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Kindle Section (Digital Publishing)


  1. [GET] The Art of X-Ray Reading: How the Secrets of 25 Great Works of Literature Will Improve Your Writing (0 Replies)
  2. [GET] 1,000 Awesome Writing Prompts (2 Replies)
  3. [GET] Writer's Digest - January 2017 (3 Replies)
  4. [GET] Writing Magazine - November 2016 (2 Replies)
  5. [GET] A Marketing Guide to Getting Your Idea Published using Amazon and Create Space POD (0 Replies)
  6. [GET] Crafting Novels and Short Stories: The Complete Guide to Writing Great Fiction (1 Reply)
  7. [GET] The Everything Creative Writing Book (1 Reply)
  8. [GET] Publishing 101: A First-Time Author's Guide to Getting Published, Marketing and Promoting Your Book (1 Reply)
  9. [GET] The Beginner's Guide to Getting Published (1 Reply)
  10. [GET] The Productive Writer: Tips and Tools to Help You Write More, Stress Less and Create Success (5 Replies)
  11. [GET] Elements of Fiction Writing - Description (2 Replies)
  12. [GET] Between the Lines: Master the Subtle Elements of Fiction Writing (1 Reply)
  13. [GET] Elements of Fiction Writing - Characters and Viewpoint (0 Replies)
  14. [GET] 8 Hour Bestseller: How to Write Your Bestselling Book in Record Time (2 Replies)
  15. [GET] The Story Works Guide to Writing Character: How to create memorable characters (3 Replies)
  16. [GET] Plot Versus Character: A Balanced Approach to Writing Great Fiction (2 Replies)
  17. [GET] A Writer's Guide To Creative Blogging: Create the Writer's Blog You've Always Wanted (1 Reply)
  18. [GET] The Writer's Survival Guide (0 Replies)
  19. [GET] Vex, Hex, Smash, Smooch: Let Verbs Power Your Writing (1 Reply)
  20. [GET] The Audacity to be a Writer: 50 Inspiring Articles on Writing that Could Change Your Life (1 Reply)
  21. [GET] Fast Fiction: A Guide to Outlining and Writing a First-Draft Novel in Thirty Days (1 Reply)
  22. [GET] How to Write Descriptions of Eyes and Faces (0 Replies)
  23. [GET] How to Write Erotic Fiction and Sex Scenes (2 Replies)
  24. [GET] Write, Publish and Succeed: 2017 Edition : Limited Offer ◄◄◄ (6 Replies)
  25. [GET] HOW I SOLD 80,000 BOOKS: Book Marketing for Authors (Self Publishing through Amazon and Other Retailers) (17 Replies)
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