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Anyone get CPA Income Boss oto ?

Hey dude!

Read the rules regarding duplicate posts!

This is NOT how you post updated links! This is nothing but a duplicate - and you did it knowing it had already been posted.

You DID NOT share this product originally. If the links were wrong, you should have posted correct links in the original thread!

This is not the way to squeeze reps for a share you did not buy or get yourself!

All you did was hijack another member's share and thread!

I would give you negative reps if I could!

35 reps and 63 total posts since 2012?! You're nothing but a f*cking leecher too!

DO NOT do this again NOOB!

(12-04-2014 01:26 AM)dazekid Wrote: [ -> ]Hey Saqqa would I be asking too much if I said you should review this? I have no time to actually read anything right now.

Hey NOOB >>>[[[Please show some RESPECT on each other. No badwords please!]]]<<<!

Do you want a blowjob with this too?! This is one of the most pitiful posts I have read here lately! (Yes, as busy as I am, I take the time to read!)

You want a review from the sharer or another member so you can get somebody's idea about whether you should expend the enormous effort to break down and READ something you are leeching here for free?!

Are you f*cking kidding me?!

Here's the deal >>>[[[Please show some RESPECT on each other. No badwords please!]]]<<<:

1. It's great s/he shared and I appreciate it.
2. S/he has no need to f*cking review it for you so you can engage that jelly bean-sized mind of yours to expend the effort to read it yourself!
3. Reviews and shares are voluntary - neither is EXPECTED!

Why don't you save everyone some time and just get the f*ck outta here now NOOB?!!

You are as pitiful as it is possible for any useless mo.ron to be! Thank and rep the OP for something you got free!

Repped both the OP AND No Good + 5 for his help - THANKS!
(12-04-2014 02:26 AM)Quasar Wrote: [ -> ]Hey dude!

Read the rules regarding duplicate posts!

This is NOT how you post updated links! This is nothing but a duplicate - and you did it knowing it had already been posted.

You DID NOT share this product originally. If the links were wrong, you should have posted correct links in the original thread!

This is not the way to squeeze reps for a share you did not buy or get yourself!

All you did was hijack another member's share and thread!

I would give you negative reps if I could!

35 reps and 63 total posts since 2012?! You're nothing but a f*cking leecher too!

DO NOT do this again NOOB!

Thanks Quasar... you beat me to it. +5 rep added. I'm so sick of seeing duplicate posts because people are too lazy to do a correct search or want to leach off someone's original post (and don't even change the links) to pad their rep. People ALWAYS do a search before you start a thread. In case you don't know...this is how this product should've been the search bar put "CPA Income Boss"...ALWAYS put quotes around the product. If you do this you will never miss a post that was already shared...that way you don't do duplicate posts and piss off other members. This is especially bad in the request section where people usually fail to check if a thread has been then there ends up being 4 or 5 of the same requests threads...usually right next to each other on the request page because then people bump all the threads...this results in a cluster F*** of clutter. This madness has to stop. Quasar maybe we can have a button to push...we can call it the Quasar...and it will have your post from above already loaded so we can flame some of the idiots that keep doing this! Angry
Quasar, download link from OP is redirecting to the salespage, not the actual download link! I think he is just another a$$hole just want to cheat some REPS!
(12-04-2014 04:08 AM)lovebear Wrote: [ -> ]Quasar, download link from OP is redirecting to the salespage, not the actual download link! I think he is just another a$$hole just want to cheat some REPS!

Thanks for the heads up Lovebear! Repped you +5 too!

Contrary to what many believe, I try not to be an as.shole (all the time). I try not to bash threads like this. I am giving the OPs some room because shit happens when you try to do good stuff. It may be a legit effort that was just poorly executed.

I like reps too - but not for the reasons people think. I don't need or want them for the sake of recognition or thinking I am some kind of "Big Dog" here.

I just like for people to say thanks for stuff I almost always buy and pay for out of my pocket. This crap is often not free or easily accessible. Someone usually has to buy it, package and rar the files, upload them, etc. It takes time and that is the most precious thing we all have.

Anyway, s/he seems like a very green noob since the links are not posted correctly either. I think it is an honest mistake and lots of new people make the same one.

For now, I am trying to give them the benefit of the doubt and that it was a real attempt to offer a legitimate share. Thankfully, I gave reps to No Good for a working link.

My comment was more about a flaky member having the time to leech stuff, but too lazy to read what they got free. It is an increasing trend where a few people are so inept - so lazy - and so stupid - even free isn't good enough for them.

They even need someone to do the reading and understanding for them. That is the peak of ignorance and arrogance.

People like this make me wonder how they find the energy to get out of bed every day.

It is also the surest, fastest path to never getting anywhere or making one cent online. You don't belong here (or anywhere) if you aren't willing to put your to at least a little work to earn.

I will try to keep an eye out and see if the OP makes it right with an acceptable link. But even experienced members can (honestly) screw a share up.

It's happened to me and everybody else that shares stuff here. We'll see about this one.

Thanks nogood for providing a working link. Reps added.
+5 Reps - Thank you very much izonshock_king for this awesome share!
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