01-26-2014, 03:54 PM
01-26-2014, 04:47 PM
Special Bonus 1: Auto FB Marketer Blueprint:
Special Bonus 2: Facebook Fanpage Magic:
Special Bonus 3: Unstoppable Facebook Traffic:
Special Bonus 4: Fanpage Iframe Domination:
Special Bonus 5: Facebook Coupon App:
Special Bonus 6: Facebook Rockstar System:
Special Bonus 7: Facebook Video Timebomb App:
Need Review Access to FB Infiltrator?
Login URL: http://fbinfiltrator.com/demo/wp-admin/ (NOTE: stats are disable on demo access)
Username: demoadmin
Password: demoadmin
Magic Button :
Special Bonus 1: Auto FB Marketer Blueprint:
Magic Button :
Special Bonus 2: Facebook Fanpage Magic:
Magic Button :
Special Bonus 3: Unstoppable Facebook Traffic:
Magic Button :
Special Bonus 4: Fanpage Iframe Domination:
Magic Button :
Special Bonus 5: Facebook Coupon App:
Magic Button :
Special Bonus 6: Facebook Rockstar System:
Magic Button :
Special Bonus 7: Facebook Video Timebomb App:
Magic Button :
Need Review Access to FB Infiltrator?
Login URL: http://fbinfiltrator.com/demo/wp-admin/ (NOTE: stats are disable on demo access)
Username: demoadmin
Password: demoadmin
01-26-2014, 07:08 PM
is it safe or hacked? thank you
01-26-2014, 07:16 PM
Precious puts out good stuff, but also had a big fail once (too much encryption bogged down users servers).
I've seen another page where you get audio effects, transitions etc. in this kind of posts, but this is not launched yet.
My trusted marketer told me the plugin is still buggy, but hopes it's running just fine on launch day.
Cheers, Johnny63
I've seen another page where you get audio effects, transitions etc. in this kind of posts, but this is not launched yet.
My trusted marketer told me the plugin is still buggy, but hopes it's running just fine on launch day.
Cheers, Johnny63
01-26-2014, 07:34 PM
thanks for sharing
01-26-2014, 07:41 PM
Thanks for sharing, +5 REP for OP and firasdaher
01-26-2014, 07:47 PM
there is interesting fb comment on their page
what do you think about it ?
Jeff Long · Top Commenter · Boss at Self Employed Entrepreneur · 572 subscribers
Folks do you really think these goobers are the first to do this?
I created this product over 6 months ago and I'm about to make it 100% FREE (www.MyPostMagic.com)
There's also ANOTHER, WAY BETTER product here: www.videosk.in - these people are WAAAAY behind...
you'll also want to check out my latest software www.SocialVideoMagic.com - I'm now accepting beta testers until Feb 1.
If you're THIS excited about a silly little copy cat software that I and a few other developers have already created (WAY BEFORE THESE GUYS),
then you'll be BLOWN away with my newest software.
And I have no problem "advertising" on these guys page...they stole my intellectual property...ya think I have any issue posting a few LINKS on their thank you page?
Uhh... no.
They're lucky I don't sue the you know what out of them. Who knows...I still might.
what do you think about it ?
01-27-2014, 12:53 AM
Here is what I get when I activated the plugin you tell me if you get anything like this I know it has to do with the config file but what I don't know is what database it is suppose to connect to.
Here is the config file settings.
Now here is the reference to this file
I would be interested in continuing the test of this if I knew what to change in this
Here is the config file settings.
/*$host = 'fbinfiltratorapp.com';
$usr = 'gdetonat_usrfb';
$pwd = 'usrfb@123';
$db = 'gdetonat_fb_infiltrator';*/
// zerozone
$host = '';
$usr = 'A2333';
$pwd = 'aNqwJLMJR6eqxyFG';
$db = 'a2333';
// Local
/*$host = '';
$usr = '2333';
$pwd = 'mM63abFsLds75ce4';
$db = '2333';
$rdb = mysql_connect($host, $usr, $pwd);
if (!$rdb) {
die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());
mysql_select_db($db, $rdb) or die('Could not select database.');
Now here is the reference to this file
$site_url = site_url();
if (isset($_REQUEST['del_stat_id'])) {
$query = "DELETE FROM ext_stats WHERE site_url='" . $site_url . "' AND sp_id='" . $_REQUEST['del_stat_id'] . "'";
$res = mysql_query($query, $rdb);
$query = "SELECT * FROM ext_stats WHERE site_url='" . $site_url . "' AND is_published='1'";
$res = mysql_query($query, $rdb);
$site_url = site_url();
I would be interested in continuing the test of this if I knew what to change in this
01-27-2014, 01:00 AM
Please remove your post, you're exposing the link to your website !!!
Theses guys if by chance they are monitoring this thread they will contact your hosting and they will shut down your website !!
PM me and I'll fix this issue for you
Theses guys if by chance they are monitoring this thread they will contact your hosting and they will shut down your website !!
PM me and I'll fix this issue for you
01-27-2014, 01:16 AM
MyPostmagic is definitely the better solution, even if more expensive.
The problem: Precious' solution is still beta, so not production ready. I also don't know if they have the proper infrastructure to serve their users after launch...
According to Vic,
http://postscriptmagic.com/ and its demo
wil be 100% free...
Cheers, Johnny63
The problem: Precious' solution is still beta, so not production ready. I also don't know if they have the proper infrastructure to serve their users after launch...
According to Vic,
http://postscriptmagic.com/ and its demo
wil be 100% free...
Cheers, Johnny63