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09-03-2021, 09:31 AM (This post was last modified: 11-06-2021 04:13 PM by Lumos.)
Post: #131
RE: [GET] 21 Reasons Not To Get Vaccinated
Moving down past the latest round of endless blather made by folks who are recruiting volunteers for euthanasia.
I totally despise board spammers and spambots !!!
09-03-2021, 10:14 AM
Post: #132
Study Microbiology
Microbiologists and Virologists study Microbes including Viruses.

You wish to understand viruses, study microbiology.

Unless you have studied Microbiology you know absolutely nothing about viruses.

Your belief that viruses do not exist is Scientific ignorance.

Science has being devising ways to kill viruses for the past 300+ years.

Just be thankful that you have been alive to witness the next steps in that process.

To deny the existence of viruses is to admit intolerable ignorance and stupidity.

Why would I personally attack you? You deny Science!

Best wishes,

I fully respect your decision not to take a vaccine.

It is your decision, your body, your free will.

It is often said that stupidity is the world's biggest killer.

Making a decision based on false information is stupid!
09-03-2021, 11:15 AM (This post was last modified: 09-04-2021 04:20 PM by Lumos.)
Post: #133
RE: [GET] 21 Reasons Not To Get Vaccinated
More empty blather containing ZERO useful info and TOTAL AVOIDANCE of the query addressed above.

Totally NOT surprising.

This member posts such lists of unhelpful, empty words endlessly - as if he is providing some sorts of answers - but he is not.

Therefore I refer any new visitors here:

And here:

As those characterize all the empty blather quite accurately IMO.
I totally despise board spammers and spambots !!!
11-06-2021, 01:07 PM (This post was last modified: 11-06-2021 01:46 PM by Vivekananda.)
Post: #134
RE: [GET] 21 Reasons Not To Get Vaccinated
(09-03-2021 01:09 AM)klubhammer Wrote:  I have read, possibly here, that there are those who say viruses do not exist.

If we examine this, then, how the heck could a non-existent entity have been created in a laboratory in China or anywhere else. Surely you cannot create that which does not exist.

What is the money being spent on in these labs if these entities do not exist?

What really intrigues me is the genius of the Chinese Scientists; they were able to create a killer virus that was specifically able to identify Chinese people and not infect them!!

It's time for. FFS!
Indeed, but now it seems that there is a new wave contaminating the chinese population again, the number of chinese people being infected in China is growing a lot now (in the beginning of november). It seems that the AI in the virus has a bug...
11-06-2021, 01:26 PM
Post: #135
RE: [GET] 21 Reasons Not To Get Vaccinated
I don't know why my messages are not appearing in the thread "Thread Coronavirus is a cover for 5G?", so I'm trying to write here.
Yes, it's hard to believe but there is a thread with this title here: http://bestblackhatforum.com/Thread-Coro...ver-for-5G
I'm seeing lots of fallacies from antivaxes against the vaccine.
One clear example is a photo about the chance of the planet being hit by an asteroid versus the probability of dying by covid, in the 5G thread.
The picture says that there is 0.0046% of chance of being hit by an asteroid versus 0.026 of dying of covid.
Is this a valid affirmation? No! Why? I'm glad you asked.
I'm not even questioning if these numbers are right, the problem here is that the 0.0046 number is about a probability of hitting any part of earth's surface.
First consideration:
Now let me tell you, about 71 percent of the Earth's surface is water-covered.
Well, AFAIK people usually do not live in water covered surfaces, so we have to consider only the remaining 29% dry surfaces AND the fact that we are not compressed together in these surfaces, so at first the number drops from 0.0046 (all the planet) to 0.0013% (in dry surfaces).
Case dismissed!
No, wait, there is more!
Second consideration:
I was curious enough to ask "hey, google, please tell me: "if we put all the people of this planet side by side, how many of earth's surface would be covered?"
According to the first answer that I found, "if all 7 billion of us stood side by side, we would all fit into Greater Los Angeles."
Another answer says "Believe It or Not: The World’s Population Can Fit Inside New York City"
"for the global population of 7.3 billion, you’d need a piece of land that’s 18.6 miles on each side (27 kilometers), which lo and behold is smaller than New York City"
So we have earth's surface area = 510065623 km2
and the surface needed to compress all the world population = 27 km2
Ok, so we have more than 18891319 times the space needed... get your 0.0046 probability of being hit and divides it by 1889319
And the answer in exponential notation is 2.43473971e-9
Translate it in the usual notation: 0.00000000243473971
now THIS is the real probability that any of us have of being hit by an asteroid
Ok, so we have 0.026% of probability of dying by covid
calculate 0.026 / 0.00000000243473971
The real fact: you have 10678759 times the probability of dying from covid than being hit by an asteroid.
Do not buy a helmet as suggested, it's much more intelligent allowing yourself to be vaccinated.
Yes, I know people who died from covid and people that survived but have health problems caused by the virus. Deaths by asteroids? Zero.
There is another picture in this 5G thread, a joke about "wearing a mask into a restaurant, then taking it off to sit down and eat."
The missing part is that we wear masks to avoid being contaminated all the way from our home to restaurant.
Last but not least, I live in São Paulo, the most populous city in Latin America, where we are had only 1 daily death for covid (in november 4 and in november 5)
It's more than a coincidence that most of our population is now fully vaccinated.
Forget any conspiration theory about voluntary population reduction, accept the facts.
In Brazil we are now facing problem of a growing number of deaths by covid in small places, where native people that believe in fake news is afraid of getting the shots.
11-06-2021, 04:12 PM
Post: #136
RE: [GET] 21 Reasons Not To Get Vaccinated
OK, now that we've had some more empty, useless blather made by those who make it obvious that they want ALL of us to desire euthanasia...and within all of which they insist upon FORCING nonsense upon sensible folks, please tell the rest of us without further delay:

Since the blatherers insist that MEDICAL 'viruses' which cause illnesses actually/factually exist...


Kindly present 100% definite and verifiable PROOF of this for all of us to examine, please.

Thanks in advance.
I totally despise board spammers and spambots !!!
11-06-2021, 05:33 PM (This post was last modified: 11-06-2021 07:00 PM by Diablofield.)
Post: #137
RE: [GET] 21 Reasons Not To Get Vaccinated
We are the vaccinated. Resistance is futile. You WILL be vaccinated.

Nothing you say or do can change our minds; not even proof that there are better alternatives than the vaccine or that the vaccine is dangerous.

Why? Because our reptilian overlords and their AI Gods have declared it so.

SSP Alliance Update: RECON - Reptilian ET bases on the Moon, Mars, and Antarctica Pt. 1

11-06-2021, 11:15 PM (This post was last modified: 11-06-2021 11:41 PM by mthomas.)
Post: #138
RE: [GET] 21 Reasons Not To Get Vaccinated
"Last but not least, I live in São Paulo, the most populous city in Latin America, where we are had only 1 daily death for covid (in november 4 and in november 5)
It's more than a coincidence that most of our population is now fully vaccinated.
Forget any conspiration theory about voluntary population reduction, accept the facts.
In Brazil we are now facing problem of a growing number of deaths by covid in small places, where native people that believe in fake news is afraid of getting the shots."

Here are some more "coincidences" for you.....
- The death rate in Singapore DOUBLED once the vaccination rate went from zero to 76%....Hmmmmmmmmmm??????
- Why hasn't Africa where the majority of people aren't using masks and aren't vaccinated at all have a lower infection and death rate than first world countries? Hmmmmmmm????
- Why does one of the states in India that uses Ivermectin (and an antibiotic, can't remember the name) have an almost zero infection/death rate compared to it's neighbor's that don't use these drugs? Hmmmmmmm? Also, given this "coincidence" why hasn't there been a WORLD WIDE effort to give these drugs to high hit area's to see if it actually ISN"T just a coincidence and is an actual CURE and preventitive, you know like an actual vaccine that actual works (meaning you don't get covid, period)?
- Why, since this coincidence has almost zero infections/deaths (ivermectin/antibiotic) hasn't it been double blind tested IMMEDIATELY and since it costs less than $10 per person to use, why isn't it being tested/given to people in high infection area's? Hmmmmmmmmm? I'm sure money has NOTHING to do with it, after all these are doctor's and scientists and they are all angelic, hypocratic oath swearing, morally and intellectually superior, genius that would "NEVER" do anything like test virusus and try to make they more infectious, or NOT test a drug that might actually work, or say masks work when we know they don't, or lie to the population because they want to 'do the right thing, regardless of what the actual science shows, or make up/lie/fudge/manipulate the data for their own monitary gains.....no, that would "never" happen, right Dr. Fauci?
- And to politicize this just a little bit.......here in the USA when Trump was President, all the liberals said NOT to take the vaccine because it was a gov't conspiracy and didn't work, but when Biden stole the White House all of a sudden everyone on the planet has to (as in is forced) to take the jab whether they want it or not and whether it works or not and whether it does more harm than good (as in teenagers and kids, etc.)......hhhhhhMMMMMM?
- Let's also not forget the lie's being told by so called "scientists" about "man-made" global warming BS.......why do you say I'm bringing this up here? Because it's all the same nonsense.....those in charge using pseudo-science (as in made up) to make YOU do what THEY want (and don't do themselves, I might add....just look at the 400 private jets that landed in Scotland for the "UN climate conference" BS)....no more eating meat, EAT BUGS instead, no more living well or buying stuff, you will now be limited based on an arbitrary limit of nonsensical, unnecessary and illogical "carbon credits" (used simply to redistribute wealth to "poor" nations), no more large container drinks, no more gas cars (even though it takes fossil fuels to make the electricity for electric cars....DUH), no more traveling (unless you are one of the 1% of those in power, etc, etc, I could go on but I think you get the idea......ALL BS to control YOU! and it you haven't gotten it yet, it has NOTHING to do with vaccines to help you or less carbon to heap the Earth, it is ALL pseudo-science, PERIOD! (remember, in the 1980's when "all" the scientists said we were supposedly entering into a mini ice age and that we were all doomed if we didn't act immediately!!!!!!!! yeah, right.)

People, you need to start thinking for yourselves and using REAL science (backed up by actual data, meaning see who paid for the study, was it peer-reviewed, audited for the integrity of scientific methods being used and adhered to in the strictest method and did it use all the available information/data or just a limited subset to skew the study one way or the other?) and past historical information to make logical connections. Add a dose of and study of basic human nature, which seldom changes, and you will find that what is happening today has all been tried before in the past and it usually doesn't end very well when those in power force everyone else to do what they tell you to do. (and ironically, seldom do themselves)
11-07-2021, 03:28 AM
Post: #139
RE: [GET] 21 Reasons Not To Get Vaccinated
Here are some more "coincidences" for you.....
- The death rate in Singapore DOUBLED once the vaccination rate went from zero to 76%....Hmmmmmmmmmm??????

Let me to paraphrase (a little) what you said:
People, you need to start thinking for yourselves and using REAL science, and stop believe in controversies that are created and repeated in social media as a way to earn more money.
I do have this curiosity: is the flat earth people working 9 to 5, or have they found that is more easy to monetize youtube and social midia channels? Stop and think a little.

The kind of falacious "thinking" about the probability of death by an asteroid versus covid must be updated.
(2021, november 5): estimated population of the world: 7.3 billion, deaths by covid up to this moment: 5053802
The numbers, of course, are not exact. But this raises the probability of dying by covid to 0.069%
The real UPDATED fact is: you have 28339785 times the probability of dying from covid than being hit by an asteroid - even if you ignorate that there is a subnotification in several countries, and that some deaths by other causes are linked to saturated health care installations not being used to help people with other problems.
I would redo the calculations, 'cos it seems that the real number of human beings now is estimated in 7.9 billion people. But it's not worth to spend time again in this.

Let us fly to Singapore
"- The death rate in Singapore DOUBLED once the vaccination rate went from zero to 76%....Hmmmmmmmmmm??????"
Well, I don't have all the answers, but I follow very closely what is happening in Brazil. But in the internet age, we can always search for the source of problems.

Singapore jumped from a previous zero-tolerance policy to this "live with the virus" policy; "that policy included stay-at-home orders, intensive testing and contact tracing, and a ban on foreign visitors"
"In May, Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong introduced the government’s plan to 'live with the virus' and transition away from a 'COVID-zero' approach."
"Singapore’s high caseload was, in part, baked into its plan to ‘live with COVID’ after 18 months of trying to every case, and ministers say that the city still plans on dropping quarantine requirements and re-opening to the world in coming weeks, even as the government reimposes some short-term social distancing measures."

Now we can talk about African countries.
Why hasn't Africa where the majority of people aren't using masks and aren't vaccinated at all have a lower infection and death rate than first world countries?
I really don't know - just like YOU. But I can see that you are talking about news that can be true - or not.
You talk about a comparision between countries with good health systems, and VERY poor countries. Subnotifications. Poor people, poor countries, weak health system, insufficient people able to count the real number of cases come to mind.
But this is only my point of view.
We can listen the specailists: they talk about genetic factors, great part of population living in rural areas, not crowded, early border closures, lockdowns, less international connectivity, etc.

Why does one of the states in India that uses Ivermectin (and an antibiotic, can't remember the name) have an almost zero infection/death rate compared to it's neighbor's that don't use these drugs?
It's called "ivermectina" here; the antibiotic is "azitromicina" (or azithromycin in english).
Both were used here. Both failed. Both were part of a "preventive" covid kit divulgated by brazilian irresponsible government.
However, a LOT of astonished people who used the infamous "covid kit" have been crowding the ICUs of Brazilian hospitals.
Even the brazilian doctor that created the "covid kit" (Guido Céspedes) with ivermectina and azitromicina died from covid.
The "zero infection/death rate" is just a lie. Oh man, I would LOVE if a low cost drug really worked.
Now we can listen the studies in India: "Additionally, there was a high risk of bias in many of the studies, particularly with the ones showing mortality benefit, as the level of certainty is low in them."
(New Delhi September 26, 2021 UPDATED: September 26, 2021)

When you talk about money, do not forget that India has strong interest in promoting the raw material used in medicines, as something that really works against covid.
Trump promoted the use of chloroquine against covid for a short period of time - and Bolsonaro, the biggest Trump supporter, is still advocating its use to this day.
Guess what happened to the price of the raw material (made in India) used for producing chloroquine. Skyrocket.
However, randomized double-blind studies have already proven that chloroquine does not work.
And while we are spending time with "solutions" that doesn't work, the vaccines ARE the real solution - at least for this moment.

"Why, since this coincidence has almost zero infections/deaths (ivermectin/antibiotic) hasn't it been double blind tested IMMEDIATELY and since it costs less than $10 per person to use, why isn't it being tested/given to people in high infection area's?"
There is NOT almost zero infections. It was tested here - sometimes with strong problems with zero consent from patients, and the result were disappointing.
However, double blinded tests with ivermectin were made all over the world, and now we know: it does not work against covid.
"The use of ivermectin, among others repurposed drugs for prophylaxis or treatment for COVID-19, should be done based on trustable evidence, without conflicts of interest, with proven safety and efficacy in patient-consented, ethically approved, randomised clinical trials."

"here in the USA when Trump was President, all the liberals said NOT to take the vaccine"
- indeed. And the vast majority of infect persons refused to take the shots

"because it was a gov't conspiracy and didn't work, but when Biden stole the White House"
- he won the election. All this blablabla of electoral fraud has never been substantiated. Here, our presidenteen Bolsonaro also said that Trump only lost because of electoral fraud - and, like his master above the Equator, he never brought any proof of this.
So, who is the best judge for this? USA justice, that decided that there was no such thing as electoral fraud, despite the belief of supporters of the disaster called Donald Trump.

"all of a sudden everyone on the planet has to (as in is forced) to take the jab whether they want it or not"
All of a sudden the planet started to live a pandemic solution, and we had to run to find a solution.
At this moment, this is the great discussion here in Brazil: freedom of choice. To be or not to be (vaccinated).
But this doubt is usually happening only in extremists from the right-wing.
Here most of our people know that the vaccine is currently the best solution.
As the vaccination is advancing, it's evident the we are choosing between to stop the pandemic, or to (abuse) the right to reinforce the pandemic.

"and whether it works or not and whether it does more harm than good (as in teenagers and kids, etc.)"
- we have studies to test if the vaccines are better than false solutions like ivermectin - in old age, adults, teenagers, kids, etc.
I like to listen real scientists.

- Let's also not forget the lie's being told by so called "scientists" about "man-made" global warming BS

I know this kind of argumentation: A real scientist is a person that agrees with me, "scientist" is one that doesn't.
While you think the global warming is not "man-made", we are seeing Amazon forest being destructed by the inaction of a stupid brazilian government, and Brazil - that had plenty of rains 15 or 20 year ago, now is facing a very long drought period.
What the scientists call the "flying river" - the clouds that bring rain from Amazon to the very distant parts of Brazil and South America - is drying. Natural causes? It's hard to believe, if we think in the devastation of our florests.
It's all the same nonsense - telling that vaccines doen't work, that the arriving of man on moon is a lie, that Trump won the election.
I understand this "living well" of yours meaning "I care only for myself only", "I work hard to get a comfortable life". "I don't care if my Ipad is produced by semi-enslaved employees, I have the money and the right to buy it!"
So sad, so good. It's kind of "The cost of a meat-based diet does not worry me. Let us replace the Amazon rainforest with pastures"
... Even if we don't have water to irrigate the crops, as the forest that was part of the rain cycle has been destroyed.

>no more gas cars (even though it takes fossil fuels to make the electricity for electric cars....DUH)
In Brazil, most of the electricity is generated by hydroelectric plants. But with the lack of rains, we started to use fossil fuels to make the electricity.
As we know, the fossil fuels can be replaced by alternative sources of energy - from wind, solar cells, etc. In the long term, fossil fuels just collaborate to pollute the world. I do not see a problem in the search of alternative energy sources. In the long term it's much better than being dependent only of fossil fuels.
11-07-2021, 11:37 AM (This post was last modified: 11-09-2021 11:29 AM by Lumos.)
Post: #140
Lightbulb RE: [GET] 21 Reasons Not To Get Vaccinated
Buried by the trolling shill posts...moving again...sorry.
I totally despise board spammers and spambots !!!
