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11-05-2019, 02:04 AM
Post: #1
Matt Furey Emperor of Emails NOTES
Matt Furey Emperor of Emails NOTES (the one with 10 CD)

People like to do business with people who make life fun. The more fun you make to do business with you, the more they want to do business with you.
Capitalization of NOW bumps response, not always but often.
Explanation marks make email lands to spam.
Don’t hide behide copy, show the real guy, don’t show a mirage.
Some of the best paragraphs are from one word.
Some of the best sentences are from 1 or 2 words.
Spell and write the way you talk. You want the person to read what you wrote the way you say it.
Great writing contains lots of contrast.
You can send the emails that works like second notice, you may have missed it and final notice, buy now and save big.
The page they go to is critical to make a sale. Take nothing for granteed.
If you are not getting nasty emails, you are not selling hard enough.
Your job is not to please people who are upset because your free tip has a link to buy sth or it was not a tip.
Begin with the end in mind.
Have goals, targets you want to hit for the year, month and day. 100 a day, 400 a day, 1000 a day.
Your list of customers is going to give you everything you want, if you give them everything they want.
Don’t just have a sale, build sales around you and your life.
Give intimate details, parts of your life because people are voyares by nature and they like to watch what other people do. Reality Shows.
Your emails have to be a little bit of reality tv and a little bit of talk radio.
You email everyday because a great many of people in the world can never make up their mind.
The more often you contact them, the more money you will make. Not the more often you bother them.
You have to assume a lot of these guys havent open my emails in 2 months. A lot of people read but don’t bother to click.
A lot of people read the sl, are intrested but say I will buy it later.
A lot of them read the s.l. 6-7 times and still thinking about.
They take forever to make their mind. Keep hummering it in a nice, soft way, and you develop a stronger relationship with your customers.
1. Email them everyday.
2. Be personal and friendly in emails.
Every email you send is a sales presentation. It starts with a little foreplay, with a friendly story, with a pick into my life or some information and usually a combination of both than it goes into how it relates to my product and why you need to have it.
Friendly guy next door.
The strength extended too far becomes a weakness. If you repeat the same subject line or any other pattern everyday, it will work less and less.
You want subject line that are original, that are thoughts provoken, that contains curiosity, that make the person go, I got to know what is inside this email.
If you have RARE Direct Response courses i will bribe the hell out of you with latest Dan Kennedy stuff nobody has on the entire blackhat part of the internet! Send me a pm.
11-05-2019, 02:05 AM
Post: #2
RE: Matt Furey Emperor of Emails NOTES
How to stay young forever
One of my daily health tips may save your life
Pop up on every page.
Exit pop up, wait a minute.
A pop up How Bob got the girl. Then beneath 10 reasons why you should get this book now and the list of bullets.
Say googbye to fat, say goodby to weakness.
Wanna be in the best shape of your life
Tired of being out of shape
How to say goodbye to flab
How to influence without words
Whenever you are stuck go back to trusted power words HOW TO, SECRETS
You tell them what to do but you give them no instructions oh how to do it
Or you give them instructions on how to do it but they have to have your ebook to know what you are talking about .
Don’t tell them your best stuff for free. The best stuff they should pay for.
Give them introductory stuff that they can test.
Pick up guys reveal too much.
The trick is to make it appear you told them what to do and how to do it.
Never give instructions or give instrcutions that are zero good unless you buy a product.
Your problem is that you want to teach. Ain’t no money in teaching.
Teach them in books and courses.
The free ebook Forget the weights, forget the carbio. The free ebook is a collection of my 10 best ever emails and these emails contains links to products to buy. Every link is tracked like an affiliate link. Has table of contents, headlines, sections. The very last page of this ebook is offline order form they can fax it or mail it. Key the form to track the sales.
Thank you email positions you the way you want to be positioned.
After thank you email begins a 5 day autoresponder. After it everything is writeen live, daily.
There are events that can help you to get your email open, things that are hot right now, like a new movie.
Daily emails help you to test leads and copy. When you see sth bumped sales, go and change your sales letter to incorporate winning element.
Use questions and numbers in headlines
Never wake up tired again.
Can you beat depression
Six pack abs on 72 years old
Five exercise that increase sex drive
You know why sex is spelled s-e-x
To get thorough spam filters mispel words, make your writing more intresting
Get fit one minute at a time.
Start your email with how to, why, what.
1 Work out that changed my life forever
What every man should be able to do.
Most of out job is to write curiosity headlines that make people want to open to get the answers.
Darth Vader secret exercise routine revealed
A message from India
The story of two brothers that exercised differently.
Never put anything that doesn’t have sth to click on.
Money, millionare are spam words. To get around, mispel them.
When you get in a habit of doing sth everyday it becomes like going to the toilet.
Darth Vader Sex Secrets Revealed
Yoda Sex Secrets Revealed
Intresting and Entertaining, not specifically funny.
You better have pretty good subheads cuz people tend to scroll on the internet.
If you don’t hook them with good subheads, your copy better be amazing.
You want to start with a short sentence in the majourity of cases.
Make the case for your program just with headlines and subheads.
You want race card speed when they open your email. Energetic.
Amplify your idea. Make it Emotional. Make it Powerful. Make it Active. Colorful.
Your problem is you don’t write like you talk.
20 Times our income 1. Frequency 2. Personal 3.Active voice, colorful, powerful. 4. First sentence that sets the tone.
Don’t try to write, talk.
Engaging, simple sentences.
Write talk. Talk write.
Repetition is not redundancy. Repetition is hypnotising. I have a dream speech. People go into a trance when you repeat the words. We fight them onto this. We fight them onto that.
People who edit copy and don’t understand selling eliminate words used more than once, redundancy. Cuz it’s not creative. You’r not trying to be creative. You are trying to sell your product.
You have max 15 min. to write this email cuz you have to catch a plane.
One last fight.
Money is attracted to speed.
Email everyday even if you have 10 people on your list.
The question is how much do you make per 15 minutes.
If they write to ask you if you have money back guarantee, delete don’t answer.
Everyday write sth designed to sell sth.
If you can’t think of what to write, start from the most familiar thing, drinking hot tea I got thinking about you.
You’ve got to develop an ability to start and be focused on your objective. What you did that somehow mysteriously links to your product and why they should get it.
People don’t always have to be told click here. Sometimes they here it clealry on their own.
Write for clock.
In the first draft just write everything you’ve got. Small. Ugly. Then you can throw what you don’t like. Don’t change anything when you write.
Money is attracted to speed. Just get the d*** thing done.
If you keep correcting all the time, you never get into the flow.
When you write without correcting you develop the confidence in what you write. Who gives the d***. Just move on to the next sentence.
Don’t make a chore out of it.
The easier it is for you to write, the easier it is for them to read.
The fastest route to write compelling copy is to start from a story.
The keys to getting read 1. Personality driven with Salesmanship. Make yourself into the guy or the girl next door who just happen to be a superstar. 2. Write as if writing to 1 person. 3. When writing be careful about your positioning, your accesibility. 3. As you write be constantly aware of authority invoice.
When you didn’t know anything about selling you just talked about qualities of these things and they bought.
Not every email has to have a straight tip.
They can get a tip, a motivation they are on the right track, a motivation via a testimonial.
Write in short sentences.
Write a conversation between two people.
11-05-2019, 02:06 AM
Post: #3
RE: Matt Furey Emperor of Emails NOTES
Start with a quote, end with the quote, put the quote in the middle. Does the selling for you.
Start with a headline just to get going, then find a headline in your writing.
Give information but not the whole story. Don’t give so much they don’t need a product.
3 ways to improve, increase, save
3 ways to improve your headlines
3 ways to increase sales with
3 ways to break someone’s neck
If you know – subtle pitch
Don’t repeat the same formula everyday. Don’t give them beef everyday.
Long story
Short story
Mix it up
Lubrication before penetration
You gotta write a few paragraphs designed to sell sth everyday even if you don’t have a website.
What can I write to my list today that’s intresting? That they will enjoy?
What can I write to my list today that can convince ppl to buy sth?
Subject line Can you pick up chicks instantly?
To make more money think about these questions
What is intresting?
What is entertaining?
What can I tell my list to be sure they read it?
What can I say to them that will ultimately lead them to buy sth?
If you have a tip everyday, you have to be pretty good.
People can’t resist reading cartoons.
5 Second Abs
Don’t think of your book as this is what you are selling, think of what’s next.
Articles writeen by you on other webistes with a URL to your website.
Articles writeen by you that other people can publish in their e zine
A lot of websites just like magazines need content, articles.
Don’t let them put your article without a link to your website.
Personality driven/ talk show radio host, neighborhood columnist, be yourseld, it’s ok that there will be people that wont like you.
Don’t be a nice guy. Don’t try to be friends with everybody.
Understand behavioral psycology/ not everyone responds to click here and do this. Some people have to be told not to click here and do this, and they wil do it. Some people have to be told in a different way. Some people don’t have to be told at all. You just leave a link and that’s all.
Teasing. Give and Take. Give them sth and start pulling it away. Put it in their mouth and then start pulling it away.
Outrageous and fearless leadership and controversy. Take a stand so you are not wishy whashy.
Morning email lubrication, soft sell. Afternoon email penetration.
Avoid commonly used email methods.
You want a different opening for every email.
It’s a mistake always going back to the same pitch. Everytime you call someone to sell you want to have sth new to tell them. If what you said before wasn’t sufficient evidance, the 7 other times you visited them, what makes you think it will be sufficent evidance today? It’s not. You’ve got to present new evidance. Do it in every email. Here’s a different testimonial. Don’t send the same one. And different results somebody got.
Html doesn’t look like it was sent from a friend next door. The more personal, the better.
If you correct all the mistakes, it hurts you. This guy is giving me the truth. Look he can’t spell. He couldn’t have thought of a lie, he can’t spell.
Newsletter/a halbert style
Fresh content writeen daily , non autoresponder
How to have a fresh content/ I was in a restaurant, just got off the phone, I was just talking to a friend, just received an email
A. Current events in your life /tie restaurant
B. Current events in the news/ Incredible Hulk work out
C. Q/A very hard to resist like cartoons, you can put a couple of questions per email
D. Question, Question, The third question is positioned like a Q but it’s a raving testimonial, you give a tip to get better results and they plugged a product for you
Don’t reward bad behaviour. Don’t reply to people who say they haven’t purchased yet.
Bad monkeys don’t get the prize. You don’t want to reinforce the habit it’s possible to get results w/o buying your product
Bad monkeys get spanked. Here delete.
If someone crticize you openly think how to benefit from it in oyur email. It gives you a chance to explain your position. Amplify it. Clarify it. It will motivete people to share even more facts to support your position.
Don’t mention competitors in your emails. All you do is give them traffic and sales.
Stories from the past. From your college. Career. What you learned from mentors.
Opinions of other prodcuts, people .
Other events
Observe what made them buy and repeat. It’s a proven appeal.
Don’t repeat appleas that don’t work.
Make banners as ugly as possible. It will stand out. You don’t want yours to be lost.
Read Gitomer Parrison Principles of Selling.
The most prepared is the most likely to win.
You are in a sales business.
When you answer an email don’t write another email, make it short and to the point.
Don’t answer questions if they didn’t buy unless it’s clear they may buy.
If you get any kind of a threat, print it out and save in file on this person.
Good headlines come from testimonials.
Thank you, it’s email of the week, I’ll put it on my desk.
11-05-2019, 05:19 AM
Post: #4
RE: Matt Furey Emperor of Emails NOTES
Hey bro this is an excellent summary and notes. Thanks for sharing them.
We have to remember some of these basic things that are the foundation of marketing.
Max reps to you
11-05-2019, 09:06 AM
Post: #5
RE: Matt Furey Emperor of Emails NOTES
Thanks for sharing. Sent you some reps.
11-06-2019, 07:16 AM
Post: #6
RE: Matt Furey Emperor of Emails NOTES
Thanks for this.

But can u have these well stuffed in a PDF?
11-06-2019, 09:34 AM
Post: #7
RE: Matt Furey Emperor of Emails NOTES
Max reps and thanks to you GetStuffDone! This is an excellent share. Hadn't really read much of Matt's stuff but this is very on point and some real dynamite in there from just a quick glance. Already have ideas percolating! thanks again.

@Jubileewizzy It's as simple as copying these into a word or open office text document and click one or two buttons to convert this to a pdf.
"Other than that Mrs. Lincoln, how'd you enjoy the play?"
11-06-2019, 01:43 PM
Post: #8
RE: Matt Furey Emperor of Emails NOTES
Nice notes.

Thanks for this.
11-06-2019, 02:45 PM (This post was last modified: 11-06-2019 02:45 PM by ohmganesh.)
Post: #9
RE: Matt Furey Emperor of Emails NOTES
I copied and pasted the notes into a word document for me, and then made it into a PDF especially for the lazy guy above who couldn't make the effort to do it himself.
It took about 68 seconds...

11-07-2019, 12:46 AM
Post: #10
RE: Matt Furey Emperor of Emails NOTES
Hey guys, if you like my share do the same! Take a d*** good course on copywriting and publish notes! It will help us all!
