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Full Version: [GET] Fill-In-the-Blanks Video Sales Letter Template (Updated)
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links down please reup
The MEGA-link by jessie in post #42 is still working. For the password see post #60 by ecom-consultant.
jessy mirror is ok.

You can download it and the pass is blackhatteam dot com

good day
Mirror: mediafire

(12-16-2016 01:59 AM)mark00017 Wrote: [ -> ]Mirror: mediafire


Thanks very much for your time to upload this again.
(12-16-2016 01:59 AM)mark00017 Wrote: [ -> ]Mirror: mediafire


thank you.. max rep added
The Mediafire Mirror does not have all the videos. It just has one of the 18 videos. Total file size of the share is close to 1.3 GB.

Here is the Black Hat Torrent mirror.

BestBlackHatForum Mirror

Magic Button :


Join by reading the project thread in the below link:

Note: You must first be a BBHF VIP forum user to see the project thread and become a member of the Tracker.
Jessie's mega link in #42 is still live. PW is blackhatteam dot com you know what to do with dot.
Thanks Jamalexa for the upload and to Jessie for the mega mirror and lone-wolf-87 for the PW.
RM3 Thanks
Can someone please re-up this? Thank you
A reup would be appreciated for this, thanks!
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