hello kingstaa,
how many post that can I send to facebook group in one post??
Now I am using hootsuite and It's limited to 50 group posting in one post.
(07-04-2014 10:45 PM)makantruzz Wrote: [ -> ]hello kingstaa,
how many post that can I send to facebook group in one post??
Now I am using hootsuite and It's limited to 50 group posting in one post.
There is no limit for posting in premium edition, but it is good not to post too much because that might be considered as spam by the facebook or the users.
(07-05-2014 02:54 AM)bestblackbro Wrote: [ -> ]whats the quickest way to create an app, and do i need to create multiple (for multi accounts)?
The tutorial is given below to create a facebook app. Yes, you need 1 app for each account. You cant use 1 app to all the accounts. Each account should have its own unique app.
(07-07-2014 04:19 AM)whatrat Wrote: [ -> ]I'm trying it out now, what format should we enter the account details? I'm doing accountemail:password but it says it's wrong. Thanks