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NEW Version --4.2 --The Ultimate Amazon Kindle Spy Tool

Quote:“New Unique Software Application ‘Reverse Engineers’ The Kindle Marketplace and Reveals Lucrative Kindle Niches - In Seconds!”
Request here:

Magic Button :

New version 4.2.. check new link...

Download code here

Magic Button :

Remember to Rep+

Awesome share. Thanks very much!
Did you see the OTO? Can you post the OTO URL sales page here.

+3 Rep added - Thank you very much fuytrecht for your awesome share!
I was not able to find the OTO offer itself, maybe someone else can??

Magic Button :
Awesome share! Thanks so much!

+5 reps added.
There is a new update that will pull now till 100 results.
Just go to the same link.

unable to open….new mirror takes one to the sales page….looks so interesting too…thank you for sharing…wish I'd found this earlier. rep added
The original link still works.
(07-29-2014 04:54 AM)amberwaves Wrote: [ -> ]unable to open….new mirror takes one to the sales page….looks so interesting too…thank you for sharing…wish I'd found this earlier. rep added

Thanks for sharing fuytrecht.
Great share.
But, i checked a few authors that i know how much $$ they are making per month, and this tool showed me results far far away from the true. (all of them making way less than the displayed number, so, if you wanna spy on authors, it won't give you the right result. i think the tool is much better for niche selection.
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