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Full Version: List of Themes Infected: BE AWARE!
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I really like your job, thanks
pre-themes doesn't share b/c they care - they cut&paste other peoples files just to whore-for-reps.

Actions speak louder than words - and pre-themes 'owns' such selfish behaviour no matter what they 'say'.

If the best one can do is claim ignorance to re-posting infested files here which they don't check before in turn maliciously spreading them around BBHF for others to them be harmed by (with said poster KNOWING un-reviewed cutting&pasting infectious code will do this) - then BBHF doesn't need such greedy 'more-offs'. They are NOT here for the betterment of BBHF - just here for themselves and their whoring-for-reps at the least - but still possible it is a concerted effort to spread harm to others. choose which it is ;-)
(09-26-2014 11:06 AM)greyhater Wrote: [ -> ]
(09-25-2014 11:39 AM)Angelina Wrote: [ -> ]People should be checking themes and plugins properly before testing them out. Malicious code is one of the major risks you run with downloading themes and plugins without buying them from the actual authors. It doesn't matter who is uploading them. You should check the product out regardless.
Yes it does matter it is a rule on this forum and this is best black hat forum. We are here to help each other out and no screw and hurt someone with infected files.

I don't think you understood what I'm saying. I'm saying it doesn't matter who is uploading them as in the downloader should always check the theme or plugin for himself/herself to be on the safe side. I've seen files from some people that were claimed to be clean and actually had malicious code inside. THIS is why I always check.
To avoid 'accidentally' downloading a theme from a malicious member here, just add him to your ignore list. You won't see his posts/threads ever again.
thanks for sharing!
"The file is available for premium user only", like the 75% of the other posts from Flagged as VIRUS SPAM SITE (Do NOT CLICK!!!)-vip.
I don't know if he have maliciously infected other users with his posts (I found some infected with fake images and my antivirus found it), but for sure is promoting actively this "Flagged as VIRUS SPAM SITE" spamming this community.
As you can notice, his posts are taking over on all other legit posts.
Can please the Admin do something to stop all this?
new rule - any uploading of infected dl's = automatic ban
ignorance is no defence.

what do you think ?
Yeah hammer them. Thing is,im going to sound like a right noob on this one but can anyone give us a quick list of problems infected themes/ plugins can cause?. I think it could be good for everyone to know exactly what these people are trying to do by infecting things that we use
The ability to protect from this type of individual is not easy. Let's assume they get banned, so what. They have a whole bunch of intent involved with the huge numbers of infiltrated softwares they peddle. Do you think for a minute they would not find another way back into the forum and reapply their wares. Perhaps dl'ing should be limited to VIP's Even though that is no barrier to integrity, creetons that do this type of thing wont want to spend real money to be able to share their infected wares. That may be flawed thinking because they might have enough income streams from the penetrations to justify it. SO what is left. In some manner a built in scanning protocol for uploading to the forum would centralize any protections. As black hatters we can not get any sympathy outside of helping ourselves. Any coders reading this?? Any ideas of an interface that would at least make this type of problem better defended???
Thanks for the great effort here.

Good news, prethemes-vip has been banned.

He or she may be back in another guise, but we have to keep rooting people this out of the forum. One clue not mentioned in this thread is the fact that someone who is posting 25-50 shares a day, day after day, is not just a "rep whore"...they are clearly after something else and it will have to do with money most I suspect.

Rep 79star Rep 79star Rep 79star for you OP!!!!!!24clapping

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