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Full Version: AppyGen v5.0 FINALLY RELEASED ! $200.00/DAY WITH ANDROID APPS
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Here is a video demo on screencast:


I am forgive my voice! :(
thank you for the tutorial, I see that you are sick.
I wish you a speedy recovery
one question, can make different payment currently can not be done by paypal
(09-09-2014 09:42 PM)julian71 Wrote: [ -> ]thank you for the tutorial, I see that you are sick.
I wish you a speedy recovery
one question, can make different payment currently can not be done by paypal

Thanks man...

Will ask the developer in about 2-3 hours when he gets up!
Thxs aKinaKus. Bought it now! Good luck with your sale and wish a quick healthy recovery ;-)
Due to high demand the current price will stay the same for another 48 hours starting now!


Well it had to happen, after 3 months of resisting, wasting 5 gallons of water by pouring it over our heads, water a 3rd world country would DIE for + the water in all the wasted making extra ice for the stupid idea. we have done the ALS ice bucket challenge..


But we did donate 1000 1ltr bottled filtered water to a well know WaterAid charity... as we will run out of water in this world, long before we run out of stupid "b" list celebrities, trying to make a buck!

So instead...

We did a quick review of TomY's and BBHF Official seller aKinaKus [get well soon, must be all that snow!] BSO AppyGen...



1: It works SO much better than before!
2: You can ALL make supertargeted lists|admob income|new sexy friends, by making your own Android Apps!
3: We would not have bothered in anyway, if this made iOS apps, so SERIOUSLY get it El Cheap Now before V4 hits and the price rockets!


Main Interface and Pre-Build Window:

[Image: appygen_main.png]

1: Choose what "type" of Android App you want to build|sell|giveaway|email out.
2: Call your package something [NO NUMBERS.. eg: BBHF2go etc]
3: Name your App.. Obviously if it is a dynamic website app for dogs call it: SOMETHINGdogs!
4: Choose your app color palette [this is the color of the actual running app GUI]
5: Put you "MagicCashEarning" sorry... Google Play Store account name here.
6: Choose how you want to "Monitize" your Apps [we have a habit of using our own here!]
7: Enter where you want your "Mobile Ad" to divert [custom Ads only] to.. EG: a CPA offer|Email List Signup
8: Pick a 300x50 Ad banner [make then yourself!] or download them from ANY CPA Affiliate site you belong to.
9: Select a funky, on niche icon [this is the one that all your App downloaders have on their mobile devices] here.
10: Number your App [be clever here, lots of updates mean lots of uninstalls!] here.
11: Setup a simple, text file location [somewhere secret!] with simple push notifications in it.. EG: Hello You Smell etc etc
12: Choose the MAIN website you are making the app from!
13: Tabs for your App links
14: Select a logo|splash screen|sexy picture|your mum's photo! here, this loads EVERYTIME the App starts!
15: Match the above Tabs in step 13 to the EXACT URL that you want to load in the App, when the Tab is touched!

The 6 sections marked in "Pink Boxes" must all be right.. or AppyGen will NOT work or Build the APK


Click the "Generate" Android App" button at the top ONCE.. then wait.. in this case "5 secs!" while Appy starts part one of the APK build..

A few seconds later you will get a popup "App Done" close this, then the Java JRE build and Google play part kicks in.. this App took "37 secs!" to build in full.

You will know it has worked as a Dos box will say this...

[Image: google_destiny_8sept.png]

[Note not ALL app APK's will build out this quick!]


The finished build APK.. EG: the one you giveaway, upload to the google play store, install on your own mobile device, is located here:

[Image: appygen_apk.png]

This is the file that AppyGen builds for you, then you make $$$$ everyday from it, on GooglePlay via 1000's of downloads!


Ok.. so what will it look like on you mobile device???

Here is our "BBHFnow" App [ver 1!] on a GalaxyNexus..

DO NOT FORGET bbhf webiste in it's current form, is NOT mobile responsive or mobile anything.. it was an example of what you can do and do quick!

[Image: Screenshot_2014_09_09_20_17_24_Custom.png] [Image: Screenshot_2014_09_09_20_17_11_Custom.png] [Image: Screenshot_2014_09_09_20_17_05_Custom.png]

[Image: Screenshot_2014_09_09_20_16_53_Custom.png] [Image: Screenshot_2014_09_09_20_16_45_Custom.png]


Doing a video, in between bbhf new badges updates [yes we go the files back to finish them!] and client work, so will upload it later!


So can you make MONEY with AppyGen... in a nutshell, you REALLY can!

Get your niche right, read ALL of TomYork's manuals and watch ALL his videos [both you get with the BBHF purchase here from AkinaKus] and then start to make Android Apps for anything you can imagine!!

Forget going out this weekend and buying a crappy iPhone 6, BUY THIS instead and then go buy the far superior Galaxy Note 4 Edge with your profits in 3 months from becoming an APP Developer!!!


For a bit of community fun... we have made a deliberate mistake, if you BUY APPYGEN from this BSO and then post what the mistake is in our "Dirty Quick Review" in the thread, you get something extra from us... for fun!!!


Download "ChopChopBob" APK now... made using this BSO, by a 8 year old child, following the steps above! Version 1!!!

Cool name for an App as well... great to be young again!

[Image: Screenshot_2014_09_09_21_37_32_Custom.png][Image: Screenshot_2014_09_09_21_38_20_Custom.png]
[Image: Screenshot_2014_09_09_21_39_53_Custom.png][Image: Screenshot_2014_09_09_21_39_57_Custom.png]

ChopChopBob.. a BBHF exclusive APP :-)


Oh man...this is the best review i've seen in my IM life!

Thanks a lot!
just purchase, will posting review soon....
(09-10-2014 05:50 PM)culunsure Wrote: [ -> ]just purchase, will posting review soon....

Great...thx for the purchase!
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