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Thank you for your fact i did try it and it seems that it is asking the KDSPY password in the top right side button: sign in to add.

Thanks anyway mite
They are asking to buy now.
Any raw copy; so can directly install without chrome store?
any update on this

(01-22-2018 08:22 AM)amanxy Wrote: [ -> ]KDSPY Version: 4.3.44
(01-22-2018 08:22 AM)amanxy Wrote: [ -> ]KDSPY Version: 4.3.44

It needs you to login now...
Bump for this
Given downloads require login?
Please, anyone care to share login here (or share login privately)
version 5 comes out next week and it adds a lot of extra features including books, not just kindle. Plus a whole lot more like how many you need to sell to hit No.1 or No.20, an A-Z scrape of search terms.

I think he's also considering raising the price so if you can get in now, the update is free to owners
(08-23-2018 04:30 AM)Uncle Den Wrote: [ -> ]version 5 comes out next week and it adds a lot of extra features including books, not just kindle. Plus a whole lot more like how many you need to sell to hit No.1 or No.20, an A-Z scrape of search terms.

I think he's also considering raising the price so if you can get in now, the update is free to owners


KDSpy v5 is out and can be purchased for $59 on sale. $10 more than last week...
You were right Uncle Den. Too bad I did not listen, I could have saved some money. I love it though!
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