12-04-2014, 09:29 AM
12-04-2014, 09:33 AM
Thanks for this share - +5 reps added
12-04-2014, 09:41 AM
(12-04-2014 02:26 AM)Quasar Wrote: [ -> ]Hey dude!Hey Mate,
Read the rules regarding duplicate posts!
This is NOT how you post updated links! This is nothing but a duplicate - and you did it knowing it had already been posted.
You DID NOT share this product originally. If the links were wrong, you should have posted correct links in the original thread!
This is not the way to squeeze reps for a share you did not buy or get yourself!
All you did was hijack another member's share and thread!
I would give you negative reps if I could!
35 reps and 63 total posts since 2012?! You're nothing but a f*cking leecher too!
DO NOT do this again NOOB!
First I apologize for this. But many people done this So I also done that simple is that. . Thats why I posted the name of the member who made mirrors and also given the link of that thread comment so people can appreciate his efforts. OK ? Make sense?
Second, If I was a member since 2012 that does not means that I came here and signed up and started using the forum, This time you are wrong . .I came into IM then I Signed up into many forums including this BBHF at that time I did not knw about WSO, Jvzoo etc . .And I never seen any of thread in BBHF at the time of joining. I was somewhat active on BHW only . .so BBHF is also having same words of it so I joined it SIMPLE as f*ck you cant say anyone a NOOB without KNOWING yes I am not a expert or a pro in IM but in many things i am good and on that things I am sure you dont know 20 % of it so you cant demoralize a person like this MAN.
You are experienced and very old in IM that does no mean you are good only. so please...
P.s Dont mind But you commented without knowing anything bro.
12-04-2014, 03:48 PM
(12-04-2014 09:41 AM)izonshock_king Wrote: [ -> ]Hey Mate,
First I apologize for this. But many people done this So I also done that simple is that. . Thats why I posted the name of the member who made mirrors and also given the link of that thread comment so people can appreciate his efforts. OK ? Make sense?
Second, If I was a member since 2012 that does not means that I came here and signed up and started using the forum, This time you are wrong . .I came into IM then I Signed up into many forums including this BBHF at that time I did not knw about WSO, Jvzoo etc . .And I never seen any of thread in BBHF at the time of joining. I was somewhat active on BHW only . .so BBHF is also having same words of it so I joined it SIMPLE as f*ck you cant say anyone a NOOB without KNOWING yes I am not a expert or a pro in IM but in many things i am good and on that things I am sure you dont know 20 % of it so you cant demoralize a person like this MAN.
You are experienced and very old in IM that does no mean you are good only. so please...
P.s Dont mind But you commented without knowing anything bro.
Hey NOOB >>>[[[Please show some RESPECT on each other. No badwords please!]]]<<<!
First - I da.mn sure ain't your mate or your bro!
And the forum rules are THE rules here, >>>[[[Please show some RESPECT on each other. No badwords please!]]]<<<!
They are not subject to your interpretation. And you haven't seen me get ugly - YET!
I can show you ugly if you want U-G-L-Y!
I know all about your sorry a.ss!
So, you've got a choice Mr. BHW Derelict -
Do things the right way - according to BBHF rules!
I will just turn every post like this into a Mod and they will eventually ban your useless as.s. It is your choice nitwit!
I don't care one fart about how things were/are done at sorry-as.s BHW!
So - Noob >>>[[[Please show some RESPECT on each other. No badwords please!]]]<<< - I guess if someone decides to run out in front of a train - you will do the same thing because you SAW them do it?!
It sure as shit sounds like it! You NEED to go find that f*cking train!
Using your own warped logic that hijacking another members thread and stealing reps is okay here because you SAW someone else do it?!
This makes it okay for you to do it too?!
You're even more stupid than I thought!
It f*cking isn't okay and I will bust your as.s every time!
You are used to f*cking everybody over at BHW!
So take your sorry, bi.tch-a.ss back there. I am sure you fit in well!
This isn't even a BBHF issue - It is one of simple common sense and showing courtesy to other members that post shares here - BEFORE YOU!
Which parts of being a thief and violating the forum rules do you not understand?
I have forgotten more about making money online or offline than your sorry Noob A.ss will ever learn or know in your entire useless f*cking life!
I absolutely DO NOT CARE what you think you know. I keep score with my bank accounts - money - dollars baby - which is the only thing that matters!
And my comment stands >>>[[[Please show some RESPECT on each other. No badwords please!]]]<<< - DON'T F*CKING DO IT AGAIN!
And you don't appear to be much of anything as far as I can tell - except maybe a little whiney bi.tch! Take your sorry a.ss back to BHW where you belong! So here you go:
![[Image: fjg40m.jpg]](http://i58.tinypic.com/fjg40m.jpg)
Now - do you want to see me do U-G-L-Y?
Because I am not even 10% of the way to ugly - YET!
12-04-2014, 04:16 PM
LooL Well said man
12-04-2014, 04:31 PM
Jesus, I wish there was a d**n negative rep..Quasar would get it all.
Calm the f**k down man.
Calm the f**k down man.
12-04-2014, 04:54 PM
I checked the PDF, this is a new network for mobile traffic, but the OTO2 is important as it includes the video course, i searched YouTube for videos and did not find any videos that teach how to set up a campaign. OTO 1 is 6 of the niches that they use and that converts right now, little bit expensive. How about a Group buy for OTO1 and OTO2 ? I'll be the first one in.
12-04-2014, 04:56 PM
(12-04-2014 04:31 PM)Truth Hurts Wrote: [ -> ]Jesus, I wish there was a d**n negative rep..Quasar would get it all.
Calm the f**k down man.
Yep, I would negative rep you into the afterlife too, Mr. Dic.kless Wonder! When did you become Pope BBHF?!
And I will look out for you and bust your balls too if you do the same shit as this clown!
No one called your name or rung your bell!
Are you some kind of f*cking cow that likes following the herd and letting thieves from BHW off free when they steal your shit?!
If you do and want some of this, I have plenty left for you - an unlimited supply!
Anytime - anywhere - Bubba! Just continue if you want a piece!
This is of ZERO value or interest to you!
So - go put your f*cking nose somewhere else - It does not belong here!
You can go f*ck yourself too Bozo!
12-04-2014, 05:00 PM
Thank for share
12-04-2014, 05:00 PM
Please anyone with the OTOs?