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Review from Chrome Store:

Scott Shannon4 days ago

This plugin, although still in beta (for several months) is almost unusable. I follow the instructions for use, but only about 1 in 10 attempts do I get any results. The author has provided a video to troubleshoot problems, but even though I follow those suggestions my results don't improve. I truly need this software to plan my next writing projects so I will keep it in my browser hoping that the author will eventually get it to function as it should.

**It can also read and change ALL DATA ON ALL THE WEBSITES YOU VISIT? So many reports of the software not working or barely at all, I think i will wait to install this spyware.
thanks repped you are a legend dude i have been looking for this bro
thanks for this share. works like a charm. although not sure how accurate it is cuz i took a look at some of my kindles and sales/revenue estimate is way off.

Thank you for the share. Rep given
Well guys I bought it mostly because Geoff S (of Kindling fame) recommended it in his newsletter + I've seen the sales page for version 4 which is coming out May 7th., and includes also a Firefox version!

And so far I can tell you I am impressed. So far it is working as promised - How are the results accurate I cannot say, but I have the feeling it may be quite accurate especially as showing the profitability and competition in categories/subcats. I like the new KW Analyzer, Word Cloud, and Author Spying tool as well.

Unfortunately it is Name based = every time I click at the extension I see it goes through his website and then it welcomes me by my name. Seems it is very well guarded.

But so far it is not expensive, so if you guys can afford it I would recommend to buy it, as the price for version 4 is supposed to go up after May 10th.

Here is the preview of the new version 4
= updated

It definitely made me re-think some of the categories I wanted to write books about.
Link is not working!
Sorry, I should've updated it. That was the link to get his software Before the launch on May 7th., 2015. Now it is back to just the regular link:
This is the new link to version 4.1
(05-15-2015 12:02 AM)Beerwolf Wrote: [ -> ]This is the new link to version 4.1

Thank you Beerwolf. Just what I was wanting. +Rep
thanks for sharing this item. maxreps.

would you be able to get the firefox version too?

i just checked 5 of my kindles for accuracy of the kdspy v4 results vs kdspy v3.6 results. only speaking of my 5 books i can report that the units sold and royalty earned are still being under reported by kdspy. for me it's about 50-70% under reported by book. as long as competition results are comparatively under reported i guess it doesn't make a difference. does this feature affect kdspy's category profitability score though?

btw, i didn't get greeted by name when i clicked on the kdspy 4.1 button. i was not logged into my amazon account though and didn't log into azon while using kdspy. just hope kdpy doesn't pull my id off my computer and phone home.

(05-15-2015 12:02 AM)Beerwolf Wrote: [ -> ]This is the new link to version 4.1
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