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@chikfilet: remover your credentials
i am confused... should we use this plugin or not? However this plugin is working for me... but is it safe?
To be honest, I made a backup of their entire website, but didn't had the chance to play with this plugin, in my opinion it's just like one other wp plugin shared by Johnny and nulled by sista, I don't recall the name, but I'll found it.

[Image: eu7u.png]
That's quite a feat :-)

Cheers, Johnny63
Amazing before launch, great share..thanks
Precious is always releasing buggy unfinished products and then abandons them
(for which, I believe, he is banned from selling on WF)
Pretty sure he has been accused of ripping off other peoples code before too.

He is definitely on my "Insta-delete" list
FB Infiltrator Demo Video

Nice share!! not downloaded, but played with demo account and didn't appear to work 100% to me
Stop hiding from your future customers, they have already found you.
try videostir.
FB Infiltrator App+ Developers License and Premium Templates + SociLeads App!
Magic Button :
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