Kindle Section (Digital Publishing)
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- [GET] Publish Everywhere Profits (18 Replies)
- [GET] Book Launch Formula: 3 Proven Strategies to Launch Your Nonfiction Book (0 Replies)
- [GET] BookBub Ads Expert: A Marketing Guide to Author Discovery- David Gaughran (2 Replies)
- [GET] Low Content Publishing 101 Book (9 Replies)
- [GET] Pen Names and Publishing (4 Replies)
- [GET] Self-publishing Unboxed (The Three--year, No-bestseller Plan For Making a Sustainable Living From Your Fiction Book 1 (2 Replies)
- [GET] Going Wide Unboxed (The Three--year, No-bestseller Plan For Making a Sustainable Living From Your Fiction Book 3) (1 Reply)
- [GET] Mailing Lists Unboxed (The Three--year, No-bestseller Plan For Making a Sustainable Living From Your Fiction Book 2) (3 Replies)
- RESEARCH for Writing a Book Masterclass - FREE COURSE (1 Reply)
- [GET] 7 Amazing FREE Online Tools for Authors (2 Replies)
- Stages of a Fiction Writer- Dean Wesley Smith (2 Replies)
- [GET] Write and Publish an eBook in 7 Days - Jim Edwards (7 Replies)
- [GET] Piggyback Publishing Profits (27 Replies)
- [GET] Fiction Writer's Workshop (3 Replies)
- [GET] F@KE FICT1ON (8 Replies)
- [GET] The Art and Craft of Writing Historical Fiction (4 Replies)
- [GET] Release Strategies: Plan your self-publishing schedule for maximum benefit (Successful Indie Author Book 2) (1 Reply)
- [GET] The Successful Author Mindset: A Handbook for Surviving the Writer's Journey-Joanna Penn (1 Reply)
- [GET] Create Story Ideas That Beg to Be Written: The Simple Secrets to Start Producing Terrific Ideas Today (1 Reply)
- [GET] Published: The Proven Path From Blank Page To 10,000 Copies Sold (2 Replies)
- [GET] Published.: The Proven Path From Blank Page To Published Author (3 Replies)
- Killing The Sacred Cows of Publishing-Dean Wesley Smith (0 Replies)
- [GET] Writing Children's Books For Dummies (2 Replies)