(09-25-2014 10:54 AM)BRZ Wrote: [ -> ].....Or go find them and teach them a lesson...
Time to bring on Web Retaliation 2.0 - crowdsourcing via Bitcoin of hitmen. Beware virusmongers and malware jockeys - your time will come. We will find you - even in the darkest shadows of the dark web...
Seriously though - it could happen.
We are talking about malicious code and infected themes! Not being up to date or text added is not malicious or ill intended
(09-25-2014 07:03 PM)bale Wrote: [ -> ]We are talking about malicious code and infected themes! Not being up to date or text added is not malicious or ill intended
You must be having a really slow day.
If you really think that adding references and link to some random site in theme backend, and on pages like the 404 pages, then I am deeply worried. You are crossing the line from apologist for prethemes-vip to complete and utter M****. Next you'll be saying that a few links from your site to some random pr0n sites are no big deal. They're invisible to the vistors right?
All this is done with no notification at all to potential users no less. There is absolutely no need for all this extraneous code. None. Zero. Zilch.
And all this is before I have started delving into the themes' code in detail.
Again you want too much served on silver plate. Theres no porn links! dive in and check. I will probably watermark my releases as well. Just to prevent peple like Flagged as VIRUS SPAM SITE (Do NOT CLICK!!!) to claim as their own.
(09-25-2014 10:07 PM)bale Wrote: [ -> ]Again you want too much served on silver plate. Theres no porn links! dive in and check. I will probably watermark my releases as well. Just to prevent peple like Flagged as VIRUS SPAM SITE (Do NOT CLICK!!!) to claim as their own.
No one should be claiming the themes as their own unless they actually built said themes themselves.
This just shows Flagged as VIRUS SPAM SITE (Do NOT CLICK!!!) is a leecher, nothing else.
Why are you and another person leaving bad press on this one individual who has contributing lots of posts?
" In one instance, the damned stuff was running pages off my sites, *and* sending out emails from that server. *sigh*.
thats what happened to me, i know one of the themes that was doing it, and that it was from her, but cant find it at the moment
(09-25-2014 03:08 PM)Judson Wrote: [ -> ]+++OP
If I could give you more reps, I would.
I have run into issues too with some of these downloaded themes.
I had one account with about 5 sites be suspended because of malicious code. In one instance, the damned stuff was running pages off my sites, *and* sending out emails from that server. *sigh*.
I had been meaning to start a thread about this, but thank you OP.
I think that people should start including the sources for their shared plugins/themes. i.e. Did they buy them, or did they just reshare stuff they picked up somewhere else on the internet.
(09-25-2014 11:39 AM)Angelina Wrote: [ -> ]People should be checking themes and plugins properly before testing them out. Malicious code is one of the major risks you run with downloading themes and plugins without buying them from the actual authors. It doesn't matter who is uploading them. You should check the product out regardless.
Yes it does matter it is a rule on this forum and this is best black hat forum. We are here to help each other out and no screw and hurt someone with infected files.