(12-16-2013 06:41 AM)fiety Wrote: [ -> ]your very proud to your reputation?
I don't care of my reputation. It's why I say it's a stupid attitude to ask to post in thread and ask password by PM.
(12-16-2013 06:41 AM)fiety Wrote: [ -> ]Thor is not my God, of course we are here in the BBHF, you should atleast know him, He bust all those leechers, and ungrateful mebers
Wow, I'm scared !

Wow, just sent to 35 Responsible Members :)
2 members are in line, im sending to 5 members each message.
Regards to all. I don't have time to reply for 1 Hater :)
Wodner Full Awesome Work !! Reps UP... (pasword PLZ)
(12-16-2013 07:06 AM)mariastone Wrote: [ -> ]I don't have time to reply for 1 Hater
One hater and the rest are ass-lickers.
Do you think they care about you? They want the product for free. That's all they want.
It's a "share forum" not a "post in thread and ask me for password by PM forum".

Thanks for the great share mariastone : )
When I seen you posted this and was still uploading, I went and purchased it myself. I just purchased the original package, not the plr upsell, or the half price one, or the 14 additional modules. I spent my load today on iDNA 3.0 - going to be uploading that today : )
+REP to you for the share : )
WOW! Super share!
Rep given
Thank you for this, I just watched Eric's video presentation of the package. As he went through the different modules it was quite obvious tha the quality of this graphics were very good. Thank you once again. :welcome:
Great share!! Let's get that second password!!! Thanks.
edge1 has reached their private message quota so your message could not be sent.
To all who still did not received my message, make sure your PM inbox is not full.
Nice share and nice graphics pack thanks a lot for this.