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Full Version: List of Themes Infected: BE AWARE!
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(09-29-2014 04:09 AM)rainbowdrifter Wrote: [ -> ]Yeah hammer them. Thing is,im going to sound like a right noob on this one but can anyone give us a quick list of problems infected themes/ plugins can cause?. I think it could be good for everyone to know exactly what these people are trying to do by infecting things that we use
Anyone know?

I am not very active or vocal here I pop in rarely but you all are aware that the banned user is back as dinala - same bulk posting habit he just stopped posting themes but all premium accounts for downloads.
Very good informations
Thank in advance master
Thanks for all the feedbacks and updates on this thread.
Lets keep an eye on these low life fellows.
Bumping for those who has never read it.
Thanks forthe info :)
Thanks for the information.
Should be in Important Threads.

01 Thanks
02 Goto 01
Here it is the sucker again:

That's the same person as:

Don't download anything from him.
Lot's of peeps get problems from infected themes and plugins that get downloaded from this forum and not only. My service that i just opened give you the possibility to use original and clean themes from Elegant Themes, Wpmudev, WooTheme, and some from ThemeForest. I have more than 250 themes available.

Thoose that want to try go at and you will get all the informations you need.
Thank you easytobe...
And I hope you can rethink about it, and keep that thread up whenever you've got the time to contribute with it =)
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