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Full Version: [GET]How To Get Rid of "IDM has been registered with a fake serial number"
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(12-02-2013 03:37 AM)The Jumper Wrote: [ -> ]That picture of the ass with shhiit coming out nearly got me puking. I hope a moderator deletes that picture from this thread so I don't get to see it again?
It has been removed by the mod i think :p
(12-02-2013 03:33 AM)Bonrat Wrote: [ -> ]Rubbish bin is the best you can com up with? Please.

You are barely interesting when you use profanity.

Stick to the photo bombs.
You don't deserve my attention.

Pathetic RAT Smile
Come on @ Thor. ^___^

Give them some space to breath. :-)

From your perspective, you are right. In a way of putting it.

But still, I would say for them, "its better to show some humility and learn to learn from the humiliation in a positive manner."

I will give them "benefit of doubt", but prove nothing.

@ other$: Thor will know if ever you contribute. So instead of getting in a meaningless squabble, a fruitless row... its better not to instigate Thor with any emotional overload. and cool off you all. ^____^

@ Thor: I never disrespected you nor do I have anything against others.

With enough modesty I would just say.. give it break you guys:-)

Antagonizing each other doesn't help. and true, bbhf does not mean a place with bunchload of free stuff to be hoarded from.

thanx anyway
this crack is 100% working for me download this and you will ride of that problem
I've decided that IDM is so helpful that I bought a legit copy of it. I don't buy a lot of software, but the constant having to search for a working crack for IDM is too much trouble. So, I gave up and paid up.
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