apology is accepted. I get "serious" if anyone says I stole from another member of this great forum. But we move on. You are good at helping people and I am trying.

Everyone who wrote a "thank you" and repped me is appreciated. But there are still too many immature leechers in here who never do either.
hope there's mirror. thank a lot
kunkun why do you need a mirror? Just download the copy file to your computer
Appreciate the share sir! +rep
will mirror if needed
I repped both of you.....thanks to you both for taking the time to put this share up.
(12-20-2014 12:19 PM)ThaiJack Wrote: [ -> ]DDR3BOY your apology is accepted. I get "serious" if anyone says I stole from another member of this great forum. But we move on. You are good at helping people and I am trying.

Everyone who wrote a "thank you" and repped me is appreciated. But there are still too many immature leechers in here who never do either.

I know what you mean. I've been called a thief in the past....s#itty feeling, especially when you know u were right!
(12-20-2014 02:59 AM)DDR3boy Wrote: [ -> ]

I do not appreciate you stating that I took the links from your post!! I did NOT do that. I was working on this hours before you posted. I got it from another paid BH site.

I'd say you assumed way too much before getting proof. The [Reported by Members as premium hosting that SUCK! Use MEDIAFIRE :) !!!] links were taken directly from the site where I got it. I just dropped those, because the 2 zips just finished uploading to my Copy account. It took hours, because I have a very slow connection today here in Thailand.

You owe me a public apology!
Sorry Thaijack i don't mean that .
I just noticed this mistake after reading Your PM .
Smile It's my Misspell Bro . Smile
Why SO Serious Bro for this kind of little mistake?
Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile
We all are try to help each others .
I Already solve this Misspell word .
Now I think you are Happy ?
Again Thanks For Your Awesome Share and Hard Work .

:::::: 8cool 8cool 8cool DDR3boy 8cool 8cool 8cool ::::::
Love your reply!
Great share, my friend!

Repped to the MAX!
thanks OP repped+++
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