08-31-2015, 03:06 AM
(08-07-2015 01:33 AM)Edjumacated_Bum Wrote: [ -> ]You are a 2-faced LIAR and You Know IT.
You don't respond to questions and failures on your behalf because you know you are guilty of being a POS loser whom doesn't have the integrity to stand behind your name or product.
When I asked about Why your Website says 1 thing about App-Gen vs. You NOT delivering everything promised - all you did was run and hide like a coward, as all I did was ask for support to solve the issues you created.
Many of the 'apps' in your generator doesn't work and you didn't test them at all before launching App-Gen 5.3/5.4 - as you were more than happy to lie to people about it and take their money. TomYork even admits he pushed out App-Gen WITHOUT properly testing it like a professional: "We did however do a few mistaks on our 5.4 v and it messed up everything for users who are using windows xp or vista..." LOL @ this pathetic person.
Yet instead of Fix the Issues you Caused - Without Me Asking For Any Refund - you cancelled my License without Notice and then held my money until I put you in your place to get it back. Total coward - run and hide.
If you are so proud of your work - then why not stand behind it like a professional? Only cowards lie and run and hide like you.
LOL @ you saying "Again very sorry, I'm not really the guy that just bails out." - another 2-face lie. You bailed out on me and ran like a coward. You ran from all people in this Thread for months - too scared to face-up to your failed actions as a lying leech.
(Even AFTER I sent you Error Lists for your Apps to show you were your mickey-mouse software wasn't working - so You're Welcome ;-)
(07-13-2015 09:19 AM)tomyork Wrote: [ -> ]Oh God.
I'm sorry guys, I had so much work that I completely forgot about this thread.
I've also stopped using the email used by this account, that is why I did not get any notifications.
Again very sorry, I'm not really the guy that just bails out.I've been available by email and on the AppyGEN Forum at least once a day for a year now.
I'm not going to respond to any rant, we've been doing our best since Day 1, and we're still doing so today. Most our users are very happy with AppyGEN and even a year after they've purchased they are still making money.
Obviously it won't work for some people, either for techincal incompatibilities, or lack of proper execution, or just too lazy.
I've refunded every unhappy customer, and that's how I deal with it. I have tried discussing it before, but it does not work.
We did however do a few mistaks on our 5.4 v and it messed up everything for users who are using windows xp or vista, but we ended up fixing it in v5.5.
Right now v5.6 is working fine for everybody and we should start adding some new templates soon now that all the bugs are fixed .
I'll do my best to come here more, sorry again.
Keep your weak, coward "sorry" to yourself. Instead, try and be a man and answer questions to your actions, which speak louder than your failed words. (Typical d-bag) Your post is nothing but BS full of excuses - but offers No Professional Reasons.
Shall I write out my Questions again about your POS Product and Coward "support"??? ;-)
Then you can show us all how much integrity you have to living up to your words - as so far, through your own failed actions, you have Only shown us to be the guy who "bails out" on his paying customers - Right TomYork?
BBHF is a Community - Stop being a Parasite and for once, Contribute to Making this Place even Better - You don't have to be another Leech.
(Funny thing is - you know I am right no matter how much you lie to yourself and anyone else who meets you ;-)
Who did I bail out on again ?
Dude I don't even know who you are. I also haven't read your post, seems like a lot of hate. Ultimately, I'm not really talking to you, I'm talking to the other people who seem to be thankful to you. even though I really can't see why, from the little text I read of your posts seems like a lot of finger pointing and a bunch of hate.
We started from scratch on v1.0, and sure we had some difficulties along the way with bugs like all software. But we fixed those, as soon as we could.
And yes, some members couldn't trust us to improve and asked for a refund ( which we've honored, I did that personally ).
But we did fix as much as we can until people have actually started making money from apps made by AppyGEN.
In order to fix whatever you guys are accusing me of, I'll give a FREE COPY of the latest version to anyone who feels like he's been " bailed out on " by me, and can prove it.
An email, skype conversation or PMs showing that I have indeed " bailed out on you " will suffice as proof.
Email me about it ( You should have my email if you're a customer ).
Do not post about it here, this is not a venting thread.