I think """The Thor Hammer"" has a bad behavior on insulting people
you should start respecting people """The Thor Hammer"""
everybody must not share.
do your own and leave others
Now all the M.O.R.O.N.S Start appearing....
Who do you think you are to say i have a bad behavior ?
Mind your own F.U.C.K Business johnpaul D.I.C.K
Or i make sure that no one reup or share with you :-)
And to ALL,
Mine PINK COLOR and Brotherhood status has a PURPOSE.
To TROLL with Leechers / Ungrateful members / SPY
It was APPROVE by the Super Moderator + Admin aka Owner of this forum ;-)
Don't like me or bestblackhatforum ?
Free Free to leave. Nobody is forcing you to stay :)
(12-01-2013 03:28 PM)JamesVinc Wrote: [ -> ]My mother taught me if I did not have
something nice to say about someone say nothing advice you should take
but your aggressive manner towards junior members for your ego sake
brings you no honor.
Did your Mother teach you to be grateful + kind person ?
WHERE is your Mirror / Share ?
Show us before you whine like a Baby !
Don't divert attention, what ego, agressive....
Just admit you are indeed have ZERO intention
to share ANYTHING other than LEECH like a STREET BEGGAR
Shame on you SERIOUSLY
You want people to respect a OLD TIME LEECHER ?
Firstly CONTRIBUTE Something FIRST and you EARN that RESPECT
Oh JamesVinch D.i.c.k Leecher
Next time before you said i am SILLY / CHILDISH
Think before you talk
Your Post 6 ( shows a pot caling the kettle black )
Did i ask you to comment on me ?
Why waste time on me ? Leave me alone and harrass others :-)
Shame on YOU
The Thor Hammer
You can take all my REP for i care
i didn't spit on your face, rather i throw WORDS on your face
learn to respect people, i am not here to rep or whatever people like, i am here because we all have common goals SHARE THINGS TOGETHER, AS WELL AS RESPECT OTHERS.
if everybody are to leave only you on this forum, don't you think here will be boring?
you said """""i make sure that no one reup or share with you""" you think i care??
go ahead
Just try to respect people
(12-01-2013 03:59 PM)johnpaul2k2 Wrote: [ -> ]The Thor Hammer
You can take all my REP for i care
i didn't spit on your face, rather i throw WORDS on your face
learn to respect people, i am not here to rep or whatever people like, i am here because we all have common goals SHARE THINGS TOGETHER, AS WELL AS RESPECT OTHERS.
if everybody are to leave only you on this forum, don't you think here will be boring?
you said """""i make sure that no one reup or share with you""" you think i care??
go ahead
Just try to respect people
Learn To Respect people (Leechers) ?
Young Punk,
In the FIRST PLACE did i ASK for your Opinion ?
So mind your business and enjoy BBHF stay !
My Job here is to TROLL Leechers
(12-01-2013 03:59 PM)johnpaul2k2 Wrote: [ -> ]if everybody are to leave only you on this forum, don't you think here will be boring?
There MANY people here KNOW why i am doing this. And they have STAY TILL NOW
And they love it....NOT boring at all
Cheers !
All I can say.
Thanks for the tips
EDIT: error still exists
Maybe the below link will help to remove this error. I have tested and it works fine.