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Full Version: [GET] F-B 1nfiltrat0r (Before-Lauch) Jan 27th
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thank you so much for this great share...

here is another mirror...

Magic Button :
Big thanks to OP and Mr. Kim for such a awesome share Rep Given to you both :)
Just in case some is interested I have decoded the helper.php file the same is attached
how do i set it up ? i dont really understand it what to do with the php
i setup a fb app and linked it's ID to fb infiltrator but i always get this error "couldn't connect"
any one faces this ? any help ?

My new found bug or error is that, when viewing facebook newsfeed in Mozilla firefox, it redirects to the blog and the video will play there.. Chrome and IE plays the newsfeed video well inside facebook itself.

All the best,
i got this message

Given URL is not allowed by the Application configuration.: One or more of the given URLs is not allowed by the App's settings. It must match the Website URL or Canvas URL, or the domain must be a subdomain of one of the App's domains.

Please Help
Thanks. +++Reps Added
anybody have any instructions or video on how to install and use this software?
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