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Nope you sent me a PM. I never engaged you it was you who attacked me. You do not know me or what I do or who I have helped or not helped you seek only to puff yourself up like a blowfish who as we know do that because they are afraid. So go away and pick on someone who actually cares.

If you actually read my reply I called you out for what you are a Bully. Now nothing I say or do will change that only you can do that. If this forum is only about free downloads then the members have missed the point as have you.

Again I reiterate that your ability enables you to look good because of your shares which give the impression that you care for this forum by sharing but the truth is you only care about your own voice and the accolades others give you.

Now go and play your little children's games and let the men get on with their work.

To those who moderate this forum you have let the members down because you allow Thor to disrespect other forum members using language and bullying tactics which are unacceptable all because he share quality stuff. He may provide quality shares and he his entitled to his opinions but others also make quality shares and have offered nothing but grace to those who they may disagree with and one of the best examples of this is Johnny Shadow.

This forum is fantastic but Thor leaves a bad taste in the mouth of those who have to put up with his behavior. So how about contacting him and reminding him that disrespecting and bullying others members actually is against the TOS but it seems the rules don't apply to him.
(12-01-2013 03:57 PM)The Thor Hammer Wrote: [ -> ]Oh JamesVinch D.i.c.k Leecher

Next time before you said i am SILLY / CHILDISH

Think before you talk

Your Post 6 ( shows a pot caling the kettle black )
Did i ask you to comment on me ?
Why waste time on me ? Leave me alone and harrass others :-)

Shame on YOU Biggrin

Thor is just a KID who goes about bragging simply because of the rank they gave him

what a nonsense

it seems everybody are afraid of HIM? this forum is all about everyone , but just some silly people like Thor, pasting stu>pid photos, calling people names . all in the name of Knight rank they gave him

i doubt if you can challenge me without this GREAT Forum

it's high time the admins or the owners review the type of honor they gives out.
Jonnyshadow is one of my respected people here, always there to assist people with all he has........
Cyperpunk is also my best bet

Yeah i am a Small Kid ? LOL Lol

Thanks for that , both of you D.I.C.K HEADS.

Play childish games because BOTH of you JamesVinc and Johnpaul are also CHILDISH + HYPOCRITES.
Biggrin Biggrin

Learn to RESPECT Leechers aka Beggar ?




Biggrin Biggrin

@ johnpaul aka HYPOCRITE ,

You still have a LONG LONG WAY to go at the age of 27 years old :-)

Young Punk Indeed 42rock
FASTER Johnpaul


[Image: vince-mcmahon1.jpg]
Our JamesVinc is so THICK SKIN !

You have let ALL BBHF members DOWN EVEN MORE !

What have you contribute in this community ?


You leech and leech from 2012 and do not wish to return back anything.


Your mum + dad must be VERY SAD to have a LEECHER SON 42rock

Pathetic and i pity your parents Sleepy
(12-01-2013 08:19 PM)JamesVinc Wrote: [ -> ]To those who moderate this forum you have let the members down
I just test it, but it doesn't work.
but thanks for try.
In the spirit of my Avatar and the words of The Divine Miss M

“F**k 'em if they can't take a joke!” ― Bette Midler

More pictures from home ........ Please.
NO i can't take Jokes anymore.....Any problem ?

Hey aren't you suppose to be digging rubbish bin ? Bon RAT :-p
Rubbish bin is the best you can com up with? Please.

You are barely interesting when you use profanity.

Stick to the photo bombs.
That picture of the ass with shhiit coming out nearly got me puking. I hope a moderator deletes that picture from this thread so I don't get to see it again?
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