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11-07-2021, 10:06 PM
Post: #141
RE: [GET] 21 Reasons Not To Get Vaccinated
Nice Thread

I mean those who have survived 2020 and 2021 and had no vaccinated - must not take now a vaccine.

Those who have survived so far do not have to be vaccinated now, despite the 4th wave. :)

Right? :)


FOR 4 MONTH! https://etsy.me/3MVv7ZI
11-08-2021, 03:14 AM
Post: #142
RE: [GET] 21 Reasons Not To Get Vaccinated
-----[quote='smithnowt' pid='3356979' dateline='1636249066']
All this TOTALLY avoidable arguing - and OF COURSE -nobody- has answered this 100% critical query:

I don't care about this kind of "argument", this attempt to disqualify a conversation about ideas by trying to turn it into a conversation about people.
This has been happening for a long time on the internet, when one of the parts has no arguments.
You need to label someone as a "troll" just for lack of ideas.
It's fun to see how these conversations work like a mirror and break down this artificial classification into "trolls" and "good members".
I'll use your standard and ask:
Please let us know what the "legal or medical" standards are used here at BBHF so that we can agree exactly on what a "good" or "bad" member is.
To say that someone here is being paid to support vaccination is another nonsense. It is the accuser who bears the burden of proof of this nonsense.
Where are these proofs? And, of course, it works the other way as well: who can guarantee that such "good members" are not being paid by the anti-vax movement?

"Kindly PROVE with certainty that these shots follow ANY legal, or 'medical' definitions for what 'vaccines' are, and MUST do in order to qualify as such."

First of all, kindly show us what you accept as "legal or medical" deffinition for what vaccines are.
Do you accept this medical definition? "A preparation that is used to stimulate the body's immune response against diseases."
Vaccines have nearly eradicated polio cases. Diseases don't care about medical or legal definitions.

However, I really can fully agree with smithnowt in one thing: this arguing is avoidable.

You asked for a proof 100% definite and verifiable, but are you being sincere? Nobody knows.
I'm happy with the studies of Butantan Institue here in my country, despite the boycott of our stupid pro-Trump president;
It is suffice, to me, to see the drop of deaths in my country and the "coincidence" that most of our people are being vaccinated. In my mind it debunks this euthanasia nonsense.
If you think another way, this is your problem.
I'm happy with the way that vaccination is helping us to control the pandemic here, in spite of politicians.

I've wasted a lot of time here in a conversation that is basically useless. What I've put in here is only for people who have enough flexibility to analyze what's going on, beyond any conspiracy theories in vogue.

11-08-2021, 03:17 AM
Post: #143
RE: [GET] 21 Reasons Not To Get Vaccinated
Quote:Those who have survived so far do not have to be vaccinated now, despite the 4th wave. :)

Right? :)

Correct. It is totally unnecessary. Have a look at this antidote for any virus, bacteria or pathogen:


It is even effective against the vaccine itself and will destroy the spike proteins.

Bitchute has lots of information on this substance. I have used it and are still using it with tremendous success.

No more being sick in bed and feeling terrible. As soon as I get a sore throat or start coughing, I drink it and usually within a few hours or a day I am healed. It is also extremely effective against inflamed gums and if you have infected gums and brush your teeth with it, it will reduce and take away the pain within 30 minutes.

This is by no means the only remedy out there, but for me it works like a charm.

If a remedy does not work for you, do your research and due diligence and you will typically find the answer. Naturalnews.com is one such site.
11-08-2021, 03:44 AM
Post: #144
RE: [GET] 21 Reasons Not To Get Vaccinated
Here is reason # 22 https://youtu.be/bqkEYJcsD7M
11-08-2021, 07:51 AM
Post: #145
RE: [GET] 21 Reasons Not To Get Vaccinated
I have engaged in this conversation before and offered my point of view.
I have no desire to do so again.

However, I will say this:

I find it strange that out of the many vaccinated and unvaccinated people that I know,
only the people who have been double vaccinated have since had Covid.

Strange, huh?

Here's a post that I found on YT recently. I think this sums up the hysteria quite well.

"Why do the protected need to be protected from the unprotected
by forcing the unprotected to use the protection that didn't
protect the protected in the first place?"

11-08-2021, 08:47 AM
Post: #146
A new vaccine approach required.
Hopefully, when the 'dust settles', modern Science can turn its attention to 'curing' stupidity . . . with education.

Harsh, possibly! Where is the distinction drawn between willful ignorance and stupidity?

'Tuberculosis' (TB) up until 1949 was a lethal bacterial infection. The treatment for TB is a course of antibiotics. Would you take those antibiotics if you had TB? You bet your donkey you would.

If you have survived so far without a vaccine, great! You are young, healthy and your immune system is working. What happens when you get older, less fit and you want to travel or you contract or transmit the virus to your loved ones?

'Chlorine dioxide' was discovered in 1814 by Sir Humphrey Davy. It had zero effect on Tuberculosis. Thus, as a cure-all, it is bullshit.

There is bullshit and there is Scientific fact! Reality versus fantasy.

A fantasist is unable to deal with reality.
11-08-2021, 09:14 AM (This post was last modified: 11-08-2021 09:53 AM by Archon.)
Post: #147
RE: [GET] 21 Reasons Not To Get Vaccinated
There are no commercials interrupting us with media or pharmaceutical ads telling us
what we should believe or programming our belief system as we read this thread.

So we have an ability to see the truth for ourselves.

What is so difficult to understand is how programmed people are and how ingrained this
programming has become, they cannot accept new ideas which will lead to that truth.

To not be able to understand this truth is directly affecting our ability to be alive.

The time you won't take to understand, is that very same time, which will cost you the
rest of your time here on Earth.
11-08-2021, 11:19 AM
Post: #148
RE: [GET] 21 Reasons Not To Get Vaccinated
(11-08-2021 09:14 AM)Archon Wrote:  There are no commercials interrupting us with media or pharmaceutical ads telling us
what we should believe or programming our belief system as we read this thread.

So we have an ability to see the truth for ourselves.

What is so difficult to understand is how programmed people are and how ingrained this
programming has become, they cannot accept new ideas which will lead to that truth.

To not be able to understand this truth is directly affecting our ability to be alive.

The time you won't take to understand, is that very same time, which will cost you the
rest of your time here on Earth.

A truly, sincerely beautiful summation - thanks for sharing it.

Still...and again...yawn=>
As with all the times before this, I notice here (once again) how the shills/trolls 100% ignore the 2 very SIMPLE queries that I posted here before and instead they just flood this thread with their horridly hypnotized NON-thoughts.

That is so pathetically sad.

This member is NOT volunteering for ANY SHOTS for ANYTHING of ANY KIND and especially as regards shots which are clearly being shown as the causes of illnesses and death for so many of the programmed people.

Enjoy and Prosper in Perfect Health !!
I totally despise board spammers and spambots !!!
11-08-2021, 12:19 PM
Post: #149
RE: [GET] 21 Reasons Not To Get Vaccinated
I find this thread thought-provoking no matter which side you choose to be on.....
Some more thoughts for you all to ponder:
1) Some healthcare providers here in the USA want to charge more money for their healthcare insurance each month if someone isn't vaccinated. Hmmmmmmmm, interesting. I guess they should also contemplate doing that for homosexuals? After all their lifestyle is the direct reason they could get HIV/AIDS and make their healthcare costs go higher. What about overweight and obese people being charged more, per pound?, since their healthcare and specifically with regard to Covid, they have a greater probability of having complications and needing to go to the hospital? And since it's a lifestyle issue (choice to be fat) then I guess they too should have their health insurance costs increased, right?
Don't forget to charge women more too since they also have higher healthcare costs due to childcare, etc., I mean it's fair right? (yes, that was sarcastic)
2) Some doctors are refusing to treat patients with Covid that aren't vaccinated, I guess they think throwing out the Hippocratic oath is okay? I guess then doctors can choose NOT to treat anyone they don't agree with either religiously, philosophically, politically or morally?
3) My body, my choice....NOPE, not anymore. Amazing how those on the left who championed this slogan with regards to abortion (which by the way, also includes the life of a baby that is indiscriminately killed) have a problem with the rights of those not wanting to get something shot into their bodies that hasn't been long term tested and has been shown to have adverse reactions in some people. Funny how the tune changes when they don't like how it's applied......not to mention the irony of being against the vaccine when Trump was supporting it, only to change now that Biden is....Hmmmmmmm, hypocrite much?
4) Amazing how people were lied to (masks work, then they don't work, now they work and everyone has to wear them.....even though the science says they don't actually work against Covid) and no one holds the liars accountable...(yes, you Dr. Fauci)....Oh, and also why is he still employed and not in jail for lying to Congress, funding a lab in China to do gain of function research (illegal in the USA) and wrecking the world economy with unnecessary lockdowns that have done nothing????
5) Since science is being used to shape public policy and the spending of trillions of dollars, why aren't scientists held to the same standard corporate swindlers, fraudsters and insider traders are when caught fudging/manipulating/falsifying scientific data, funding illegal research and/or making fraudulent statements NOT based on the science? (yes, again that's YOU, Dr. Fauci as just one example)
6) Why would you trust scientists that claimed we were entering a global ice age less than 30 years ago and then did a total 180 and now say we are entering a global warming phase due to man-made CO2 emissions? What did they do flip a coin to decide? Not to mention all the other "sky is falling" predictions of the past 50 years that have all been BS and haven't come true.....imagine if we had spent Trillions on these so-called "scientific" predictions that were all bunk. Besides, if we REALLY were in dire straits of a human extinction event due to CO2 levels in the atmosphere, the simple, quick and sustainable answer is Nuclear Power (yes, the one we already have), which gives off zero CO2....case closed, problem solved, humanity saved....You're Welcome.
7)Why does everyone revile the Capitalist CEO as a greedy, unfair, swindler but think scientists, doctors and professors are holier than thou, morally superior, incorruptible, honest angels that can do no wrong and only have humanities best interests at heart? People are people and human nature is human nature no matter what profession, religion, race, etc., someone happens to be. And in case you didn't get it yet, I'm saying just like some CEO's......some scientists, doctors, politicians (okay, we already knew that one) and professors also lie and it's time to hold them accountable and not give them a free pass anymore.
Just sayin'
11-08-2021, 12:56 PM
Post: #150
RE: [GET] 21 Reasons Not To Get Vaccinated
"Where is the distinction drawn between willful ignorance and stupidity?"

I ask myself that very same question pretty much daily when I see the inability of people to be able to put all the pieces
together and look at the bigger picture. ie..think for themselves.

For example:

"What happens when you get older, less fit and you want to travel or you contract or transmit the virus to your loved ones?"

Transmit the virus to your loved ones?
You do know, I assume, that the virus can be transmitted to other people by both vaccinated and unvaccinated alike?

"Research shows that there is no difference in the transmissibility in vaccinated and unvaccinated"
[Chief Editor of the BMJ (British Medical Journal) BBC interview last week].

However, the largest study done on Covid patients, thus far, in Israel found that:

"double-jabbed, previously uninfected people are 13 times as likely to get Covid compared with the naturally immune.
Natural infection was also found to significantly reduce the risk of catching symptomatic disease and of being hospitalised with Covid."

There's some more science for you. (and boy, did the msm try to ignore that one)

That science not to your choosing?

Never mind, just look around and you will find another scientific study claiming the opposite.

My point is that it is only the most naive people believe that scientists all sing from the same hymn sheet all the time.
All 'proper' scientists, but often with different findings.

I think your antibiotic comparison backfired a bit too.

You do, of course, recognise TB as a bacteria and not a virus but I fail to see your point.
Of course if someone had TB they would take an antibiotic. But, they would have a choice.
They would be able to choose from Penicillin, Amoxicillin or Ampicillin - all battle tested over many, many years.

The reason there are variations is because many have severe allergic reactions to one or the other.
This was discovered after many years of trial and use.
This is not the case with any of those Authorized For Emergency Use 'vaccines'.

I am not anti-vaccine. I have had all the vaccines needed/offered over my lifetime.
What I am is anti-bullsh1t. I can smell it from miles away and I have enough sense and experience to know when to draw the line.

Did you see the allegations against Pfizer this week?
Did you see that the FDA ignored the (scientist's) concerns and rubber stamped the AEU order?
Try this, Google: "pfizer lawsuit history". They have a long history of lies, cover-ups and deceit.

These people are also scientists.

Do you know that Pfizer 'sponsor' just about every 'news' anchor on main stream misleadia, as well as the networks themselves?
Where is the incentive for those networks to tell the truth?

If you rely on those sources and blindly trust "the science" without employing your own independent, critical thinking,
then you my friend, are skrewed!

And, yet, you think that "when the 'dust settles', modern Science can turn its attention to 'curing' stupidity . . . with education".

That will depend on which colour of pill you take I suppose. However, with any luck it will be a suppository instead.

"A fantasist is unable to deal with reality".

I couldn't agree more.

The first lesson in reality is to understand that scientists don't always call the shots...their bosses do.
The second lesson is that those bosses love you less (a lot less) than they love money.

