01-10-2015, 04:29 PM
01-10-2015, 04:53 PM
Go to your user CP and look for [b]forum subcription[/b] the this on your sidebar:
After clicking, Help section says:
[b] To subscribe to a forum:
Navigate to the forum you wish to subscribe to.
Click the 'Subscribe to this forum' link just above, towards the right side of, the list of threads in that forum. [/b]
[b]Hope Helpful?[/b]
After clicking, Help section says:
[b] To subscribe to a forum:
Navigate to the forum you wish to subscribe to.
Click the 'Subscribe to this forum' link just above, towards the right side of, the list of threads in that forum. [/b]
[b]Hope Helpful?[/b]
01-10-2015, 10:26 PM
Thanks for reply
but i could not find "Subscribe to this forum" button anywhere could you just show me in picture where to find it
Thank you.....
but i could not find "Subscribe to this forum" button anywhere could you just show me in picture where to find it
Thank you.....
01-27-2015, 12:55 PM
[quote] [9] there will be NO ripping of courses in this section… we want instructors to share as much coupons as possible… ripping their courses after you get the course will only deter them from sharing coupons in the future. We always get similar courses from different instructors all the time… YOU DON’T HAVE TO GET ALL THE COURSES ALL THE TIME. [/quote]
I have a question about this. What makes Udemy so special to us that we are agreeing not to rip their courses and share them on BBHF? We don't give anyone else in the world that guarantee so why are we giving it to Udemy? We are agreeing to give them something we have never agreed to give anyone else before. What are they agreeing to give us that they are not giving everyone else? Are they agreeing to only share free coupons on BBHF and no place else. If they did that then they would be adding value to BBHF because people would come to BBHF to get the free coupons. If they don't care who gets the free coupons and allow them to be given out anywhere then what good is that to us? Why should we give Udemy special considerations that we refuse to give to any other online marketer on the internet? What are they giving us that they are not giving to anyone else?
I have a question about this. What makes Udemy so special to us that we are agreeing not to rip their courses and share them on BBHF? We don't give anyone else in the world that guarantee so why are we giving it to Udemy? We are agreeing to give them something we have never agreed to give anyone else before. What are they agreeing to give us that they are not giving everyone else? Are they agreeing to only share free coupons on BBHF and no place else. If they did that then they would be adding value to BBHF because people would come to BBHF to get the free coupons. If they don't care who gets the free coupons and allow them to be given out anywhere then what good is that to us? Why should we give Udemy special considerations that we refuse to give to any other online marketer on the internet? What are they giving us that they are not giving to anyone else?
01-30-2015, 10:40 PM
[quote='Normal' pid='1111163' dateline='1422327313']I have a question about this. What makes Udemy so special to us that we are agreeing not to rip their courses and share them on BBHF? We don't give anyone else in the world that guarantee so why are we giving it to Udemy? We are agreeing to give them something we have never agreed to give anyone else before. What are they agreeing to give us that they are not giving everyone else? Are they agreeing to only share free coupons on BBHF and no place else. If they did that then they would be adding value to BBHF because people would come to BBHF to get the free coupons. If they don't care who gets the free coupons and allow them to be given out anywhere then what good is that to us? Why should we give Udemy special considerations that we refuse to give to any other online marketer on the internet? What are they giving us that they are not giving to anyone else?
sometimes you have to think a bit before talking... similar to your GB rant...
all you have to do is read this thread to get your answer, but you chose to give a pointless rant instead....
lets see:
we have a thing going on here that will be ruined if we start
ripping courses...
you can read other people's opinions / reasoning here:
for those people who are not going click the link, just a few opinions from the thread:
"You provided codes as well so you should know how it works and what's happening now... but let me explain this to you again...
Almost 85% of web sources (platforms) are blocking codes from udemy for whatever reasons now...
BBHF is the only one platform now providing so many free codes in one place => you want advanced SEO course right? So I assume you know basics of SEO... and you should know then that in google search BBHF is on the top now according to free codes!
Now when instructor is checking out his course in google search all he finds is => BBHF => he comes here and what he can see? His course ripped => what does it cause=> NO MORE FREE CODES => moreover other instructors can see that as well => what does it mean for us? => think it doesn't hurt...
This section here became way to popular... it's not underground anymore... it's trending!
So you can gain one ripped course but loose 100 others free codes... the choice is yours...
btw Did you consider writing to the instructor to ask for a free code for yourself if this is the course you can't live without???
I bet it's gonna be faster than begging here for rip version and if you are lucky to get one you can even save the space on your HD... ;)"
"OK. this was interesting, so here's my 2 cents.
The obvious part exsus is not paying attention to is the rule says not "HERE". so, if you feel so compelled that ripping is essential, then go rip. Or go find rips. JUST. NOT. HERE.
You are free to find someplace that does. "WE" (bbhf) will not. I don't buy gas at the flower shop or get my mail at a fitness center. get codes "here". get rips "there". The Internet is pretty big, ya know.
If by chance you can't find some place that posts rips, that's a problem not for us. we do codes.
the other part (I not sure if many will understand this correctly), what we do with the codes is not exactly what the instructors had in mind. They put out codes to attract attention and find possible customers for their other courses or to tell their friends to buy. They are not meant to be sucked up by collectors. And they target certain sites. reddit twitter whatever. So they do not send them to us or for us here.
So we are already being inconsiderate to a point. Why would you not be grateful for that? why would you think we should do more? Think of it like this- My friend gives me a coupon he got for free popcorn at the movies. I don't demand he go get it and bring the popcorn to my house and then film the movie for me too. Then turn around and think he is being unfair because he won't.
As for your demand- If I got a coupon for milk that expires, I can't just ask some internet friend to reprint them just because I didn't get to it in time. or demand people to make me milk. The same applies here.
And finally, to the point- I hang here almost daily. there just isn't much ripping here anyway. I mean not even one a week. Probably not even once a month as an average. How can you be a member for two years and not see that? By not allowing ripping, we are not really losing a whole lot anyway. it's not worth fighting for scraps few are doing anyway.
[size=large][b][u]My Answer:[/u][/b][/size]
*THAT RULE IS NOT GOOD FOR US. - i think by "us" you mean "me"...
grow up kid...
i also never said you will get that course again, its up to the instructor of the course
and i'm perfectly fine with that...
as Allyan already mentioned
- YOU DON’T HAVE TO GET ALL THE COURSE ALL THE TIME. there are LOTS of courses that i wanted and i didn't get...
so i either wait a bit to get a new coupon, enter a similar course with a different coupon or go to the freebie section and find a similar product...
- ripping their courses after you get the course will only deter them from sharing coupons in the future - so my question is, are you that selfish? do you want to ruin this transaction just so YOU could get ANOTHER seo course? there are HUNDREDS of them in the freebie
section... do yo really need that one?
here you go buddy, enjoy yourself:
[url]http://[Reported from not using the default BBHF password].info/ultimate-seo-2013/[/url]
[url]http://[Reported from not using the default BBHF password].info/point-blank-seo/[/url]
[url]http://[Reported from not using the default BBHF password].info/invisible-seo-2013/[/url]
FOR EVERYBODY... i bet you have over 100 that you never going to use... but you collect them anyway...
as i already said i want people to share MORE COUPONS and ripping shared courses will only hurt the
whole community...
its NOT about YOU... its about the community...
we have a good thing going on here, udemy instructor share courses out of their own will, a lot of times
they share coupons SPECIFICALLY for this website... and we get new coupons all the time...
and unlike wso's... these courses provide value most of the time... AND YOU GET THOSE COURSES FOR FREE!!!
i think the main point is this:
i rather get 100 free coupons than risk losing it all for just 1 ripped course...
especially when i can find the same subject online regardless of the udemy course...
[size=large][b][u]about your other rants in the lounge:[/u][/b][/size]
"I just wanted to say thank you to the moderators for stopping a certain idiot from using BBHF to market his udemy courses by creating threads that say [Get]"
you're most welcome... as you can see from this thread doing these things are not allowed, i contacted the super moderator
who approved the rules to close these threads and warn the person (i have proof if you don't believe me). the thread was closed as a result.
"Now Udemy instructors are coming here signing up to the forums post once and getting tons of rep points"
udemy instructor don't give a SH*T about reps you buffoon, the person you are referring to ISN'T an instructor but a rep whore, and he was already warned... udemy instructor care about the number of students and REVIEWS... if more people would leave reviews you would see a flood of new coupons here...
"We even now have a Udemy Instructor noob requiring people to send him a pm to get a free udemy coupon."
ONE person, who was WARENED and his threads were CLOSED! he broke the freaking rules and was dealt with already, what are you bitching about exactly? you even thanked the mods for it...
"In the past if anyone would have pulled a cheap stunt like that the rest of us would have called him out on the threads and demanded he be banned for trying to farm for reps in such a cheap way"
he was called out(by you as well), i even told him it's against the rules and that he'll get in trouble, he did! so the rules work, what are you bitching about again? just because there are rules against killing, doesn't mean all people will follow them...
"Udemy is making a fool out of us and getting massive link juice from BBHF"
they don't share coupons for link juice you idiot, you really don't understand how marketing works, do you?
i gotta say, you're views are FLAWED, the GB section is great, just like you were told by LOTS of people including a mod and the udemy section worked great so far... the new section separation was created by the admin by the way...
"BBHF has been overun by noobs with no respect for themselves or BBHF"
this sentence is ironic... i'm not religious by i'll quote the bible anyway:
"first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye"
sometimes you have to think a bit before talking... similar to your GB rant...
all you have to do is read this thread to get your answer, but you chose to give a pointless rant instead....
lets see:
we have a thing going on here that will be ruined if we start
ripping courses...
you can read other people's opinions / reasoning here:
for those people who are not going click the link, just a few opinions from the thread:
"You provided codes as well so you should know how it works and what's happening now... but let me explain this to you again...
Almost 85% of web sources (platforms) are blocking codes from udemy for whatever reasons now...
BBHF is the only one platform now providing so many free codes in one place => you want advanced SEO course right? So I assume you know basics of SEO... and you should know then that in google search BBHF is on the top now according to free codes!
Now when instructor is checking out his course in google search all he finds is => BBHF => he comes here and what he can see? His course ripped => what does it cause=> NO MORE FREE CODES => moreover other instructors can see that as well => what does it mean for us? => think it doesn't hurt...
This section here became way to popular... it's not underground anymore... it's trending!
So you can gain one ripped course but loose 100 others free codes... the choice is yours...
btw Did you consider writing to the instructor to ask for a free code for yourself if this is the course you can't live without???
I bet it's gonna be faster than begging here for rip version and if you are lucky to get one you can even save the space on your HD... ;)"
"OK. this was interesting, so here's my 2 cents.
The obvious part exsus is not paying attention to is the rule says not "HERE". so, if you feel so compelled that ripping is essential, then go rip. Or go find rips. JUST. NOT. HERE.
You are free to find someplace that does. "WE" (bbhf) will not. I don't buy gas at the flower shop or get my mail at a fitness center. get codes "here". get rips "there". The Internet is pretty big, ya know.
If by chance you can't find some place that posts rips, that's a problem not for us. we do codes.
the other part (I not sure if many will understand this correctly), what we do with the codes is not exactly what the instructors had in mind. They put out codes to attract attention and find possible customers for their other courses or to tell their friends to buy. They are not meant to be sucked up by collectors. And they target certain sites. reddit twitter whatever. So they do not send them to us or for us here.
So we are already being inconsiderate to a point. Why would you not be grateful for that? why would you think we should do more? Think of it like this- My friend gives me a coupon he got for free popcorn at the movies. I don't demand he go get it and bring the popcorn to my house and then film the movie for me too. Then turn around and think he is being unfair because he won't.
As for your demand- If I got a coupon for milk that expires, I can't just ask some internet friend to reprint them just because I didn't get to it in time. or demand people to make me milk. The same applies here.
And finally, to the point- I hang here almost daily. there just isn't much ripping here anyway. I mean not even one a week. Probably not even once a month as an average. How can you be a member for two years and not see that? By not allowing ripping, we are not really losing a whole lot anyway. it's not worth fighting for scraps few are doing anyway.
[size=large][b][u]My Answer:[/u][/b][/size]
*THAT RULE IS NOT GOOD FOR US. - i think by "us" you mean "me"...
grow up kid...
i also never said you will get that course again, its up to the instructor of the course
and i'm perfectly fine with that...
as Allyan already mentioned
- YOU DON’T HAVE TO GET ALL THE COURSE ALL THE TIME. there are LOTS of courses that i wanted and i didn't get...
so i either wait a bit to get a new coupon, enter a similar course with a different coupon or go to the freebie section and find a similar product...
- ripping their courses after you get the course will only deter them from sharing coupons in the future - so my question is, are you that selfish? do you want to ruin this transaction just so YOU could get ANOTHER seo course? there are HUNDREDS of them in the freebie
section... do yo really need that one?
here you go buddy, enjoy yourself:
[url]http://[Reported from not using the default BBHF password].info/ultimate-seo-2013/[/url]
[url]http://[Reported from not using the default BBHF password].info/point-blank-seo/[/url]
[url]http://[Reported from not using the default BBHF password].info/invisible-seo-2013/[/url]
FOR EVERYBODY... i bet you have over 100 that you never going to use... but you collect them anyway...
as i already said i want people to share MORE COUPONS and ripping shared courses will only hurt the
whole community...
its NOT about YOU... its about the community...
we have a good thing going on here, udemy instructor share courses out of their own will, a lot of times
they share coupons SPECIFICALLY for this website... and we get new coupons all the time...
and unlike wso's... these courses provide value most of the time... AND YOU GET THOSE COURSES FOR FREE!!!
i think the main point is this:
i rather get 100 free coupons than risk losing it all for just 1 ripped course...
especially when i can find the same subject online regardless of the udemy course...
[size=large][b][u]about your other rants in the lounge:[/u][/b][/size]
"I just wanted to say thank you to the moderators for stopping a certain idiot from using BBHF to market his udemy courses by creating threads that say [Get]"
you're most welcome... as you can see from this thread doing these things are not allowed, i contacted the super moderator
who approved the rules to close these threads and warn the person (i have proof if you don't believe me). the thread was closed as a result.
"Now Udemy instructors are coming here signing up to the forums post once and getting tons of rep points"
udemy instructor don't give a SH*T about reps you buffoon, the person you are referring to ISN'T an instructor but a rep whore, and he was already warned... udemy instructor care about the number of students and REVIEWS... if more people would leave reviews you would see a flood of new coupons here...
"We even now have a Udemy Instructor noob requiring people to send him a pm to get a free udemy coupon."
ONE person, who was WARENED and his threads were CLOSED! he broke the freaking rules and was dealt with already, what are you bitching about exactly? you even thanked the mods for it...
"In the past if anyone would have pulled a cheap stunt like that the rest of us would have called him out on the threads and demanded he be banned for trying to farm for reps in such a cheap way"
he was called out(by you as well), i even told him it's against the rules and that he'll get in trouble, he did! so the rules work, what are you bitching about again? just because there are rules against killing, doesn't mean all people will follow them...
"Udemy is making a fool out of us and getting massive link juice from BBHF"
they don't share coupons for link juice you idiot, you really don't understand how marketing works, do you?
i gotta say, you're views are FLAWED, the GB section is great, just like you were told by LOTS of people including a mod and the udemy section worked great so far... the new section separation was created by the admin by the way...
"BBHF has been overun by noobs with no respect for themselves or BBHF"
this sentence is ironic... i'm not religious by i'll quote the bible anyway:
"first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye"
02-28-2015, 11:44 PM
Why can't I post a thread... because now the thread is showing "The specified thread does not exist.", while I click on it.
[Get] Microsoft Project 2013 Fundamentals (A Fast Track Course) (Value $79) Read more @ bestblackhatforum.com : [Get] Microsoft Project 2013 Fundamentals (A Fast Track Course)
[Get] Microsoft Project 2013 Fundamentals (A Fast Track Course) (Value $79) Read more @ bestblackhatforum.com : [Get] Microsoft Project 2013 Fundamentals (A Fast Track Course)
04-09-2015, 03:14 AM
Hello, how do I delete my old threads? I can't find the button. I posted a bunch of threads for the same free udemy course and then someone told me to just update the same thread... thanks so much! Sky
09-22-2015, 06:48 AM
Hi admin, future udemy instructor here. I am in a bit of tough spot and I was wondering if I could post a very temporary poll here in the free zone. I have been working on two massive courses but I need to choose one or the other, and it would be, believe me, to a great advantage to you guys also, if I could create a short poll :
The Complete guide to french fluency through games, dialogue and mnemonics - over 50+ hours
The Complete guide to english fluency through dialogue, games, and mnemonics - over 50+ hours
The thing is, I really dont know which one to concentrate on and finish in the coming month. Of course, thousand coupons would be generously offered with wine right here
The Complete guide to french fluency through games, dialogue and mnemonics - over 50+ hours
The Complete guide to english fluency through dialogue, games, and mnemonics - over 50+ hours
The thing is, I really dont know which one to concentrate on and finish in the coming month. Of course, thousand coupons would be generously offered with wine right here
12-09-2015, 08:14 PM
Hi, what happened to the green highlighted posts, it used to be much easier when unread post were always highlighted with green text, now it does not work anymore
12-20-2015, 08:32 AM
I must say something, after 2 attempts to open new thread giving our members and friends any udemy course for free and i eventually stop trying, i know that our moderator is busy but my offer is for limited time because i also don't have time to wait to see if my thread will go up and that im saying because i want to provide fast delivery.
I love this forum and most of the people here
with whomever and anywhere I talk always said that BBHF is the best, so this is my opinion and my stand.
If you like my offer and if you agree i will help but not true the thread but true the inbox, i respect udemy authors and don't want to provide this for the masses, if someone really need some paid course and wants to learn but don't have money i will give him that.
always beats for BBHF 
I love this forum and most of the people here

If you like my offer and if you agree i will help but not true the thread but true the inbox, i respect udemy authors and don't want to provide this for the masses, if someone really need some paid course and wants to learn but don't have money i will give him that.