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01-07-2018, 06:44 PM
Post: #1
[METHOD] Fast Cash and WSO's
There is no doubt that we should all be building a solid stable online business that pumps out passive income, but this takes time right ?

What about when your in a jam and you need fast cash, well the fastest way I know is to create a product, but then you need traffic, well the only place I know that provides hoards of almost free frenzied instant traffic ready to spend is the WF.

Now there is a lot to said about WSO’s, go to the freebie WSO section of this forum and you will see many of the same comments “Garbage” and “Rehashed crap”.

While these keyboard cowboys are throwing mud these “Garbage” WSO’s are making the product creator money and in some cases very good money.

I remember speaking to George Brown when he was releasing Google Sniper as a WSO and look how rich he became.

Remember the saying, there are no new ideas under the sun. Most products are all the same, that is send targeted traffic to an offer and get conversions, sure there may be a new affiliate program or traffic source, but when it comes to WSO’s you don't have to reinvent the wheel.

Let me give you some examples of how Warriors love to eat this “Garbage”, there was a WSO receiving rave reviews recently and the guy was obviously making coin until a senior Warrior came along and called him out for stealing articles from his site, that's all his WSO was, a few articles he didn't even write.

There have been many other occasions where people were caught out using old outdated PLR as a WSO, but again before they were rumbled they received rave reviews.

So if your scared and think you can’t launch a WSO, you absolutely can. and once its launched you get instant cash in your Paypal.

One other thing that's is massively in our favour. WF changed the rules and they are strictly enforcing no incoming claims.

This is great news because before it was all how I am making x amount within 48 hours and the sales pages were loaded with income shots.

Now we can absolutely avoid questions from buyers about income and how much money we make with our methods so we can't get called out.

Here is how I do it, I am going to break it down for you.

The very first thing you need is structure, so for example, plan to launch within 5 - 7 days.

Day 1 research
Day 2 probably finish off research and write the first draft.
Day 3 Write the 2nd draft and start researching sales pages
Day 4 Start on the 3rd draft and 1st draft of the sales page
Day 5 Finish off the sales page.
Day 6 put everything together and the bonuses
Day 7 launch

That's my schedule roughly.

I will go into some more detail now.

For the research part I stay here BBHF or look through my hard drive, I spend about a day and a half going through all the free products.

When I see something hot that I can replicate easy I will choose that, video works good. I go through all the videos and then I will rewrite it in my own words and add a bit to it. That's it, it really is that simple.

Now when you write the first draft DO NOT correct any mistakes, spelling or grammar, you need to just let your writing flow.

On the second draft you may need to write more and then on the third draft this is when you correct the grammar and spelling errors. When I started using this structure I became super productive.

Before that, I would just spend days on the first write up correcting mistakes.

After the 3rd draft I move everything into a pdf template I bought on Fiverr. This is when I also space out the paragraphs and ensure the formatting is good.

Now with your product you are going to need an angle, let me give you an example “99% of the gurus are not doing this” or “ This only works if you are stupid and broke” I incorporate this into my ebook and sales page.

Let's move onto the sales page and this is probably the scariest part for you because you're not and a copywriter and you can't afford one,but I have good news for you.

Sales pages have evolved and they are becoming less wordy, case in point take a look at Commission Dragon and Incomely.

Also WSO’s are moving away from graphical sales pages, they used to be in, but now I don't use graphics and I think they convert better without.

I just grab a couple of images from Google to break the text up and add a product image thats it.

For the copy itself, this is simple. Go to Warrior plus and look at the top converting sales pages and re-write one of them as your own.

I know a top guru who is copying them word for word but I don't recommend that.

Here is my structure;

Headline - There is enough on this forum about headlines so take a look

Intro - Are you broke, tired of products not working yada yada

Story - I was once like you until I discovered yada yada - I call this method …..Name of product

Scarcity - I am just testing this launch as a WSO and then I will pull it yada yada

Action - Buy Now



So look at the converting sales pages on Warrior plus and pull out the above elements.

Bonuses - This is simple because again Warriors dont want crappy PLR and there is a shift away from crappy bonuses.

So I just include a cheat which is the main pdf in bullet points.

Put everything in Google drive and it’s time to launch.

Now there are a lot of dumb asses on WF and thankfully it's easy to execute the launch a lot better than how most do.

One thing you are going to need is reviews and lots of them, this is crucial, without rave reviews your WSO will sink fast, but I have a very sneaky way of getting reviews.

But before I tell you how to get reviews I going to tell you how not to do it and that is the way most idiots do it, by placing an ad on WF begging for reviews, because I think this devalues your product and you are paying more money to the greedy ba$tard$ at WF.

Another way not to do it is when you launch and say you are giving out x amount of review copies because, buyers will turn around and say, well I will wait for the reviews and when no one asks for a review copy or posts a review your in trouble.

The other day I seen this idiot post an ad looking for reviewers for his product and then he launches his product at the same time, so when potential buyers go to check his posts what do they see, he is giving away free copies. You couldn’t make it up.

Here is how I do it and it works every time. Go to the classifieds or Warriors looking to hire you section and find the idiots posting ads looking for reviewers, now go into the ad and find the review beggars and PM them asking if they would like to review your product.

Also go into the WSO section and look for new WSO’s, we can always find more review beggars on the new threads, PM them as well.

HOT TIP this works like gangbusters. You will notice serial WSO posters on WF that have a bit of a following, PM them as well when they just launch and ask if they are interested in a review swap. None have ever said no to me. Now you have reviews from somebody with a bit of status.

That's it for getting reviews. No begging on your thread or spending money on ads.

Now it will normally take about a week for all they reviewers to post on your thread so be patient, some will be fast and this will bring sales.

Copy the good reviews and paste them at the top of your sales page because this is the first impression a potential buyer will get.

Using the above methods on my latest WSO I am up to $150 with 2 bumps in 3 days, no support requests or anything so its passive once launched.

The WSO before that I had over 100 sales and I was flat broke at that point.

A top level guru has approached me and wants to do a JV and launch my latest WSO on JV zoo, so its not only sales this can bring opportunity.

Any questions just ask.

I hope this is helpful.

If you have a quicker and easier way to make money I would like to hear your methods.

If there is enough interest I will keep this thread alive and go into more detail, guys and gals if you are struggling it doesn’t get any easier than this, you could easily launch one a week for a month.
02-09-2018, 08:53 PM (This post was last modified: 02-09-2018 09:02 PM by tupac.)
Post: #2
RE: [METHOD] Fast Cash and WSO's
thank you Jonnymonic for the post. rep+++

A real, simple well explained method, a big reminder that action is key to get fast cash.
You can check my posts, I always try to motivate people to take fast simple actions with simple plans.

Out of curiosity, I got a couple of questions.
When you say wso, you are talking about selling on wf or warriorplus?
What about affiliates, you didn't try that yet?
I believe that affiliates are the fastest way to bring in money even for a service.

Again thank you.
Have a positive day and a fruitful business.
1) There are no enemies, but the enemies within, the enemies outside can do us no harm. 2) The best time to launch an offer was 10 years ago, the second best time to do that is today. So what are you waiting for? It's time to take action.
02-10-2018, 03:49 PM (This post was last modified: 02-10-2018 03:49 PM by Lumos.)
Post: #3
RE: [METHOD] Fast Cash and WSO's
Just my 2 cents...:
This is a real gem for anyone with something to sell !!

Writeups like this one are the very best of everything here because they come from real folks who are actually telling how they've done it.

Thanks for sharing this Jonnymonic (+Rep added, of course).
I totally despise board spammers and spambots !!!
02-10-2018, 08:01 PM
Post: #4
RE: [METHOD] Fast Cash and WSO's
Very helpful post. Thanks Jonnymonic.
Bookmarking this one.
02-11-2018, 03:02 PM
Post: #5
RE: [METHOD] Fast Cash and WSO's
To @HeadlessTree who has sent me a PM, LOL do you really think I am going to send you my sales page and a copy of the product and out myself like that ?????

Time for an update, Jan was bad real bad, I quit my full time job because of a business venture in which a I was promised x amount of money monthly, however they had delays getting money to me until feb so luckily I had my WSO launched, in a way this was really disappointing as I had to live off the WSO money when my plan was to save that for other ventures, but again thank god for WSO's because I literally did not have a cent.

So in Jan I had around 70 sales of the Jan WSO and around 10 of the Dec WSO with only one refund request and hardly any support requests. My costs were the initial $20 to post the WSO and the box cover $5.

Now we are into feb and I want to do one a month until I can at least get some money set aside for the unexpected.

I will start the above process to launch a new WSO for Feb.

@Tupac this is for Warrior forum only.
About affiliates, yes I kind of want to get into that but at the moment I need fast cash and I don't want distractions or to waste time. I will wait until I have a lump sum and can spend a bit more time and money on a full scale launch with affilaites and, JV page and affiliate competitions etc

Right now I need to get up and running in the fastest time possible.

One more thing, sorry I dont have time to answer individual PM's on this, I am happy to answer questions here so everybody can benefit.

Now time to research my next WSO topic.
02-11-2018, 10:19 PM
Post: #6
RE: [METHOD] Fast Cash and WSO's
Thanks for the update. I will be keeping tuned into this to get some tips if you don't mind.
I hope you get great results with your next WSO's.
02-12-2018, 03:13 PM
Post: #7
RE: [METHOD] Fast Cash and WSO's
Brief update, it seems WF is changing the rules on a daily basis so we need to be one step of the game. It appears you are not allowed to offer review copies any more which will be another uphill struggle, this is real bad since this is a very important aspect of launching. Btw I will need to read into this more, I am not saying this is 100% correct at the moment, just offering a quick heads up.
03-06-2018, 08:12 PM
Post: #8
RE: [METHOD] Fast Cash and WSO's
So last few days I have been browsing the WSO section for ideas, by the way I did not set up an offer for Feb which I am disappointed with but I am now working on my March offer.

I have come across 2 freebies on here which are very similar methods which I am going to run with by combining the methods into one method.

One of the more detailed freebies is video based which I prefer as my WSO will be PDF based which makes it more unique.

Right now I am going through the video course and taking notes, I will put my own spin and twists on the method.
03-10-2018, 03:08 PM
Post: #9
RE: [METHOD] Fast Cash and WSO's
I am now 90% of the way through my first draft, trying to beef out the course and put my own spin on it.

One interesting thing is that I am now starting to get crossover in my products, so all the parts on providing instruction for hosting a buying a domain, I just need to copy and past from my previous WSO making everything a lot quicker.

Also I have ordered the box cover and my goal is to be launched on Tuesday.
03-11-2018, 09:42 PM (This post was last modified: 03-11-2018 09:43 PM by tupac.)
Post: #10
RE: [METHOD] Fast Cash and WSO's
Hi Jonny
Glad you are still posting updates.
Keep going man, you'll make it.
Also, try to speed up the creation process, as I read you do not have a job now = free time, do like the 7 day product creation system here:

For inspiration, maybe you can take a look at all sean mize products plr or not here:
Many plr are just audio, so transcribe and sell.

keep up the good work.
1) There are no enemies, but the enemies within, the enemies outside can do us no harm. 2) The best time to launch an offer was 10 years ago, the second best time to do that is today. So what are you waiting for? It's time to take action.

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