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Tongue Got your attention, Quasar and NonConformer!

It is because of members like the above mentioned that makes this forum such a great place!

Thanks for you honesty which includes looking out for the noobs (guess everybody starts at the bottom, except for grave diggers Biggrin ).

May be a bit of humble advice to new beginners: Learn from every body AND no body! Then after achieving greatness or success, remember from where you started, and if you want to help, couch, train or give back, do it honestly!
If you're not making any money online, you need to stop chasing after shiny wso's and learn the fundamentals of marketing and copywriting. I cannot say this enough. And all of that can be found on this forum. In fact, there's a lot of stuff on here that you can't buy or find anywhere else. Period.

Go through the copywriting section. There is absolute gold in there. Gold that has been responsible for BILLIONS of dollars in product and service sales across every niche you can imagine.

Learn this stuff. You will be able to use the knowledge for the rest of your life no matter what facebook or google are doing or what the next bullshit wso is p******. And if anyone tells you direct mail methods are dated, you should immediately ignore anything else that comes out of their mouth.
I am 100% with Quasar! Singal, Filsaime, Jenkins, Kern, Silver, Bacak =BIG CON GURU!

If their methods works, do you think they have time to come out to produce all the teaching?
(09-09-2014 06:45 AM)Quasar Wrote: [ -> ]You're welcome.

You are going to do fine dude.

95% of the people here still haven't figured out that Singal is more full of shit than a Christmas turkey. If you asked 100 members here that know Singal, 95 of them would tell you he walks on water. Yet he never has - EVER - sold anything of any real value.

He's a hell of a snake charmer though. He will talk the dollar bills right out of your wallet - a master peddler. He does have that going for him.

Filsaime, Jenkins, Kern, Silver, Bacak - all these guys are in exactly the same mold as this, and got fat selling people stuff about - you guessed it - how to do stuff online.

It doesn't make them any more right or have any greater knowledge than you or me have. What these guys all have in common and are amazing at doing is convincing you to buy stuff. They scare the shit out of you and make you believe they have or know something you don't.

But it ends there!

Just remember the #1 rule about all the stuff dealing with online marketing:

Most of it will be stuff that you either already know or makes sense to you BEFORE you buy it. All these guys do is attach mysticism to the process of making you think you don't know it or can't find it.

People will rarely sell you the stuff that really works - doing that has real value and keeps them fat and you guessing. The stuff that really works has a tight lid on it because NO ONE is selling that golden shit.

The bonus bucks are keeping you on the hook for their next "prize pretzel." Kinda like the Traffic Genesis thing. There are thousands of pieces of crap out there just like it - or better - or worse.

The easiest way to counter these pitchmen is to think with your head and not your wallet. Most of what they show you is simple trial and error - AND TAKING ACTION - like you already found out about Singal. More often than not, these guys are full of shit. You'll find you often know more than they do.

All you do is take a look at the processes that make buying happen and stop listening to these bullshit artists. If it makes common sense to you - you take action. You don't guess - you try it on a simple scale to see if it works. If it works, then you scale to suit.

It ain't rocket science, but these guys sure make you believe they have magic cookies to solve all your problems and cure all your ills!

We both know that is bullshit.

And about this Facebook thing - the window to make serious money with it with only a little bit of money is closing slowly but steadily. It will stop becoming profitable for most ordinary marketers as soon as the cost of doing marketing on Facebook exceeds acceptable ROIs - it's simple math.

And when you break any marketing process down to its base elements - it's about money. What is your ROI and how can you maximize it. Or does it cost too much?

You have noticed that the latest and greatest Facebook stuff is no longer about how to game their systems, right? Now, it is about how to maximize Facebook advertising dollars with effective strategies involving targeting, placement and effective ad writing, and optimizing ad design and wording.

In other words, it has become about real marketing - not smoke-and-mirrors bullshit, which has had a solid place in the MMO arena -


Well, FB ads costs money, don't they - even if it's only pennies and nickels now? Even those pennies and nickels add up really fast. So, if you follow what even the FB neophytes are concentrating on and doing, where do you think your emphasis should now be?

It is going to cost more and more money to do it as we move forward too - and lots more skill than the guys I see peddling this crap have.

As in all online marketing, I don't have a clue who the biggest marketing dog on Facebook is.

They are smart enough to keep their mouths shut.

friends, few pdf are password protected which is not BBHF passowrds.. sorry.. I too dont have those passwords
the PDF password is jrich or JRICH

thanks :)
the file password was : jrich
Thank again for sharing.
Thanks. +5Reps Added
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