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Full Version: [GET] Fill-In-the-Blanks Video Sales Letter Template (Updated)
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Thanks for the share...added Rep
Please make a mirrors! mega is suck
3 Reps given for providing a share requested in requests section and notifying me in the request thread as well.

(06-12-2014 10:55 PM)maystrotet Wrote: [ -> ]Please make a mirrors! mega is s****
Looking forward to the mirror you create.
Thxs jamalexa, +5Reps Given To You, import it in my new cloud of Mega 50GB ;-)
Thanks for the share . . . . reps added.
Thank you for this awesome share! I don't see what all the people on WF were having problems with. I'm downloading just fine. :)
(06-13-2014 01:34 AM)SimplyMagic Wrote: [ -> ]Thank you for this awesome share! I don't see what all the people on WF were having problems with. I'm downloading just fine. :)
The WF thread is talking about getting their confirmation from WarriorPlus after purchase.You're downloading from a very different site. Enjoy.
(06-12-2014 10:55 PM)maystrotet Wrote: [ -> ]Please make a mirrors! mega is s****
Mega is supercool, only if you know the trick. You don't even have to create an account in Mega to download the file in max connection. Don't hit "Download to your computer", and just hit "Import to your cloud drive". The page will reload and it will show the copied file into that new window. You can download then your saved file from your account with the maximum speed possible for your connection. I got 5Mb/s for downloading this file and took only less than 5 minutes.

But don't take my word for it, it may have been a glitch. But if that's the case, then my timing was very good.

Hope this helps, and please add rep if you find this tip helpful.

Always credit to the OP. You rock!
Thanks to the OP for a great share.

Also thanks to "watchpinoytvonline" for the great hint on importing directly into your own mega account.
Awesome share, jamalexa!!

Max Rep given to you, bro.

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