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(12-05-2014 04:04 AM)Quasar Wrote: [ -> ]
(12-04-2014 10:19 PM)izonshock_king Wrote: [ -> ]
(12-04-2014 03:48 PM)Quasar Wrote: [ -> ]
Wow! It's impressive that you can quote all those messages all over again and look even more like a boob! Have you been writing and speaking that Pig-English long >>>[[[Please show some RESPECT on each other. No badwords please!]]]<<<? If you are going to delude yourself into thinking you are somebody here, you need to be able to write and communicate better than a first grader!

Like I have told your other fellow members of the Mo.ron's Club, I make money while you and your buddies are doing your circle-jerk. While you haven't made two dimes to rub together, I have all the time AND money I need to deal with idiots like you.

You can only dream about having the life I have.

I love to see liars and thieves trying to defend themselves. They can't find any way to do it so they squeal and cry like the little bitches they are.

Take your Whiney Bi.tch award and go back to BHW. Convey your delusion to the other mental midgets there that you're trying to be somebody here.

Many of us make money here unlike the thieves and bandits at BHW where I know you are a star member.

Enjoy your short stay here >>>[[[Please show some RESPECT on each other. No badwords please!]]]<<<! I will bust your ass from this moment forward and there is no place for you to hide!

Have fun for as short a time as it will last!

It is nowhere near time to say good-bye sweetie - I am going to take your as.s down!
Brother I think you need this _|_ so take it dont feel regret LOL

My Last Comment on thread dont have much time to waste

P.s I dont even read your COMMENT
(12-06-2014 07:59 AM)izonshock_king Wrote: [ -> ]
(12-05-2014 04:04 AM)Quasar Wrote: [ -> ]It is nowhere near time to say good-bye sweetie - I am going to take your as.s down!
Brother I think you need this _|_ so take it dont feel regret LOL

My Last Comment on thread dont have much time to waste

P.s I dont even read your COMMENT
It okay Bozo - I know you can't read anyway. Just breathing is probably a huge thing for you to accomplish when you have a sub-80 IQ.

Go post more of your stolen stuff and write more of your Pig-English elsewhere in the forum so we can get you out of here as soon as possible. Biggrin

(12-06-2014 03:22 AM)1163 Wrote: [ -> ]I'm running 5 different niches, bid all 0.07 for U.S and so far no conversion yet!
I was hoping someone would actually share the OTO, but looks like i think give it a PASS.

Looks like not going to waste time and money on this traffic source.
I have tested several campaigns with Adpad. I just can't get any traffic. I have some bids at $0.17 and still nothing. I have tested around 3000 keywords.
(12-08-2014 12:36 AM)bravo75 Wrote: [ -> ]I have tested several campaigns with Adpad. I just can't get any traffic. I have some bids at $0.17 and still nothing. I have tested around 3000 keywords.

You means it's a fake traffic! Thank you I didn't hear about this network before but how he get this profits?
Yet another bs wso I guess, guys. My thanks to forum members who tried adpad and shared the results. Thank you
(12-08-2014 07:07 PM)brave knight Wrote: [ -> ]
(12-08-2014 12:36 AM)bravo75 Wrote: [ -> ]I have tested several campaigns with Adpad. I just can't get any traffic. I have some bids at $0.17 and still nothing. I have tested around 3000 keywords.

You means it's a fake traffic! Thank you I didn't hear about this network before but how he get this profits?
No, I don't mean it's fake traffic. It's just expensive. I am not willing to pay $0.50 PPC for aggregate traffic. On the plus side, the support is quite good. My account manager said she would even set up some Pay per call for me. I also like the interface. I imagine, you could get some decent ROI with this network, if you are willing to pay.

(12-09-2014 04:51 AM)ebenezer2013 Wrote: [ -> ]Yet another bs wso I guess, guys. My thanks to forum members who tried adpad and shared the results. Thank you
Yes, the WSO is horseshit. However, it introduced me to a potentially new traffic source. That in itself was worth the download. Even thought the ad network in question is somewhat in doubt.
Bravo would you share what kinda traffic source that u found potential? Repped u
(12-10-2014 06:12 AM)ebenezer2013 Wrote: [ -> ]Bravo would you share what kinda traffic source that u found potential? Repped u
I have tried just about every traffic source out there. My favorite is Leadbolt for mobile.
haha i just ran across this old thread. interesting to see quasar up to his old bullying tactics again. the guy who till use large font just because he likes to see his words on a billboard somewhere and force people to notice him....almost like he believes he doesn't get enough attention. then he throws some of his favorite colors in his posts to make it look pretty and attractive on the surface. nobody should sweat this guy. he should be ashamed of himself bullying people the way he does.....and the older he is, the more she should be ashamed and embarrassed for himself. since he has no class, i doubt he feels either.....which is kinda sad to see. i will be embarrassed and ashamed for him though and i am sure many other people are as well.

the only thing he has going for him is that he is very truthful in the points he is wanting to get across. i as well get tired of the bullshit that goes on around here. 90% of this place are leachers and rep whores and it gets really OLD. i see the same shit happen in vip, but at least i know full well those vip members donated in some way, shape or form.....which doesn't really excuse the fact but the respect givin to vip members should be a little higher. quasar is vip and so for anyone who is so quick to judge him wishing they would all give him negative reps because he's a bully and a d**** sometimes should rethink and know his contributions to the forum because you will be just as ignorant as quasar is when he decides to bully people. at least he has contributed with reviews and shares(his reviews are actually a good read) and tries to nip shit in the bud where the moderation team isn't the fastest to react on this forum
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